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[其他] 四六级对答案啦!童鞋们请谨慎操作 [推广有奖]

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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:30:13 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群

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1. A. The woman should go on playing chess.
2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address.
3. B. His notes are not easy to read.
4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant.
5. C. He has been looking forward to spring.
6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.
7. B. Go to work on foot.
8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation.


【总评】:8 个短对话总体来说比以往四级听力要难,推理判断题居多,而且今年的听力原文中更倾向于接近真实生活,出现了口语中的省略现象。

1. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
本题的关键在于听懂反问句和反问的语调。男士说:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能是你放弃的理由吗?”反问语气表肯定!换句话说,男士的建议是你应该好好继续下棋。

2. 主要考查抓听细节的能力。
本题的关键在于听到细节“Mary should know it. ”男士说自己手边有一堆Sally的信件需要寄给她,所以需要知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟Sally联系了,但是结尾说了一句:“Mary应该知道地址。”

3. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
这道题同样是一个反义疑问句,表达肯定意思。关键听到男士的那句:“You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”话外音可以推理出来就是:我的笔迹很难认,你肯定看不出来我写的是什么笔记。

4. 主要考查的是推理能力。

5. 主要考查的是抓听细节和推理判断的能力。

6. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
关键听到男士说的那句:Many thanks for letting me use them. 太感谢你让我看他们了。thank和选项中的appreciate为同义词。

7. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
本题是典型的动作判断题。通过选项全是动词短语就可判断应该抓听动词。而本题最关键的是细节:I decided to walk to work.和选项中的Go on foot. 为同义表达。

8. 主要考查的是抓听细节的能力
本题关键是听到男士的话:男士说今早机场关闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。其中的closed for a while和选项中的Temporary closing同义。

9. C. It has a chemical processing plant.
10. D. He’s a salesman.
11. C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance.
12. B. Provide details of their products and services.

13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime.

长对话 点评


主要讲了一位化学产品公司的推销员想要向其他公司推荐自家公司产品的过程。 对话开头男士先表明自己的身份和想要推荐产品的意图,但遇到的问题是男士需要找的Mr. Grand非常忙,没空处理这件事。女士作为Mr. Grand的助理开始处理,问题的最终解决是要求男士提供自己家产品的详细介绍邮寄过来。

这是典型四级听力工作类长对话的模式:先工作方面的介绍,然后谈到工作中遇到的问题,最后是问题的解决。分别设置了这3个考点。相对而言,工作类考题比较难的地方在于部分词汇会造成干扰:例如,公司名Liquid Control Products,chemical processing, personal assistance, reference等,但除了personal assistance直接与考点相关外,其他单词没听懂考生也应完全不纠结。而personal assistance在选项中为所听即所得。





16. B) His personal history is little known.
17. D) He was a member of the town council.
18. C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.


19. A) Theft.
20. B) Have the right documents.
21. B) Use official transport.

短文1&2 点评

Passage One

16. What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?
答案:B) His personal history is little known.

17. What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?
答案:D) He was a member of the town council.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚的父亲受人尊敬,是Stratford-on-Avon镇议会的一名成员。选项a member of the town council与原文完全对应。

18. Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery?
答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚一部分的生活将永远不为人所知。因为1666年伦敦的一场大火把很多重要文件烧毁了,而这些本来可能是了解莎士比亚的重要线索。所以答案选择Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire。

Passage Two

19. What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?
答案:A) Theft.

20. What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?
答案:B) Have the right documents.

21. What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination?
答案:B) Use official transport.
【点评】文章最后提到,到达目的地后要选择乘坐正式的交通工具,不要搭乘陌生人的车。选项use official transport和文中完全一致,所听即所得可得出答案。


22. C) Sell inexpensive products.
23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
24. D) Insulted.
25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.


26. prospering
27. decade
28. opposite
29. sustain
30. In simple terms
31. establish
32. reasonably
33. take into account
34. misleading
35. using up



36. H. passively
37. F. harmful
38. I. previously
39. L. surfing
40. C. decade
41. A. climbed
42. G. outcomes
43. E. effective
44. B. consume
45. D. determine

46. F
47. B
48. M
49. C
50. E
51. Q
52. G
53. P
54. J
55. D

46. Some professionals in education are collecting signatures to voice their opposition to automated essay grading.
47. Using software to grade students’ essays saves teachers time for other work.
48. The Hewlett contests aim at improving essay grading software.
49. Though the automated grading system is widely used in multiple-choice tests, automated essay grading is still criticized by many educators.
50. Some people don’t believe the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders.
51. Critics of automated essay scoring do not seem to know the true realities in less famous universities.
52. Critics argue many important aspects of effective writing cannot be measured by computer rating programs.
53. As class size grows, most teachers are unable to give students valuable comments as to how to improve their writing.
54. The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to double check the work of human graders.
55. Students find instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably.  

Passage One
56. D – People with no college degree do not easily find work.
57. B – A rapid technological advance
58. A – Economic growth will slow down
59. C – Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
60. D – Skills are highly valued regardless of age.

