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Create Dynamic Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 书本及光盘数据文件 attachment Excel stone614 2010-9-21 6 2556 Richardhfwu 2018-10-26 17:07:51
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分享 3 Ways to Create a Winning and Healthy Mindset
alloon 2016-7-29 15:58
One of the biggest determining factors whether someone lives a life of major contributionand greatness or ends up going to theirgrave with all of their potentialstill inside of them is mindset -- how we think and feel,largely about ourselves. Think of your mind as the Grand Master , the ruler of your destiny, because that's exactly what it is. How we think and feel is determined by how we see the world, and how we see the world is determined by how we see ourselves. Unfortunately, when something goes wrong in someone’s life, they begin to look at the world and themselves with a limited vision. They put on blinders and neglect to see all of the potential that is still out in front of them. The failure, hardshipor pain that they are currently experiencing completely shrinks their belief system and takes over their thought processes. Related: How Positivity Makes You Healthy and Successful It's our job to change this cycle and get ourselves back on track by reconditioning our minds. How we think and what we think about is up to us. If we don't take the initiative to recondition our thought processes on a continual basis and work to develop our minds consistently, the harsh circumstances of life will do it for us. Here are three ways to help you developyour mind and workto interrupt negative and toxic thoughts that may be holding you back from unleashing your full potential into the world. 1.Create a grand vision for your life. So many struggle with taking control of their minds and seeing all of the true beauty that life has to offerbecause of alack of vision. It’s important that we create a grand vision for our lives because that’s what pushes us forward despite whatever hardship or negative situation may be present at the moment. Oprah Winfrey saidit best: “Create the highest, grandest vision for your life, because you become what you believe.” If you can’t see itfor yourself then it will never happen. You must be able to see yourself victorious. You must be able to see yourself building a remarkable and dominant organization. You must be able to see yourself get out of debt and become financially independent. If you can’t see it, you’ll never achieve it. 2. Make a trigger card. Take a notecard and write down your two most important goals in the pasttense as if you have already accomplished them. When Jim Carreywas a broke, struggling actor, he took a blank check and made it out to himself.He wrote it in the amount of $1 million. He dated it one year from that moment.Every day, he looked at his “trigger card” and knew that he would achieve his goal. In one year, he was earning more than $1 million. Related: 5 Philosophies That Will Help You on Your Path to Success In the same way, you can use numerous things as your “trigger card.” Making a trigger card is one of the best ways that has made a profound difference in my life as far as interrupting negative and toxic thoughts and getting me back on track towards achieving my biggest goals at the moment. As Anthony Robbins once said, “Begin to live as though your prayers are already answered.” 3. Answer some of life’s biggest questions. What do you want your life to stand for? How do you want to be remembered? What do you want your contribution to the world to be? These are just three of many of life’s biggest questions. By asking ourselves these intimate and extremely impactful questions, we get that much closer to living a life withpurpose. So many men and women unfortunatelyjust coast along through their everyday lives, never really taking the time to even think about life’s biggest questions, let alone answer them. This causes them to move further away from what ignites them so they can do meaningful work. Find what tugs at your heart and how you want to live your life. Those that neglect taking the time to answer and think about some of life’s biggest questions will always struggle with adopting a winning and healthy mindset, especially when adversity of any sort strikes. It’s safe to say that the world that we live in right now is full of distress. All it will take is to turn on the news or take a glance at the newspaper to come to that conclusion. With that being said, if you don’t get serious about thinking of your mind as the grand master of your destiny and taking control of what you choose to think about, this messy and noisy world will do it for you.
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分享 【2011】How to Prepare a Business Plan: Create Your Strategy
kychan 2015-4-2 17:29
【2011】How to Prepare a Business Plan: Create Your Strategy https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-3643866-1-1.html 声明: 本资源仅供学术研究参考之用,发布者不负任何法律责任,敬请下载者支持购买正版。 提倡免费分享! 我发全部免费的,分文不收 来看看 ... 你也可关注我 https://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=addfuid=3727866 请加入 【KYCHAN文库】 https://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collectionaction=viewctid=2819 【KYCHAN文库】 是kychan贡献上传的大量书籍, 用户免费下载 速度执行:立刻,现在,马上欢迎订阅 想要实时获取免费的书籍,请在我的头像下方点 "加关注" 哟!
