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The Analysis of Social Science Data with Missing Values

文献名称 The Analysis of Social Science Data with Missing Values
作者所在单位 University of California at Los Angeles;Harvard University
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计学
文献摘要 Methods for handling missing data in social science data sets are reviewed.
Limitations of common practical approaches, including complete-case analysis,
available-case analysis and imputation, are illustrated on a simple missing-data
problem with one complete and one incomplete variable. Two more principled
approaches, namely maximum likelihood under a model for the data and missing
data mechanism and multiple imputation, are applied to the bivariate problem.
General properties of these methods are outlined, and applications to more
complex missing-data problems are discussed. The EM algorithm, a convenient
method for computing maximum likelihood estimates in missing-data problems, is
described and applied to two common models, the multivariate normal model for
continuous data and the multinomial model for discrete data. Multiple imputation
under explicit or implicit models is recommended as a method that retains the
advantages of imputation and overcomes its limitations.
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关键字 Social Science Data ; Missing Values
发表所在刊物(或来源) SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS AND RESEARCH, Vol. 18, Nos. 2 & 3, November 1989/February 1990 292-326; ~ 1989 Sage Publications, Inc.
发表时间 November 1989/February 1990
上传时间 2011-1-22 23:49
下载文献 Sociological_Methods_&_Research-1989-LITTLE-292-326.pdf[2.85 MB]



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