Passage Two
61. C – The decline of the grain yield growth.
62. A – Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.
63. D – They force more on the increase of animal feed than food grains.
64. D – The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.
65. B – It is based on a doubtful assumption.  



In the mind of Westerners, Chinese people have the closest connection to rice, basic food for the Chinese. For a long time, rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet. There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice". People in south China plant and live on rice, while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread, while most people make steamed bread and noodles with flour.

1. 词汇点评:本篇翻译中国特有的词汇考查较多,比如大米和水稻(rice)、小麦(wheat)、面粉(flour)、馒头(steamed bread)、面条(noodles)。

2. 谚语考察:这是今年最难的一句话,因为上下文限制,最恰当的翻译必须翻出rice,这就意味着不能意译,但是“巧妇”的处理需要稍加解释(clever housewife)。

3. 语法考查:最高级、无主句、对比关系(两处)等考察也是年年必考,同学们备考时这些语法点要多加练习。


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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:33:12 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群

Using Computer Wisely

The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life. As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.

It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons. In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online. In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.


Using Computer Wisely

本题由一幅连环画 “This Modern Life: Work Home Play Life” 引出话题,探讨电脑在现代生活当中扮演的重要角色。很明显,本题主旨在于评述现代生活中电脑的过度使用这一现象,此话题与生活息息相关。本题难度适中,考生均有话可说,且与2013年曾经出现的互联网系列考题相类似。

考生要做的首先是仔细审题、确立观点。按照题干要求,第一段——Start your essay with a brief description of the picture。因此,第一段:总述图画反映的问题(The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life.) + 具体描述画面内容(As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.) = 引出下一段

第二段——Comment on this kind of modern life。确立观点(It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons.) + 两方面原因(In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online.)+ 总结观点、提出建议(In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.)



1. A. The woman should go on playing chess.
2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address.
3. B. His notes are not easy to read.
4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant.
5. C. He has been looking forward to spring.
6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.
7. B. Go to work on foot.
8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation.


【总评】:8 个短对话总体来说比以往四级听力要难,推理判断题居多,而且今年的听力原文中更倾向于接近真实生活,出现了口语中的省略现象。

1. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
本题的关键在于听懂反问句和反问的语调。男士说:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能是你放弃的理由吗?”反问语气表肯定!换句话说,男士的建议是你应该好好继续下棋。

2. 主要考查抓听细节的能力。
本题的关键在于听到细节“Mary should know it. ”男士说自己手边有一堆Sally的信件需要寄给她,所以需要知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟Sally联系了,但是结尾说了一句:“Mary应该知道地址。”

3. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
这道题同样是一个反义疑问句,表达肯定意思。关键听到男士的那句:“You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”话外音可以推理出来就是:我的笔迹很难认,你肯定看不出来我写的是什么笔记。

4. 主要考查的是推理能力。

5. 主要考查的是抓听细节和推理判断的能力。

6. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
关键听到男士说的那句:Many thanks for letting me use them. 太感谢你让我看他们了。thank和选项中的appreciate为同义词。

7. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
本题是典型的动作判断题。通过选项全是动词短语就可判断应该抓听动词。而本题最关键的是细节:I decided to walk to work.和选项中的Go on foot. 为同义表达。

8. 主要考查的是抓听细节的能力
本题关键是听到男士的话:男士说今早机场关闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。其中的closed for a while和选项中的Temporary closing同义。

9. C. It has a chemical processing plant.
10. D. He’s a salesman.
11. C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance.
12. B. Provide details of their products and services.

13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime.

长对话 点评


主要讲了一位化学产品公司的推销员想要向其他公司推荐自家公司产品的过程。 对话开头男士先表明自己的身份和想要推荐产品的意图,但遇到的问题是男士需要找的Mr. Grand非常忙,没空处理这件事。女士作为Mr. Grand的助理开始处理,问题的最终解决是要求男士提供自己家产品的详细介绍邮寄过来。

这是典型四级听力工作类长对话的模式:先工作方面的介绍,然后谈到工作中遇到的问题,最后是问题的解决。分别设置了这3个考点。相对而言,工作类考题比较难的地方在于部分词汇会造成干扰:例如,公司名Liquid Control Products,chemical processing, personal assistance, reference等,但除了personal assistance直接与考点相关外,其他单词没听懂考生也应完全不纠结。而personal assistance在选项中为所听即所得。





16. B) His personal history is little known.
17. D) He was a member of the town council.
18. C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.


19. A) Theft.
20. B) Have the right documents.
21. B) Use official transport.

短文1&2 点评

Passage One

16. What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?
答案:B) His personal history is little known.

17. What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?
答案:D) He was a member of the town council.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚的父亲受人尊敬,是Stratford-on-Avon镇议会的一名成员。选项a member of the town council与原文完全对应。

18. Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery?
答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚一部分的生活将永远不为人所知。因为1666年伦敦的一场大火把很多重要文件烧毁了,而这些本来可能是了解莎士比亚的重要线索。所以答案选择Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire。

Passage Two

19. What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?
答案:A) Theft.

20. What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?
答案:B) Have the right documents.

21. What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination?
答案:B) Use official transport.
【点评】文章最后提到,到达目的地后要选择乘坐正式的交通工具,不要搭乘陌生人的车。选项use official transport和文中完全一致,所听即所得可得出答案。


22. C) Sell inexpensive products.
23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
24. D) Insulted.
25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.