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分享 SPSS中的循环语句的多种写法与注意事项
leadingsoci 2015-2-8 17:44
*下面的命令可以拷贝到SPSS的命令编辑窗口进行运行。. *打开命令窗口. *复制下面的命令,选择特定的例子点击运行即可查看结果。可以逐步选择命令的部分,查看命令运行结果. **********************************************. *示例1循环处理两个变量. * do_repeat1.sps. *创建示例数据. ***create some sample data***. DATA LIST LIST /var1 var3 id var2. BEGIN DATA 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 END DATA. ***real job starts here***. *将两个变量的取值都替换为99. DO REPEAT v=var1 var2. - COMPUTE v=99. END REPEAT. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例2将两个变量的取值分别替换为某些值. * do_repeat2.sps. *创建示例数据. ***create some sample data***. DATA LIST LIST /var1 var3 id var2. BEGIN DATA 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 END DATA. ***real job starts here***. DO REPEAT v=var1 TO var2 /val=1 3 5 7. - COMPUTE v=val. END REPEAT PRINT. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例3,根据案例在数据中的顺序进行不同的处理,第一个案例,创建一个conver变量, 取值为0-10的随机整数 . *其他案例都等于上一个案例conver取值。 DO IF $CASENUM=1. COMPUTE conver=TRUNC(UNIFORM(10)). ELSE. COMPUTE conver=LAG(conver). END IF. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例4. * doif_elseif_missing.sps. *创建示例数据. *create sample data with missing data. DATA LIST FREE (",") /a. BEGIN DATA 1, , 1 , , END DATA. *创建一个变量b取值与a相同. COMPUTE b=a. *注意在SPSS中首先判断某个变量取值是否为缺失值,再判断是否为某个具体值,如果将判定某个具体值放在前面,缺失值判定放在后面将实际无效. * The following does NOT work since the second condition is never evaluated. DO IF a=1. - COMPUTE a1=1. ELSE IF MISSING(a). - COMPUTE a1=2. END IF. *下面的处理是可行的. * On the other hand the following works. DO IF MISSING(b). - COMPUTE b1=2. ELSE IF b=1. - COMPUTE b1=1. END IF. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例5条件语句 if do else do endif. *if_doif1.sps. *创建示例数据. DATA LIST FREE /var1. BEGIN DATA 1 2 3 4 END DATA. COMPUTE newvar1=(var13). IF (var13) newvar2=1. IF (var1=3) newvar2=0. DO IF var13. - COMPUTE newvar3=1. ELSE. - COMPUTE newvar3=0. END IF. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例6 if do else if do endif. *if_doif2.sps *创建示例数据. DATA LIST FREE /var1 var2. BEGIN DATA 1 1 2 1 END DATA. IF (var1=1) newvar1=1. IF (var2=1) newvar1=2. DO IF var1=1. - COMPUTE newvar2=1. ELSE IF var2=1. - COMPUTE newvar2=2. END IF. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例7 loop if do end loop和loop do end loop if 的用法. *loop_if1.sps. *创建示例数据. DATA LIST FREE /X. BEGIN DATA 1 2 3 4 5 END DATA. *纵向反复处理10次. SET MXLOOPS=10. COMPUTE Y=0. LOOP IF (X~=3). - COMPUTE Y=Y+1. END LOOP. COMPUTE Z=0. *此loop有所差异. LOOP. - COMPUTE Z=Z+1. END LOOP IF (X=3). EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例8依据变量取值的特征进行有条件的处理. *loop_if2.sps. *创建示例数据. ***create sample data, including a string variable***. DATA LIST FREE /numvar(f2) stringvar(a15). BEGIN DATA 1 "A B" 2 "A B C" 3 "A B C D" END DATA. ***real job starts here***. *最多循环两回. SET MXLOOPS = 2. *将字符中的逐次替换为_. LOOP IF INDEX(stringvar,"")0. - COMPUTE SUBSTR(stringvar,INDEX(stringvar,""),1)="-". END LOOP. