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Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models in the Analysis of Variations in Health Care Utilization

文献名称 Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models in the Analysis of Variations in Health Care Utilization
文献作者 Michael J. Daniels and Constantine Gatsonis
作者所在单位 Department of Statistics, Iowa State University;Center for Statistical Sciences, Brown University
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计学
文献摘要 In recent years many studies have reported large differences in the use of medical treatments and
procedures across geographic regions, hospitals, and individual health care providers. Beyond reporting on
the extent of observed variations, these studies examine the role of contributing factors including patient,
regional, and provider characteristics. In addition, they may assess the relation between health care
processes and outcomes, such as patient mortality, morbidity, and functioning. Studies of variations in health
care utilization and outcomes involve the analysis of multilevel clustered data; for example, data on patients
clustered by hospital and/or geographic region. The goals of the analysis include the estimation of cluster-
specific adjusted responses, covariate effects, and components of variance. The analytic strategy needs to
account for correlations induced by clustering and to handle the presence of large variations in cluster size. In
this article we formulate a broad class of hierarchical generalized linear models (HGLMs) and discuss their
applications to the analysis of health care utilization data. The models can incorporate covariates at each level
of the hierarchical data structure, can account for greater variation than what is allowed by the variance in a
one-parameter exponential family, and permit the use of heavy-tailed distributions for the random effects. We
develop a Bayesian approach to fitting HGLMs using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and discuss several
methods for model checking. The HGLM analysis is presented in the context of two examples of applications
to the study of variations in the utilization of medical procedures for elderly Medicare beneficiaries who
sustained a heart attack. The first example involves the analysis of clustered longitudinal data with binomial
responses and examines geographic and temporal trends in the utilization of coronary angiography across
the United States during the 4-year period 1987-1990. The second example involves the analysis of
multilevel, clustered data with Poisson responses and examines hospital variations in the utilization of
coronary artery bypass graft surgery in 1990. The HGLM analysis incorporates state-level and hospital-level
covariates and makes it possible to estimate covariate effects and cluster-specific rates of utilization for both
hospitals and states
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关键字 Health services research; Markov chain Monte Carlo; Multilevel model
发表所在刊物(或来源) Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 94, No. 445 (Mar., 1999), pp. 29-44
发表时间 Mar., 1999
上传时间 2011-1-19 19:43
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