26. prospering
27. decade
28. opposite
29. sustain
30. In simple terms
31. establish
32. reasonably
33. take into account
34. misleading
35. using up



36. A) announcing
37. K) entitled
38. G) critically
39. L) potential
40. D) commitment
41. H) develop
42. J) enhance
43. O) retain
44. E) component
45. C) challenges


46. K
47. A
48. G
49. I
50. B
51. D
52. E
53. H
54. F
55. J

46. Some people propose laws be made to stop McDonald's from attaching toys to its food specials for children.
47. Fast-food firms may not be able to cope with pressures from food regulation in the near future.
48. Burger King will start to sell Seattle's Best coffee to increase sales.
49. Some fast-food firms provide healthy food to give the impression they are helping to tackle the obesity problem.
50. During the recession, many customers turned to fast food to save money.
51. Many people eat out less often to save money in times of recession.
52. During the recession, Burger King's promotional strategy of offering low-priced items often proved ineffective.
53. Fast-food restaurants can make a lot of money by selling breakfast.
54. Many fast-food companies now expect to increase their revenue by introducing higher-priced items.
55. A newly-passed law asks big fast-food chains to specify the calorie count of what they serve on the menu.


Passage One
56. B) It will protect them from sunburn.
57. A) It is ineffective in preventing melanomas.
58. D) Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.
59. A) It misleads people to rely on sunscreen for protection.
60. A) Using both covering up and sunscreen.

Passage Two
61. B) Well-educated people tend to work longer.
62. B) A rapid technological advance.
63. A) Economic growth will slow down.
64. C) Even wealthy people must work longer to live comfortably in retirement.
65. D) Skills are highly valued regardless of age.



China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Many elements that make up the foundation of the modern world originated in China. China now is the world's fastest growing economy, and is experiencing a new industrial revolution. China has also launched an ambitious space exploration program which includes a space station in 2020. At present, China is the world's largest exporter, and is attracting a lot of foreign investment. At the same time, it is also investing billions of dollars abroad. In 2011, China overtook Japan to become the world's second largest economy.

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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:35:41 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群

Should Parents Decide Children’s Life?

In this illustration, we can see that a teenage girl happily informs her mother of the news that she is admitted to the college which her mother has selected for her. The picture implies the great influence that parents have on their children’s decisions. Choosing college for them is a typical example.

It is evident that parents’ thoughts and behaviors shape how their children think and behave. However, in my opinion, it is inappropriate for parents to make every major life decision for their children. For one thing, each child is an individual with his own character. Children’s perceptions of life may be different from their parents’, so their choices may diverge. For another, parents cannot fully comprehend what their children want or need and therefore their decision is not necessarily the best choice for their children.

All in all, it is advisable that parents respect their children’s choices and let them be the masters of their own lives.


Should Parents Decide Children’s Life?

本题由图画中女儿的说话 “Good news mom! I was accepted to the college of your choice.” 引出话题,探讨家庭生活中父母为子女做决定的现象。这一话题没有明确的正误指向,要求考生首先对图画进行描述,再确立自己的观点,提出论点和论据。




第一段:简要描述图画内容(In this illustration, we can see that a teenage girl happily informs her mother of the news that she is admitted to the college which her mother has selected for her.) + 拉到自己较熟悉的结论观点(The picture implies the great influence that parents have on their children’s decisions. Choosing college for them is a typical example.) = 引出下一段

第二段:确立观点(It is evident that parents’ thoughts and behaviors shape how their children think and behave. However, in my opinion, it is inappropriate for parents to make every major life decision for their children.) + 两方面原因(For one thing/For another)

第三段:All in all… 提出建议,重申观点。



1. A. The woman should go on playing chess.
2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address.
3. B. His notes are not easy to read.
4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant.
5. C. He has been looking forward to spring.
6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help.
7. B. Go to work on foot.
8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation.


【总评】:8 个短对话总体来说比以往四级听力要难,推理判断题居多,而且今年的听力原文中更倾向于接近真实生活,出现了口语中的省略现象。

1. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
本题的关键在于听懂反问句和反问的语调。男士说:“Is that any reason to quit? 这能是你放弃的理由吗?”反问语气表肯定!换句话说,男士的建议是你应该好好继续下棋。

2. 主要考查抓听细节的能力。
本题的关键在于听到细节“Mary should know it. ”男士说自己手边有一堆Sally的信件需要寄给她,所以需要知道她的地址。女士说自己很久没跟Sally联系了,但是结尾说了一句:“Mary应该知道地址。”

