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【研究生常用的十八大学术搜索引擎】 attachment 学术道德监督 观世鹰 2013-6-16 1488 93956 重剑2011 2021-3-3 09:26:11
英文论文写作“葵花宝典”style towards clarity and grace attachment 论文版 hzl619 2013-4-19 7 5419 嵩山幽谷 2018-3-11 11:24:48
英文论文的写作资料 attachment 逯进-青岛大学经济学院 lujin218 2016-10-16 0 15 lujin218 2016-10-16 11:20:34
悬赏 需A Review of the Estimation of Transition Probabilities in Mark - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 gejian 2013-3-20 9 1053 cuihujushi0630 2014-3-23 16:55:14
Why is there Interethnic Variation in the Gender Wage Gap attachment 人力资源管理 vanhongbin 2013-7-12 1 1155 cuihujushi0630 2014-3-23 16:54:27
悬赏 求助成功 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 阿袋 2013-8-26 1 906 jxcj 2013-8-26 21:27:14
A Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation of Married Women of Childbearing attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-20 0 816 vanhongbin 2013-7-20 11:29:45
A Note on the Estimation of Labor Supply Effects and Income Redistribution Polic attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-19 1 1263 yingmickey 2013-7-19 17:03:41
An Economic Analysis of Earnings and Schooling attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-17 0 802 vanhongbin 2013-7-17 20:04:38
Introduction to the JHR's Special Issue on Income Volatility and Implications attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-15 0 736 vanhongbin 2013-7-15 20:18:05
Understanding Differences in Household Financial Wealth between the US and UK attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-15 0 1018 vanhongbin 2013-7-15 18:01:36
The Performance of Performance Standards attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 0 970 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 22:15:52
Teacher Performance Incentives and Student Outcomes attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 0 770 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 22:13:08
The Impact of Employer-Provided Health Insurance attachment 论文版 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 0 1061 vanhongbin 2013-7-14 20:51:17
请问关于博弈论的英文论文 博弈论 时间的背影 2013-6-27 2 1644 时间的背影 2013-7-4 20:55:08
英文论文(压缩文件夹) attachment 经管在职研 阿阿常 2013-5-26 0 752 阿阿常 2013-5-26 11:09:57
悬赏 求英文论文一篇 - [悬赏 15 个论坛币] attachment 求助成功区 匿名 2013-4-4 1 978 xjqxxjjqq 2013-4-4 13:51:09
求经济类最新英文论文下载地址 爱问频道 sunou12345 2013-3-16 1 1165 一步半个脚印 2013-3-16 23:05:50
悬赏 Technological Diversification - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 hartliu 2013-1-31 1 1794 jigesi 2013-1-31 18:52:53


分享 146篇高被引经济学英文论文+11篇中文论文 https://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=viewt ...
