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分享 Interpretation
我要去上海交大 2016-11-8 13:22
引语口译 1.Safety and danger alternate with each other .Misfortune and fortune generate each other .Slowness and promptness follow each other .Gathering and scattering complement each other. 安危相易,祸福相生,缓急相争,聚散相成。 2.When full,remember someone else is suffering hunger;when warm,remember someone else is suffering cold;when in ease ,remember someone else is suffering fatigue. 饱而知人之饥,温而知人之寒,逸而知人之劳。 3.One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth ,if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss. 不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深渊,不知地之厚也。 4.A thousand sails pass by the shipwreck;ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。 5. Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters. 天生万物,唯人为贵。 6.The passage of time is just like the follow of water,which is goes on day and night. 逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。 7.The people are the most important element in a state;next are the gods of land and grain;least is the ruler himself. 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。 8.Nothing can separate people with common goals and ideals.not even mountains and seas. 志合者,不以山海为远。 9.Drain not the pond to catch fish;burn not up whole tracts of forests to hunt animals. 不凅泽而渔,不焚林而猎。 10. All living creatures grow together without harming one another;ways run parallel without interfering with one another. 万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。 11.Distance cannot separate true friends who feel so close even when they are thousands of miles apart. 相知无远近,万里尚为邻。 12.From shore to shore it is wide at high tide,and before fair wind a sail is lifting. 潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。 13.Unless you pile up little steps ,you can never journey a thousand miles;unless you pile up tiny streams ,you can never make a river or a sea. 不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。 14. It is better to hear something than not to hear it;still better to see it than to hear it ;still better to know it than to see it; still better to practice it than to know it.Learning will not stop until it is put into practice. 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之。学至于行之而止矣。 15. I just love lotus for it having grown out of muck without being defiled .It stands erect in waters,fair and graceful. 出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。 16.The Way that can be told of is not an unvarying Way;the names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was the nameless that Heaven and the Earth sprang from;it was the named that nurtured everything between the Heaven and the Earth. 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。 17. A just cause enjoys abundant support,while an unjust one finds little support. 得道者多助,失道者寡助。 18.As the Earth's capacity is to hold,so must a gentleman constantly cultivate virtue in himself to shoulder the world. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 19.Only when one is not here to seek glory and wealth can one have great ideals;only by being in peace at heart can one think and see far ahead. 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 20. It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake ,and no power and force can suffocate. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈,此之后谓大丈夫。
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分享 What India can learn from China
912726421 2014-5-18 12:00
Editor's note: Ravi Agrawal is CNN's New Delhi Bureau chief and was formerly senior producer of the network's "Fareed Zakaria GPS." Follow him on Twitter: @RaviAgrawalCNN Hong Kong (CNN) -- I met an entrepreneur recently who was comparing doing business in Asia's two biggest countries. "When I'm in India," he said, "I spend the first 40 minutes of any meeting exchanging niceties. In the last five minutes, we get to business." What about China? "We do business for 40 minutes. Right at the end, we chit-chat for five." It's only an anecdote, but the results seem to bear it out. China gets things done; India invents ways not to. China dazzles the world by hosting an impeccable Olympics; India struggles to complete basic infrastructure for the Commonwealth Games. Perhaps that's why it's fascinating to watch the rise of India's Narendra Modi, the man many believe will be India's next Prime Minister. Modi's sales pitch is simple: he gets things done. For Indians, it's a seductive notion: Can India be like China? Ravi Agrawal There is no doubt that India has room to improve. Consider productivity: India's ranks 60th in the world on the World Economic Forum's ranking of countries by competitiveness (China is 29th). Or consider ease