3. 主要考查的是推理判断的能力。
这道题同样是一个反义疑问句,表达肯定意思。关键听到男士的那句:“You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?”“你从没看过我的笔迹吧?”话外音可以推理出来就是:我的笔迹很难认,你肯定看不出来我写的是什么笔记。

4. 主要考查的是推理能力。

5. 主要考查的是抓听细节和推理判断的能力。

6. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
关键听到男士说的那句:Many thanks for letting me use them. 太感谢你让我看他们了。thank和选项中的appreciate为同义词。

7. 主要考查的是抓听细节能力。
本题是典型的动作判断题。通过选项全是动词短语就可判断应该抓听动词。而本题最关键的是细节:I decided to walk to work.和选项中的Go on foot. 为同义表达。

8. 主要考查的是抓听细节的能力
本题关键是听到男士的话:男士说今早机场关闭了一段时间了,而且仍然没恢复正常。其中的closed for a while和选项中的Temporary closing同义。

9. C. It has a chemical processing plant.
10. D. He’s a salesman.
11. C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance.
12. B. Provide details of their products and services.

13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras.
14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child.
15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime.

长对话 点评


主要讲了一位化学产品公司的推销员想要向其他公司推荐自家公司产品的过程。 对话开头男士先表明自己的身份和想要推荐产品的意图,但遇到的问题是男士需要找的Mr. Grand非常忙,没空处理这件事。女士作为Mr. Grand的助理开始处理,问题的最终解决是要求男士提供自己家产品的详细介绍邮寄过来。

这是典型四级听力工作类长对话的模式:先工作方面的介绍,然后谈到工作中遇到的问题,最后是问题的解决。分别设置了这3个考点。相对而言,工作类考题比较难的地方在于部分词汇会造成干扰:例如,公司名Liquid Control Products,chemical processing, personal assistance, reference等,但除了personal assistance直接与考点相关外,其他单词没听懂考生也应完全不纠结。而personal assistance在选项中为所听即所得。





16. B) His personal history is little known.
17. D) He was a member of the town council.
18. C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.


19. A) Theft.
20. B) Have the right documents.
21. B) Use official transport.

短文1&2 点评

Passage One

16. What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?
答案:B) His personal history is little known.

17. What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?
答案:D) He was a member of the town council.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚的父亲受人尊敬,是Stratford-on-Avon镇议会的一名成员。选项a member of the town council与原文完全对应。

18. Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery?
答案:C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.
【点评】本题考查事实细节。文章中提到莎士比亚一部分的生活将永远不为人所知。因为1666年伦敦的一场大火把很多重要文件烧毁了,而这些本来可能是了解莎士比亚的重要线索。所以答案选择Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire。

Passage Two

19. What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?
答案:A) Theft.

20. What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?
答案:B) Have the right documents.

21. What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination?
答案:B) Use official transport.
【点评】文章最后提到,到达目的地后要选择乘坐正式的交通工具,不要搭乘陌生人的车。选项use official transport和文中完全一致,所听即所得可得出答案。


22. C) Sell inexpensive products.
23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople.
24. D) Insulted.
25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour.


26. prospering
27. decade
28. opposite
29. sustain
30. In simple terms
31. establish
32. reasonably
33. take into account
34. misleading
35. using up



36. A) assets
37. E) excellent
38. L) origin
39. N) up-to-date
40. B) attend
41. G) guidelines
42. C) aware
43. H) involved
44. D) especially
45. O) volunteering

本次选词填空的话题较为贴近生活,讲述的是教师可以以多种方式将社区融入课堂,如借助家长、实地考察活动、学校课题等。10题中,动词、名词、形容词平分秋色,副词一如既往考察最少。如果考生能够掌握先划分选项词性,再预判题干词性,进而在相同词性的单词间用意思去确定最终答案的方法,其实本题难度并不高。而且这次也出现了不少固定搭配,如be aware of, be involved in等,如果平时有一定的积累,在做题时也如虎添翼,可进一步保证自己的正确率。


46. Steve Jobs called on Stanford graduates to innovate in his commencement address.
O) Mr. Jobs ended…

47. Steve Jobs considered himself lucky to have been fired once by Apple.
N) Mr. Jobs suggested…

48. Steve Jobs once used computers to make movies that were commercial hits.
M) There is no conclusive proof…

49. Many governments have done more than the US government in providing the raw materials for innovation.
D) "We can look at…"

50. Great innovator are good at connecting concepts from various academic fields.
J) "The academics identify five traits that…"

51. Innovation is vital to driving economic progress.
C) "Above all, …"

52. America has a social environment that is particularly favorable to innovation.
E) "Yet what other nations typically lack, …"

53. Innovative ideas often come from diverse experiences.
H) "His path was unique, …"

54. Real-life experience is often more important than formal education for career success.
F) "Workers of every rank are told…"

55. Apple's fortunes suffered from an innovation discount during Job's absence.
L) "Apple, by their calculations, …"


从题目设置来看,出现了一两道题干关键词并不能直接在原文复现的题,如47题题干中的lucky,在原文中的表达为“It turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me",需要考生正确理解这句话背后的意思才能解题,这对于四级长篇阅读来说并不多见,也确实是本次试题难度有所增加的体现。从做题技巧看,建议考生先将有把握的题做对,在有余力的情况下,最后完成这种起到“拉分”作用的难题。

仔细阅读 1&2 答案

56. C) The decline of the grain yield growth.
57. A) Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.
58. D) They force more on the increase of animal feed than food grains.
59. D) The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.
60. B) It is based on a doubtful assumption.

