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Formation and Early Growth of Business Webs Modular Product Systems (首发) attach_img 管理信息系统 Toyotomi 2013-1-6 5 1676 潭生.经济学笔记 2014-12-8 13:00:57
Complexity Management Optimizing Product Architecture ofIndustrialProducts(首发) attachment 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) Toyotomi 2013-1-1 7 1958 潭生.经济学笔记 2014-12-8 11:58:48
悬赏 word of mouth and social media - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 mktzzk 2014-1-27 2 834 mktzzk 2014-1-28 07:23:41
悬赏 求文章:Time perception, attention, and memory: A selective review - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 richardzy 2014-1-1 3 695 HFUT_LW 2014-1-2 10:07:18
Adaptive Robust Regression by Using a Nonlinear Regression Program R语言论坛 Nicolle 2013-12-12 1 1782 jgchen1966 2013-12-14 22:09:53
急!求大牛启发!如何将Multi-process model 前瞻记忆多重过程模型与经济学结合? 行为经济学与实验经济学 onemore2006 2013-12-7 4 1085 十步天下 2013-12-10 23:40:38
马里兰大学: Economic Development of Less-Developed Areas attachment 发展经济学 夸克之一 2013-10-14 2 988 zcm328@126.com 2013-10-26 16:42:13
[金融学]大家一起读Paper7 Yuan, Yu. 2011. “Attention and trading.” Unpublished attachment 论文版 denver 2011-12-15 36 10302 zhaoyaming 2013-10-14 18:22:37
Imperfect Financial Integration and Asymmetric Information: Competing Explanatio 论文版 魔岩 2013-9-24 0 1212 魔岩 2013-9-24 22:47:17
The Unstarvable Beast 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) gongtianyu 2013-1-3 1 1418 gongtianyu 2013-1-3 01:47:42
The Age of Financial Repression 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) gongtianyu 2012-11-24 1 1293 gongtianyu 2012-11-24 01:00:16
the students Sitting for long periods: attention,please!! attachment 休闲灌水 1253197054 2012-10-15 7 1477 xupengyu2006 2012-10-19 22:07:30
attention 版主议事厅 dumb 2012-9-5 12 104 dumb 2012-9-14 11:40:59
悬赏 Predictable behavior, profits, and attention - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sqq19860225 2012-2-14 2 1008 sqq19860225 2012-2-15 09:38:45
悬赏 Investor attention, psychological anchors, and stock return predictability - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sqq19860225 2012-2-14 1 1501 xjqxxjjqq 2012-2-14 22:53:54
Sino-American military tension 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) lzguo568 2012-2-14 1 1118 chuxuezheah 2012-2-14 14:48:25
The effects of emotion on attention: A review of attentional processing of attachment 求助成功区 兵哥哥 2011-11-30 3 885 bW2D1BYc 2011-12-9 22:20:35
求Wiley上Human Brain Mapping杂志文献一篇 在线等 attachment 求助成功区 兵哥哥 2011-10-24 1 1454 luckstar7 2011-10-24 21:23:52

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