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tag 标签: Design经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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design expert中文教程 attachment 文献求助专区 狼在身边 2009-11-18 20 5953 fklihk 2019-5-30 21:55:17
Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 hepati 2009-11-21 18 7689 sunhaiquan 2019-2-16 23:09:10
Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R attachment R语言论坛 aimms 2010-5-15 11 3283 shihuachen 2016-11-1 23:48:28
[PDF] :SAMPLING:DESIGN AND ANALYSIS,by Sharon L lohr attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 flywithroy 2009-10-17 26 18753 o犭良oO 2016-1-11 03:43:52
Robust Design Methodology for Reliability attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 wesker1999 2009-11-9 8 3327 Jerry96 2014-8-11 14:13:42
2009新书 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DATA MINING TOOLS attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 leestar820922 2009-10-30 6 1620 zyk20062964 2014-1-3 15:45:26
好书分享 data_mining_for_design_and_marketing attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 易水寒士 2009-11-10 1 1189 generator 2013-3-7 11:51:38
Mark.S.Joshi 《C++ Design and Derivatines Pricing》(第二版) attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 kyq111111 2009-11-25 15 4907 becomeacea 2012-12-13 19:41:28
design expert 中文教程 attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 map1999 2009-11-25 17 9091 ktp2012 2012-8-21 06:03:47
[下载]design principles attachment 商学院 MEI眼泪 2007-5-2 0 1242 MEI眼泪 2011-11-23 12:55:29
A FIRST COURSE IN DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS 计量经济学与统计软件 zycai 2009-12-10 6 3106 ywyang 2010-9-18 09:16:51
Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty 计量经济学与统计软件 jinlingwang 2007-10-15 2 1577 probability 2010-1-1 21:34:06
CT的线性系统 Linear system and design attachment 文献求助专区 fredccr 2009-12-19 0 1313 fredccr 2009-12-19 09:27:02
Introduction to Optimum Design 2nd ed attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 CAAS_rikey 2009-10-24 1 1353 mdownloader 2009-12-3 18:44:29
下载:An Introduction to S and The Hmisc and Design Libraries (pdf) attachment R语言论坛 kg62 2009-11-15 1 1648 wgssimon1982 2009-11-15 06:56:40
好书分享 data_mining_for_design_and_marketing attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 易水寒士 2009-11-10 1 1150 luhuidal 2009-11-10 16:28:52
information and organisational design~~~ 博弈论 magicren 2009-10-14 1 1271 magicren 2009-10-14 23:35:29
The design of equity indexed annuities attachment 金融学(理论版) ktwong 2008-9-30 0 1838 ktwong 2008-9-30 10:42:00

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