61. B) People's changing attitudes towards family.
62. C) Their number is too small to make a difference.
63. A) A long leave will have a negative impact on their career.
64. B) Surprise.
65. D) They will still face the difficult choice between career an children.


据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。

It is reported that China's express courier service will deliver about 12 billion packages this year. China could overtake the United States as the world's largest express market. Most package are for items ordered online. China provides opportunities to millions of online retailers to sell goods at very competitive prices. Only on November 11th, Chinese consumers bought $ 9 billion worth of goods from the nation's largest shopping platform. There are many such special shopping days in China. Therefore, the expansion of express industry is not surprising at all.

1. 词汇考查:今年这篇四级考察社会热点——快递和网购,相关的热点词汇有courier service,delivery,packages,online shopping,express industry等。
2. 数字考察:数字翻译的考察从2014年12月份开始成为必考重点之一,特别是million和billion这两个数量级别的考察。
3. 句法考察:被动语态(据报道),最高级(最大的快递市场、最大的购物平台),因果关系等(因此)等。

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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:39:30 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群


Practice is the Key to Knowledge

Nowadays almost every person has a clear notion about the importance of knowledge, with which we can make great difference to our world. However, the contribution of practice should also be awarded.

Practice is considered significant because it can turn abstract ideas into tangible results. Only through practice can we truly develop our own understanding about the essence of the new knowledge, or else the treasure of knowledge would still be words printed on papers. Moreover, the vilification of new theories requires us to focus more on the practical side, which helps people to learn better compared with the mechanical way of reading and memorizing. In addition, practice makes people acquire information in an active way, thus more innovative thoughts are likely to be generated in the process and then applied to make our future life more exciting.

As far as I am concerned, practice is essential for people to understand, to review and to optimize the information we receive. It is practice that produces enjoyable life and makes knowledge truly valuable.

本题由谚语 “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” 引出话题,探讨知识、实践之间的关系,突出知识的必要性和实践的关键性。话题与往年出现的正确学习方式、知识的实际效用和实践带来的优势都有关联,和大学生目前的学习生活联系紧密。本题难度适中,考生对此普遍有话可说。


第一段:简要点明本篇文章的两个重点:知识(Nowadays almost every person has a clear notion about the importance of knowledge) 和实践(the contribution of practice should also be awarded.),其中,先铺垫知识重要性,接着用however转折引出需要重点论述的后者,过渡到下文的具体论述。

原因一:实践能把抽象理论变成具体成果 (it can turn abstract ideas into tangible results.)+ 具体说明(only through…)+ 反面说明(or else…);原因二:实践可以把新旧知识串联融合(moreover,…. connects what we already knew before);原因三:实践能让人产生基于知识的新想法(In addition,…more innovative thoughts are likely to be generated)

第三段:As far as I am concerned… 总结全文,强调句重申观点。



1. C. Attend the concert.
2. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed.
3. A. An article about the election.
4. A. The restaurant was not up to the speaker’s expectations.
5. C. He has many things to deal with right now.
6. D. More students have to appear to make their voice heard.
7. B. The speakers like watching TV very much.
8. D. The woman will be able to attend the classes she wants.


9. C) Export bikes to foreign markets.
10. B) The government has control over bicycle imports.
11. A) Extra costs might eat up their profits abroad.
12. C) Conduct a feasibility study.

13. B) Anything that can be used to produce power.
14. D) Oil production will begin to decline worldwide by 2025.
15. B) Start developing alternative fuels.

长对话1 点评




长对话2 点评



本对话中大量科技方面的词汇和术语会让许多考生听起来非常纠结,很多词汇和表达听不懂。例如:petroleum(石油), fossil fuel(化石燃料),greenhouse effect(温室效应)等都相对较难。


16. A) The ability to predict fashion trend.
17. D) Purchasing handicrafts from all over the world.
18. B) She is doing what she enjoys doing.

短文1 点评

本篇短文主要讲述作为百货商店买手的Karen Smith环游世界采购商品的个人经历。文章为总分结构。

第16题,答案出现在文章的开头部分,They not only have to know what is fashionable at the moment, but also have to guess what will become fashionable next season or next year. 告诉我们,买手们不但要熟知当下的流行,并且能够预测下一季或是明天的流行趋势。

句中反复出现选项中的fashion一次,根据所听即所得原则,本题应选择A. The ability to predict fashion trend.

第17题,同样考察同学们的对于细节的把握,根据文中的,Her job involves buying handicrafts from all over the world. 以及之后所例举的国家地名等,可以知道,Karen的工作内容与选项D Purchasing handicrafts from all over the world.相吻合。

第18题,问到为何Karen认为她拥有世上最棒的工作。根据文中所提到的,Karen喜欢所有她的旅行经历,我们可以知道这里应该选择B. She is doing what she enjoys doing.