of doing business: the World Bank ranks India 134th in the world. If you want to start a business, the World Bank says India ranks 179th in the world -- in other words, go ahead and explore opportunities in 178 other countries before you settle on India. It's as good as putting a "closed" sign on the shop door. For businesses in India and beyond, Modi represents an end to red tape. India's financial markets are salivating at the prospect of his leadership -- stocks are up 20% since his candidacy was announced last September. If you speak to voters in his home state of Gujarat -- which has flourished with Chinese levels of growth under his leadership in the last decade -- Modi represents the joys of getting rich. Sounds familiar? That's because it evokes Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese premier who kick-started national reforms and an unprecedented period of growth. It's not just Deng. Modi has been compared to a number of world leaders. Some say he would be like Lee Kuan Yew , Singapore's visionary leader. (Note that implicit in these comparisons is the understanding that Modi could tend toward being authoritarian). Others say the best person to compare Modi to is U.S. President Ronald Reagan -- because both were outsiders resented by traditional elites. Still others insist the best analogy is former British PM Margaret Thatcher, because of their shared appetite for privatization and small government. Modi could be any -- or none -- of those leaders. The truth is we just don't know; we don't have enough information about his track record, and how it could translate across India. But the larger point is that this is not just about Modi, it's about India. Hinduja calls for Modi majority in India Inflation a concern for Indian voters Meet India's first time voters The Carnegie Endowment's Milan Vaishnav rightly points out that even the most reform-minded prime minister would face many hurdles. Among them, Vaishnav cites a J.P. Morgan study of 50 of the central government's stalled investment projects: 40 of them fell through because of state, and not central, red tape. Constitutionally, there's little a prime minister can do about that, no matter how reform-minded. Let me use another anecdote to explain the task ahead for the world's biggest democracy. Indians are infamous for being unpunctual. So, one wonders, is that genetic? Are Indians inherently prone to being late to meetings? The answer is no. Take an Indian who is unpunctual, and place him in New York -- he'll likely be on time for every meeting he schedules. Similarly, a New Yorker would likely become unpunctual in New Delhi. The reason is that punctuality is based on economic incentive -- if everyone is always on time, then it makes sense to make an effort to be on time. It follows then, punctuality is based on inertia. If everyone's doing it, it's in your best interest to follow suit. In a free democracy like India, progress is based on inertia, too. Everyone needs to push at the same time. Indians can dream to have cities like Singapore, Hong Kong or Beijing. But to do so they will need more than just one reform-minded leader. They will need change from the bottom up. For better or worse, such is the nature of India's secular, constitutional democracy. India can certainly learn from China. But to do that, it doesn't have to become China. In the next few weeks and months, that is the issue Indians will be debating
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分享 sas macro learn
cd_jackcy 2013-12-20 17:53
data st.sz300001; set st.temp; where stock_code='SZ300001'; KEEP TXN_DATE TXN_VOL; run; proc sort data=st.sz300001;by txn_date ; DATA st.sz300001; SET st.sz300001;obsi=_n_;run; DATA st.sz300001; SET st.sz300001 nobs=last; *do obsi=2 to nobs; i=min((obsi-1),(last-obsi));ntotal=last;run; proc transpose data=st.sz300001 out=a PREFIX=obs name=val; run; data b;set a;if val='Txn_Vol';run; proc contents data=b out=mm;run; data mc(obs=1);set mm nobs=last; dd=last;keep dd;run; %macro t; data bb; set b; dsid=open("work.b"); num=attrn(dsid,"nvars"); %do i=1 %to 223; %if %eval(i.-1)=%eval(223-i.) %then %let nloop=%eval(223-i.) ;%else %let nloop=%eval(i.-1); %do j=1 %to nloop.; %let JPlus=%eval(i.+j.); %let JMinus=%eval(i.-j.); %*%if %eval(obsi.-obsJPlus.)=0 and %eval(obsi.-obsJMinus.)=0 %then %let result=obsi.; x=obsi.*1; y=obsi.-obsJPlus.; z=obsi.-obsJMinus.; if y=0 and z=0 then do;result=x; numJ=j.; end; put i obsi. obsJMinus. obsJPlus. y z result numJ; %end; %end; run; %mend; %t;
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分享 Start to learn SAS and Matlab
fage19830611 2013-1-22 02:59
This is the first day I want to learn SAS and Matlab.
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