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Causal Ambiguity, Barriers to Imitation, and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

文献名称 Causal Ambiguity, Barriers to Imitation, and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
文献作者 Richard Reed and Robert J. Defillippi
作者所在单位 Washington State University;Yale University
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 管理
学科二级分类 管理学
文献摘要 This article addresses the issues of competitive advantage and competitor
imitation. It is argued that tacitness, complexity, and specificity
in a firm's skills and resources can generate causal ambiguity in
competency-based advantage, and thus raise barriers to imitation.
Reinvestment in causally ambiguous competencies is necessary to
protect the advantage. Without reinvestment, attritional effects of
continued competitive action will cause decay in the barriers to imitation.
From this theorizing, research propositions are suggested,
which, ultimately, will lead to an improved understanding of competitive
advantage sustainability.
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关键字 Causal Ambiguity; Barriers to Imitation ;Sustainable Competitive Advantage
发表所在刊物(或来源) The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Jan., 1990), pp. 88-102
发表时间 Jan., 1990
适用研究领域 管理学
上传时间 2011-1-17 20:23
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