19. B) Get involved in his community.
20. A) Deterioration in the quality of life.
21. D) They are too big for individual efforts.
22. C) He had done a small deed of kindness.

短文2 点评


第19题,答案出现在文章的开头部分,Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community, so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work. 句中出现选项中关键词community。选项B. Get involved in his community为原文内容的同义替换。

第20题,答案紧随其后,The area city council woman was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was on the decline. 这里的the quality of life生活质量是选项中的关键词,同时,on the decline在选项中被同义替换为deterioration。

第21题,关于Mark对于社区问题的看法,文中相对应的原文为It was too much for Mark. “The problems are too big”, he thought. 因此在Mark看来这些问题对于个人而言太大了,是理所不能及的,因此应该选择D. They are too big for individual efforts.




23. B) Pressure and disease.
24. A) It experienced a series of misfortunes.
25. C) They could do nothing to help him.

短文3 点评


第23题,对全文的主旨进行提问。根据开头And if stress in childhood can lead to heart disease, what about current stresses? 我们可以知道文章讨论的就是压力与心脏病之间的关系。

第24题,是对于后文一家人的遭遇进行提问,我们可以看到这家人遭遇了一系列的不幸,他本人,与家人都先后得病,因此应该选择A. It experienced a series of misfortunes.

第25题,对于在他第二次心脏病发后医生说的话进行提问。相对难度较低,只要听到医生说,“There’s nothing more we can do for you,” 我们就可以知道应该选择C. They could do nothing to help him.



26. are supposed to
27. inserting
28. drawing-out
29. distinguished
30. spark
31. flame
32. schooling
33. controversies
34. are concerned with
35. dissatisfaction



36. N) swept
37. B) displaced
38. I) prosperity
39. H) productive
40. C) employed
41. F) jobless
42. M) shrunk
43. A) benefits
44. E) impact
45. D) eventually


46. According to Duncan Watts, the superiority of the "Mona Lisa" to Leonardo's other works resulted from the cumulative advantage.
E) The process described by Cutting…

47. Some social scientists have raised doubts about the intrinsic value of certain works of art.
B) The intuitive answer is that some works of art…

48. It is often random events or preference that determine the fate of a piece of art.
H) Although many have tried…

49. In his experiment, Cutting found that his subjects liked lesser known works better than canonical works because of more exposure.
C) Cutting, a professor at Cornell University, …

50. The author thinks the greatness of an art work still lies in its intrinsic value.
K) The intrinsic quality of a work of art is starting to…

51. It is true of critics as well as ordinary people that the popularity of artistic works is closely associated with publicity.
D) Cutting believes his experiment offers…

52. We need to expose ourselves to more art and literature in order to tell the superior from the inferior.
L) A study in the British Journal of Aesthetics suggests…

53. A study of the history of the greatest paintings suggests even a great work of art could experience years of neglect.
F) When Watts looked into the history of…

54. Culture is still used as a mark to distinguish one social class from another.
J) Although the rigid high-low distinction…

55. Opinions about and preferences for cultural objects are often inheritable.
I) "Saying that cultural objects have value," …


Passage One

56. C) Unemployment.
57. D) Pour money into the market through asset buying
58. B) Deflation.
59. C) Tighten financial regulation.
60. A) She possesses strong persuasive power.

这是一篇经济类的文章,来自time readers网站2014年2月的一篇文章。
文章提到Janet Yellen即将成为美联储的下一任主席,而她将面临非常重要的失业问题。Yellen之前作为美联储的副主席,曾经通过买进资产的方式帮助美国应对2008年的财政危机。而她就任后将通过加强财政监管的方式来解决面临的经济问题。Yellen因其较强的说服力,严密的逻辑思维,及乐于倾听的态度,被认为能胜任这样一份工作。

卷1 仔细阅读 Passage Two

61. A: To get their share of clean air.
62. C: Offering preferential treatment to wealthy countries.
63. B: Our relationship to the plant world.
64. D: By pooling their efforts together.
65. C: Share life with nature.

这是一篇关于空气污染的议论文,节选于The Guardian《卫报》网站一篇题为Without clean air, we have nothing 《没有清洁空气,我们一无所有》的文章。文章指出,人们会因为要享有清洁的空气而争斗起来。文章批判了西方政界对空气污染的忽视,并呼吁读者重视人类与地球绿色植被的关系,通过与自然和谐共处求得生存。






The traditional Chinese hospitality requires food diversity, so that guests will be full before eating up all the dishes. A typical Chinese banquet menu includes cold dishes served at the beginning, followed by hot dishes, such as meat, poultry, vegetables, etc. At most banquets, the whole fish is considered to be essential, unless various kinds of seafood have been served already. Today, Chinese people would like to combine Western specialties with traditional Chinese dishes. Therefore, it is not rare to see steak being served as well. Salad is gaining popularity, although traditionally the Chinese people generally do not eat any food without cooking. There is usually at least a bowl of soup, served at the beginning or in the end of the dinner party. Desserts and fruit usually mark the end of the feast.