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例9嵌套循环的loop. *loop_nested.sps. *创建示例数据. NEW FILE. SET SEED 987987987. INPUT PROGRAM. - VECTOR UniformVar(100). *创建100个案例. - *parent loop creates cases. - LOOP #I=1 TO 100. *每个案例100个变量,随机取值. - *nested loop creates values for each variable in each case. - LOOP #J=1 to 100. - COMPUTE UniformVar(#J)=UNIFORM(1000). - END LOOP. - END CASE. - END LOOP. - END FILE. END INPUT PROGRAM. COMPUTE UniformMean=mean(UniformVar1 TO UniformVar100). COMPUTE NormalVar=500+NORMAL(100). FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=NormalVar UniformVar1 UniformMean /FORMAT=NOTABLE /HISTOGRAM NORMAL /ORDER = ANALYSIS. **********************************************. *示例10利用loop将一个汇总数据还原成个案数据. *loop_xsave.sps. *创建示例数据,20岁的男性和女性分别为2人,2人;如此等等. DATA LIST FREE /Age Female Male. BEGIN DATA 20 2 2 21 0 0 22 1 4 23 3 0 24 0 1 END DATA. *每条记录循环次数为男性+女性数,并且将生产的新纪录(这里只保留了年龄与性别)添加到一个新数据集中. LOOP #cnt=1 to SUM(Female, Male). - COMPUTE Gender = (#cnt Female). - XSAVE OUTFILE="c:\temp\tempdata.sav" /KEEP Age Gender. END LOOP. EXECUTE. *打开查看产生的数据. GET FILE='c:\temp\tempdata.sav'. COMPUTE IdVar=$CASENUM. FORMATS Age Gender (F2.0) IdVar(N3). EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例11,跳出循环的几种方式. *loop1.sps. *创建示例数据. *create sample data, 4 vars = 0. DATA LIST FREE /var1 var2 var3 var4 var5. BEGIN DATA 0 0 0 0 0 END DATA. ***Loops start here***. *最多循环多少次Loop that repeats until MXLOOPS value reached. SET MXLOOPS=10. LOOP. - COMPUTE var1=var1+1. END LOOP. *使用游标确定循环次数Loop that repeats 9 times, based on indexing clause. LOOP #I = 1 to 9. - COMPUTE var2=var2+1. END LOOP. *使用条件,条件不满足则跳出Loop while condition not encountered. LOOP IF (var3 8). - COMPUTE var3=var3+1. END LOOP. *使用非条件,条件一满足则跳出Loop until condition encountered. LOOP. - COMPUTE var4=var4+1. END LOOP IF (var4 = 7). *直接使用跳出条件Loop until BREAK condition. LOOP. - DO IF (var5 6). - COMPUTE var5=var5+1. - ELSE. - BREAK. - END IF. END LOOP. EXECUTE. **********************************************. *示例12使用宏来. *macro_loop_from_data.sps *创建示例数据. *create some sample data. DATA LIST LIST /id(F8) var1(F8). BEGIN DATA. 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 20 2 25 3 15 3 25 END DATA. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\temp\tempdata.sav'. SET MPRINT=OFF. ***real job starts here***. *使用id为1的案例的汇总数作为循环上限,use aggregate to find sum of var 1 for id 1. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* /BREAK=id /var1_1 = SUM(var1). * Write a command file that defines a macro using the value of var1_1 as the end value for the !DO loop. *写出一个spss命令文件,其内容为一个spss宏. DO IF id=1. WRITE OUTFILE 'c:\temp\temp.sps' /"DEFINE !LoopingMacro()" / "!DO !cnt=1 !TO " var1_1 /"COMPUTE !CONCAT(var,!cnt)=!cnt." /"!DOEND" /"!ENDDEFINE.". END IF. EXECUTE. *打开数据和加载命令,并进行处理. *open the original data file and run the include file that defines the macro. GET FILE='c:\temp\tempdata.sav'. INSERT FILE= 'c:\temp\temp.sps'. SET MPRINT=ON. * Invoke the macro then execute transformations. !LoopingMacro. EXECUTE. *上面写出的spss文件内容如下:. *可以看到该命令将创建var1 var2一直到循环上限,并且变量的取值分别等于游标. *concat(string1,string2)是字符组合函数,构建变量名. *可以看到宏的函数和do命令前面!号。 DEFINE !LoopingMacro() !DO !cnt=1 !TO 6.00 COMPUTE !CONCAT(var,!cnt)=!cnt. !DOEND !ENDDEFINE. *.
