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Graphs, Causality, and Structural Equation Models

文献名称 Graphs, Causality, and Structural Equation Models
作者所在单位 University of California
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计
文献摘要 Structural equation models (SEMs) have dominated causal analysis in the social and
behavioral sciences since the 1960s. Currently, many gEM practitioners are having
difficulty articulating the causal content of SEM and are seeking foundational anawers.
Recent developments in the areas of graphical models and the logic of causality show
potential for alleviating such difficulties and, thus, revitalizing structural equations as
the primary language of causal modeling. This arlicle summarizes several of these
developments, including the prediction of vanishing partial correlations, model testing,
model equivalence, parametric and nonparametric identifiability, control of confound-
ing, and covariate selection. These developments clarify the causal and statistical
components of SEMs and the role of gEM in the empirical sciences.
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关键字 Graphs;Causality; Structural Equation Models
发表所在刊物(或来源) SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH. Vol, 27 No. 2, November 1998 226-284 TECHNICAL REPORT R-253
发表时间 November 1998
适用研究领域 统计
上传时间 2011-1-22 22:51
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