1. 词汇考查:今年这套六级翻译考查了大量的饮食词汇,对于吃货来说,甜点神马的不是问题。除此之外,还考察的词汇有,宴席(banquet/feast/dinner party)、鸡鸭(poultry)、全鱼(whole fish)、海鲜(seafood)。
2. 语法考查:因果关系的考察(因此牛排上桌也不少见),被动语态的考察(全鱼被认为是必不可少的,除非已经上过各式海鲜),转折关系的考察(尽管传统上中国人一般不吃任何未经烹饪的菜肴),无主句翻译的考察(可以最先上或最后上桌)。

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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:40:54 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群


The Impact of Interest on People’s Success
As is known to all, the success of a person needs the right guidance and interest is undoubtedly the best teacher. Even Albert Einstein, the world-renowned physicist, said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” So it is high time that people explore and cultivate their own interest.

Passionate curiosity can be developed in one’s childhood or in one’s sixties, but once it is ignited, it can change people’s way of study, work and living. On the one hand, interest makes one’s pursuit of knowledge successful and enjoyable. For instance, the pianist Langlang, who plays piano with great love, is awarded a lot of prizes at home and abroad. On the other hand, curiosity helps to resolve difficulties constantly. A worker with curiosity is more likely to dig into the essence of the problem and thus accomplish more creative tasks.

I would like to end up with the famous educator Herbert Spencer’s words which I can’t agree more, “If the interest and enthusiasm among us are cultivated smoothly in the first place, most people will become talents or geniuses.”



1. C. Attend the concert.
2. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed.
3. A. An article about the election.
4. A. The restaurant was not up to the speaker’s expectations.
5. C. He has many things to deal with right now.
6. D. More students have to appear to make their voice heard.
7. B. The speakers like watching TV very much.
8. D. The woman will be able to attend the classes she wants.


9. C) Export bikes to foreign markets.
10. B) The government has control over bicycle imports.
11. A) Extra costs might eat up their profits abroad.
12. C) Conduct a feasibility study.

13. B) Anything that can be used to produce power.
14. D) Oil production will begin to decline worldwide by 2025.
15. B) Start developing alternative fuels.



36. J) philosophy
37. I) mirrors
38. B) constrained
39. D) explore
40. L) sneaking
41. K) potential
42. O) violent
43. F) interacting
44. A) assess
45. N) undermines


46. In theory, free competition is supposed to reduce the margin of profits to the minimum.
C) Our current brand of capitalism is a fake capitalism…

47. The United States is now characterized by a great division between the rich and the poor.
A) A dangerous trend has developed over this past third of a century…

48. America lacked the incentive to care for the majority of its citizens as it found no rival for its economic model.
E) So why has America chosen these inequality-enhancing policies?...

49. The wealthy top have come to take privileges for granted.
I) Our division are deep…

50. Many examples show the basic laws of imperial capitalism no longer apply in present-day America.
B) Over the past year and a half, the Great Divide…

51. The author suggests a return to the true spirit of the market.
P) We need no just a new war on poverty but a war to protect the middle class…

52. A quarter of the world’s prisoner population is in America.
M) Where justice is concerned, there is also…

53. Government regulation in America went from one extreme to the other in the past two decades.
F) Ideology and interests combined viciously…

54. Justice has become so expensive that only a small number of people like corporate executives can afford it.
N) Justice has become a commodity, affordable to only a few…

55. No country in the world so far has been able to provide completely equal opportunities for all.
K) With almost a quarter of American children younger than 5 living…


Passage One
56 A) To get their share of clean air.
57 C) Offering preferential treatment to wealthy countries.
58 B) Our relationship to the plant world.
59 D) By pooling their efforts together.
60 C) Share life with nature.

Passage Two
61 B) Attend the school once they are admitted.
62 A) To make sure they get qualified students.
63 C) It allows them little time to make informed decisions.
64 D) It places students from lower-income families at a disadvantage.
65 B) Avoid choosing early decision unless they are fully prepared.



2011 witnesses the historic moment of the Chinese urbanization process. The urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural people would move to the cities. This scale of urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to urban transportation. The Chinese government has been promoting "people-oriented" development philosophy, which emphasizes that people should choose buses over private cars. It also calls for building "a resource-saving and environment-friendly" society. With this clear objective, Chinese cities will be able to better plan their development, and invest heavily on the evolution of a safe, clean and economical transportation system.

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a15962085626 发表于 2015-6-19 14:52:01 |显示全部楼层 |坛友微信交流群


Being Great by Doing Small Things

There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way.

We have to admit that there are something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences.

Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great.  


