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Parametric Event Sequence Analysis: An Application to an Analysis of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Patterns of Drug-Use Progression

文献名称 Parametric Event Sequence Analysis: An Application to an Analysis of Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in Patterns of Drug-Use Progression
文献作者 Kazuo Yamaguchi and Denise B. Kandel
作者所在单位 Department of Sociology University of Chicago;Public Health in Psychiatry, Department of Psychology, Columbia University
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计学
文献摘要 This article introduces novel statistical models for the sequence analysis of events. The models are formulated to analyze occurrence,
association, and sequencing among events as an extension of log-linear models. A set of parameters characterizes marginal odds
and odds ratios of frequencies summed across sequence patterns for each combination of the occurrence/nonoccurrence of events.
These parameters are used for the analysis of the occurrence and association of events. Another set of parameters characterizes
conditional odds and odds ratios among sequence patterns within each combination of the occurrence/nonoccurrence of events.
These parameters are used for the analysis of sequencing of events, The models permit a decomposition of the likelihood function
into a marginal likelihood component that includes only parameters for occurrence and association among events and a conditional
likelihood component that includes only parameters for sequencing among events. The models are then extended further for
regressions with covariates. An application analyzes gender and racial/ethnic differences in patterns of drug use progression.
Sequential patterns of initiations and association among initiations are analyzed for three groups of drugs: alcoholic beverages,
cigarettes, and marijuana. Findings that cross-validate previous findings based on different datasets and findings that are novel are
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关键字 Conditional likelihood; Log-linear models; Sequence models.
发表所在刊物(或来源) Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 91, No. 436 (Dec., 1996), pp. 1388-1399
发表时间 Dec., 1996
上传时间 2011-1-20 11:40
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