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分享 How do I create a lagged variable
statalearning 2014-6-10 14:27
Stata 5: How do I create a lagged variable? Title Stata 5: Creating lagged variables Author James Hardin, StataCorp Date January 1996 Create lag (or lead) variables using subscripts. . gen lag1 = x . gen lag2 = x . gen lead1 = x You can create lag (or lead) variables for different subgroups using the by prefix. For example, . sort state year . by state: gen lag1 = x If there are gaps in your records and you only want to lag successive years, you can specify . sort state year . by state: gen lag1 = x if year==year +1 See egen for details on creating variables of moving averages.
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分享 Beyond 3.5%, The 'Rotation' Becomes Disorderly
insight 2013-8-16 15:47
n var ord = window.ord || Math.floor(Math.random()*10e12); document.write(''); google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); Beyond 3.5%, The 'Rotation' Becomes Disorderly Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/14/2013 10:39 -0400 Bond Equity Markets Exchange Traded Fund Institutional Investors Volatility A low cost of capital is the underpinning of much of the exuberance that shareholders are showing for stocks as management are able to lever-up (in the face of deteriorating fundamentals) to reward shareholders (via buybacks or state-sponsored dividends). With rates surging in the last few days, a critical question is how much will it take to accelerate outflows from bond funds and lead to significantly wider credit spreads for corporations? As BofAML notes, the consensus is now that a 3.5% 10Y rate is enough to trigger a disorderly rotation by which institutional investors are unwilling (based on risk expectations) to bid for the yieldier credit market debt as retail flows out. This is crucial since if the credit markets sell-off, firms will be unable to fund the expectations priced into equity markets and lead to a shift back to the sidelines from risk-assets in general. Via BofAML, With a 14bps move higher in 10-year interest rates over the past two days, the key question is how much will it take to accelerate outflows from bond funds enough to lead to wider high grade credit spreads? While we already expect outflows from (non-short term) funds to increase based on the move in interest rates so far (see Figure 4 at the end of this piece), clearly a move to 3.0% on the 10-year over the next several weeks would lead to much more meaningful outflows. Whether such scenario actually leads to wider credit spreads depends on the extent of institutional buying interest at the new more attractive levels. That in turn depends on whether interest rates are perceived to stabilize at the new higher levels – thus the other key variable to watch is rates volatility. Our latest Credit Investor Survey, conducted July 8-11, showed that 3.5% on the 10-year is most commonly thought of as the trigger of a disorderly rotation – i.e. higher interest rates leading to outflows and wider credit spreads – among high grade investors. Put differently, 3.0% on the 10-year will not lead to overall wider credit spreads if there is enough buying interest from institutional investors (though note that the 10s/30s spread curve would flatten further, as mutual fund/ETF holdings are concentrated in the belly of the curve, whereas institutional demand is disproportional in the long end of the curve). However, if the probability of a further move higher in interest rates to 3.5% is high – which will be the perception if interest rate volatility is high – certain institutional investors will choose to remain on the sidelines. Thus there may not be enough institutional buying interest to mitigate retail fund outflows and contain overall high grade spread levels. The bottom line is: if firms are unable to borrow cheap to fund the buybacks and dividends that investors have become so enamored with (and conditioned to); a disorderly rotation from rates will in fact have a major negative on equity prices as capital costs surge making shareholder-friendliness uneconomic... considering by far the greatest aspect of EPS beats has been a reduction in the float via buybacks , the fear should be that the much-hoped-for rising rate scenario (lauded by so many as indicative of great things ahead) is in fact nothing but flow-driven abd will crush EPS . Average: 5 Your rating: None Average: 5 ( 2 votes) From Great Rotation To Disorderly Retreat - Where's The Line In The Sand? The End Of 'Orderly And Fair Markets' Gold Demands Trend (Q1 2012) - Enter The Dragon Guest Post: QE Canaries In The Coal Mine? Guest Post: Of Mountains And Molehills
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