陈九宇 2016-11-9 07:04
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分享 实证型高水平英文论文基本结构与写作体会
accumulation 2015-5-30 12:26
作者:黄合来 中南大学 交通运输工程学院 建议写作顺序: Method à Data à Results à Introduction à Discussion àConclusion à Abstract à References 论文各部分写作内容与注意事项 1. Abstract 标准摘要五句话,包含五个层次的内容: 1.1 Introduction: 为什么要进行本项研究,现状中本项研究的缺失或者做了但是存在不足; 1.2 Method:用什么方法做这个研究; 1.3 Data:用什么样的数据来验证你的方法; 1.4 Results:从研究中得出什么结论; 1.5 Implication:得出的结论对研究领域和实践有什么意义(理论与实践意义) 2. Introduction 2.1 Research background: 目的是证实该研究问题的重要性。如这一类问题造成的损失很严重,因此研究这一问题很重要。 2.2 Research problem: 在上述的这一大研究背景下,要做什么问题(或者方面)的研究;在上述的这一大研究背景下,这一研究可以在哪些方面解决现存的实际问题。 2.3 研究现状: 别人已经做了哪些东西,别人已经做过什么,发现了什么样的问题? 2.4 现存的研究有什么问题与不足: 别人有什么没有做过?为什么别人没有做得更好?并说明这些研究不足会带来严重后果。 2.5 本研究的目标(objective)和研究范围(scope): 本研究弥补这些问题中(这些没做过或者做过没做好的问题中)的哪些不足,采用什么研究方法去弥补不足。陈述本项研究的范围局限,并高度概括本论文研究结论。 2.6 文章结构:本论文的后续部分的基本内容架构。 3. Literature review 目的:Literature review 证明与说明两件事情:一是研究目标的设定是有意义的;二是你在本研究中采用的方法是可靠的、有效的 。 包括三个层次的内容: 3.1 对选题(你找到的研究问题)的justification。即对做过没做好或者没做过的研究问题,在这个研究领域,针对research problem而言,让读者明白本项研究是有意义的; 3.2 现存文献中对本文值得参考并可借鉴的东西(包括分析工具和成果); 3.3 非相关或者相邻研究领域值得借鉴的东西,侧重于可借鉴的研究方法。 3.2与3.3就确定了研究方法。 补充说明:注意introduction 2.5中的研究目的与研究范围的区别。Scope:如洪水发生后带来10个后续问题,本研究只考虑了6个关键问题。在Literature review 3.1与3.2中应该对scope进行说明和辨析,即说明我为什么留下这6个问题,去掉其他4个问题。 小结: 文献综述不是综述文献,而是去找到问题,不是为了综述而述。 并不在于对所有的相关文献作详尽描述和总结,应该是对相关研究现状的高度概括。至此,已经把研究问题、研究目标、研究方法明确了,并且对它们已经证明了、辩护了。 4. Method 此部分主要是对方法的描述。 该部分包含三个方面的内容: 4.1 研究策略(Research strategy) 总概研究过程。要做这样的一个研究采用一个什么样的研究策略:即所采用的研究思路。 4.2 数据采集的方法 建立在对研究问题深入认识的基础上,需要采集什么样的数据(变量)。这里的数据的概念是泛泛的,不是指具体的数据,而包括数据结构、变量(考虑的因素)。 4.3 数据的分析方法:如数学分析、逻辑分析(推理)、统计模型等数据分析方法。统计模型(模型的建立、模型校验(模型计算)、模型推断(在算的过程中所推断出的一些结果)、模型评价与对比) 。 5. Data 主要围绕data,对你所收集的数据做一个简要的描述,描述所收集的数据的特点。如从哪个机构得到一个数据,有什么样的特征、变量的期望值、方差、中位数、最大与最小值等。 包含两个层次的内容: 5.1 数据的来源、采集数据的时间周期、描述性的统计值 5.2 对所收集的数据的初步的处理方法。 6. Results 运用所采用的数据分析方法(即模型的建立、模型校验(模型计算)、模型推断(在算的过程中所推断出的一些结果)、模型评价与对比)得到的模型分析结果。应该着重对所得出的重要结果进行描述,不需要对所有的结果进行描述。 7. Discussion Discussion就是针对所得出的结果做横向或者纵向的对比和讨论,包括自己的结果之间的比较、自己结果与别人结果之间的比较;如果结果存在差异性,并对结果之间的差异性的成因作讨论分析。这样的差异性分析进一步加强了本研究的重要性。可以进一步地验证:对所提出的观点做数据方面的支持。 