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sheldonjiao 2013-8-30 14:19
http://news.hexun.com/2013-08-30/157585410.html 【环球时报综合报道】美英对叙利亚的军事打击计划昨天看上去稍微放缓了一下步调, 奥巴马 宣称“尚未作出决定”, 英国 首相卡梅伦表示愿意等到联合国核查小组的调查结果之后。美英为何犹豫?路透社称, 民调显示只有9%的 美国 民众支持军事干预叙利亚, 美国国会高调施压奥巴马,称 动武必须经过国会同意 ,英国国内更是吵成一片,反战组织紧锣密鼓地策划大游行,中俄在安理会的立场也弱化了美英开战的合法性。但美英的暂时犹豫绝非收手,奥巴马已经给叙利亚ZF定罪,认定巴沙尔当局使用了化武。英国的“台风”战机, 法国 最先进的护卫舰昨天奔赴叙利亚周边。 俄罗斯 昨天向地中海派遣战舰的消息让局势更为紧绷。中东火药桶一触即发的形势之下,以色列人排队领取防毒面具, 土耳其 军队进入高度戒备,中国外交部呼吁国人暂停赴叙旅行。位于风暴眼的大马士革更是进入“战争状态”,叙利亚ZF已经在迁移可能遭西方轰炸的政治军事目标。英国《卫报》说,叙利亚8000敢死队员在等着美国。 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324009304579043323265631130.html?mod=WSJAsia_hpp_LEFTTopStories wall st journel Congress Finds It Tough to Block Military Action WASHINGTON—Lawmakers of both parties have been voicing reservations over using force in Syria, but if President Barack Obama directs the U.S. military to punish Bashar al-Assad's regime for its alleged use of chemical weapons, Congress has little chance of stopping him. US ready to act alone as UK rejects Syria strike http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c562580a-10f8-11e3-b5e4-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2dQQpPzDT High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut paste the article. See our TsCs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Emailto buy additional rights. The US is prepared to act without the UK against Syria in retaliation for alleged chemical attacks after British MPs stunned their government by rejecting David Cameron’s attempts to win parliamentary support for missile strikes.
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