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Coding Choices for Textual Analysis: A Comparison of Content Analysis and Map Analysis

文献名称 Coding Choices for Textual Analysis: A Comparison of Content Analysis and Map Analysis
文献作者 Kathleen Carley
作者所在单位 Carnegie Mellon University
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计学
文献摘要 Content and map analysis, procedures for coding and understanding texts, are described and contrasted.
Where content analysis focuses on the extraction of concepts from texts, map analysis focuses on the
extraction of both concepts and the relationships among them. Map analysis thus subsumes content
analysis. Coding choices that must be made prior to employing content-analytic procedures are enumerated,
as are additional coding choices necessary for employing map-analytic procedures. The discussion focuses
on general issues that transcend specific software procedures for coding texts from either a content-analytic
or map-analytic perspective.
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关键字 Coding Choices ; Textual Analysis Content Analysis ; Map Analysis
发表所在刊物(或来源) Sociological Methodology, Vol. 23 (1993), 75-126.
发表时间 1993
上传时间 2011-1-19 15:40
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