本题由谚语 “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” 引出话题,探讨成就与大事和小事之间的关系,对“大”与“小”进行辨证理解。话题与往年出现的成功、大事小事、积累、坚持等都有关联。本题难度较大,从日常学习上升到成就与感悟,需要考生在平日多进行批判思考,才能在考场上有话可写。



第一段:首先从对成功的渴望做铺垫(There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful)接着转折说不是所有都能达到预期,最后点明下文论述重点:每个人都能从做小事变为大人物(everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way)

观点一:成功需要小事的长时间积累 (only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities);观点二:把小事做好不会让自己有遗憾(one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal);最后再加例子证明:小事做好就是成功(then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences)。

第三段:Therefore… 总结全文,强调不放弃梦想,做好每件小事就是成功。



1. C. Attend the concert.
2. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed.
3. A. An article about the election.
4. A. The restaurant was not up to the speaker’s expectations.
5. C. He has many things to deal with right now.
6. D. More students have to appear to make their voice heard.
7. B. The speakers like watching TV very much.
8. D. The woman will be able to attend the classes she wants.


9. C) Export bikes to foreign markets.
10. B) The government has control over bicycle imports.
11. A) Extra costs might eat up their profits abroad.
12. C) Conduct a feasibility study.

13. B) Anything that can be used to produce power.
14. D) Oil production will begin to decline worldwide by 2025.
15. B) Start developing alternative fuels.


16. A) The ability to predict fashion trend.
17. D) Purchasing handicrafts from all over the world.
18. B) She is doing what she enjoys doing.


19. B) Get involved in his community.
20. A) Deterioration in the quality of life.
21. D) They are too big for individual efforts.
22. C) He had done a small deed of kindness.


23. B) Pressure and disease.
24. A) It experienced a series of misfortunes.
25. C) They could do nothing to help him.


26. are supposed to
27. inserting
28. drawing-out
29. distinguished
30. spark
31. flame
32. schooling
33. controversies
34. are concerned with
35. dissatisfaction



36. C) controlled
37. L) slash
38. M) specializing
39. K) professionals
40. E) forged
41. A) accountable
42. F) incentives
43. B) capacity
44. H) overstated
45. O) subsequently


46. It is best to use an EMV card for international travel.
H. Some big banks, like Wells Fargo……

47. Personal information on credit and debit cards is increasingly vulnerable to hacking.
B. Swipe is the operative word: …….

48. The French card companies adopted EMV technology partly because of inefficient telephone service.
G. Chip-and Pin cards, by contrast, make fake cards……

49. While many countries use the smarter EMV cards, the U.S. still clings to its old magstripe technology.
C. The solution could cost as little as $2 extra for every piece of plastic issued……

50. Attempts are being made to prevent hackers from carrying out identity theft.
A. A thin magnetic stripe (magstripe) is all that stands between……

51. Credit cards are much safer to use than debit cards.
I. Keep in mind, too, that credit cards typically ……

52. Big banks have been reluctant to switch to more secure technology because of the higher costs involved.
D. Why haven’t big banks adopted the more secure technology? ……

53. The potential liability for retailers using magstripe is far more costly than upgrading their registers.
E. Multiply $3 by the more than 5 billion magstripe credit and prepaid cards…...

54. The use of magstripe cards by American retailers leaves consumers exposed to the risks of losing account information.
F. That leaves American retailers pretty much alone the world……

55. Consumers will be a driving force behind the conversion from magstripe to EMV technology.
O. Credit and debit cards, though, are going to be……


Passage One

56. B) They are used by big businesses to monopolize agriculture.
57. D) More scientific research on GM crops.
58. A) Feeding the growing population makes it imperative to develop GM crops.
59. D) Whatever is useful to boost farming efficiency should be encouraged.
60. C) Efforts spent on it should be turned to more urgent issues of agriculture.

Passage Two

61. C) Unemployment.
62. D) Pour money into the market through asset buying.
63. B) Deflation.
64. C) Tighten financial regulation.
65. A) She possesses strong persuasive power.



Han Dynasty was one of the most important dynasties in Chinese history. There were many significant achievements during the Han Dynasty. It was the first to open its doors to other cultures. Foreign trade flourished during this period. The Silk Road initiated by Han Dynasty led all the way to the West Asia and even to Rome. Various forms of art prospered, with the emergence of a lot of literature, history and philosophy masterpieces. 100 A.D. witnessed the completion of the first Chinese dictionary which included 9000 words, providing interpretation and various styles of writing. Meanwhile, technology had also achieved great progress. Paper, water clocks, sundials and earthquake detectors were invented. The reign has lasted for 400 years. However, the corruption of the rulers eventually led to its downfall.


1. 词汇考查:本篇是六级三套试卷中词汇考查最侧重的一篇,有朝代(dynasty),统治(reign),对外贸易(foreign trade),丝绸之路(the Silk Road),中西亚(the West Asia),罗马(Rome),哲学(philosophy),巨著(masterpiece),编撰(compile),水钟(water clock),测量地震的仪器(earthquake detector),腐败(corruption),灭亡(downhill / demise)。
2. 语法考查:最高级考察(汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一),同主语分句的翻译(它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺),并列结构的翻译(涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著),被动语态(公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成),无主句的翻译(提供释义并列举不同的写法)。

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