注意6和7的区别: Results强调清楚地陈述研究结果,受制于数据分析方法(模型建立、模型校验、模型推断、模型评价)的框架制约。而Discussion强调把结果打乱,提出最值得讨论和有意义的结果,是对本项研究所得出结果(results)高度抽象的产物 。 写discussion的三重境界:一是得出与人家相同的结果(意义不大);二是得出不同结果,但是不讨论差异性成因(需要升华);三是得出不同结果,并作差异性成因分析(较高水平)。 8. Conclusion 标题可以叫conclusion,但是实际包含四个内容: 8.1 Conclusion 8.1.1 研究过程:对研究过程的综述。在期刊论文中可以不写,但是在学位论文中一定要写。 8.1.2 该研究得出的结论:这个研究成果不是Results和Discussion的复述,而是对Results和Discussion的更进一步的抽象和概括。 8.2 Implication:从研究结论中所反映出来的对该研究领域的贡献以及启示,更侧重于启示。 8.3 Limitation:所得出的研究结果(该研究结果)的局限性。Limitation与scope是两回事,但两者相关,有差异性,其差异性体现在scope针对的是研究范围,在该研究范围内,你的研究结论是成立的,有效的,在scope内是绝对不能被人家挑毛病的;limitation要承认即使在scope内,由于数据的有限性和方法的不完备性所导致的局限性。总之,limitation的成因包括两个方面,一是scope所造成的limitation;另一方面是由于数据、方法所造成的limitation。 8.4 Future study 基于两个认识(一是对limitation的认识,二是对本文结论的implication的认识)所提出的后续研究课题。 9. References 就是一个字:consistent,文献列表和标注的一致性。应该与刊物格式要求一致,不同journal格式要求不一样。更为重要的是自己论文格式前后要一致,包括标点符号等。
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分享 实证型高水平英文论文基本结构与写作体会
purityly 2015-5-24 22:18
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分享 英文论文快速出版令人兴奋不已
degulabj 2015-5-13 15:58
每年的这个时候,都是论文发表的高峰期,无论是对于正在求学的学子,还是等着晋升的员工,他们都需要一篇快速发表的论文来证明自己的能力。但是纵观国内外的论文杂志,核心的也就那么几家。每月一期,每期十篇论文,要排到何年何月才能轮到自己呢?等真正轮到自己的时候,可能什么机会都给错过了。而 英文论文快速出版 更是无从谈起,这耽误了很多的事情。 怎么办呢?要想 英文论文快速出版 ,就得另外再想办法。纸质的杂志我们当然是等不起,但是可以考虑电子期刊呀。纸质杂志对于论文的内容有一审、二审和三审,非常严格。但是电子期刊相对来就要轻松得多。 当然,在电子期刊上快速出版英文论文的前提是论文的质量一定要高,选题一定要精,角度一定要新。投稿者不能因为电子期刊的审核相对宽松,就去采取所谓的拼接法,抄袭法或者模仿法来写论文。一旦因为你的这些行为而导致自己上了电子期刊论文发表的黑名单的话,那么以后你再想通过这个渠道达到 英文论文快速出版 的目的,那就是一件不可能完成的任务了。
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分享 英文论文要发表在哪里比较好
degulabj 2015-5-8 13:46
对于一些要评学位或者职称的英文专业的人来说,英文论文发表是一件很重要的事情,但是很多人不知道选择哪个平台发表自己的论文比较好。国内目前发表论文的平台不少,但是像一些比较权威的平台发表一篇论文是要付出昂贵的代价,几千块钱非常平常,有的甚至是上万元,对于一个普通老百姓来说,这是承受不起的负担。有一些平台不但要发表者付出昂贵的费用,同时还要看一下发表者是否有足够的社会地位,这更加是难上加难。 关于要如何发表英文论文,选择哪里发表比较好?在这里有几个建议要告诉大家。首先你要明确的是你的论文没有问题。当你的论文写完之后可以和同学相互交流,然后交给导师看一下,如果是论文的内容或者是细节语法有问题,都是要进行修改的。你首先要确定的是你的论文没有问题,之后才能进行发表。 关于 英文论文发表 ,建议大家选择国际性质的电子出版平台,比如说 Science Publishing Group ,因为这是一个比较有影响力的平台,选择在这样的平台上发表论文,你的影响力会扩大。同时你还可以自己推荐审稿人,但是记得不要推荐一些在专业领域特别牛气的审稿人,因为很多时候你的身份和级别达不到那个层次。最后一点也是很关键的,你要知道自己是什么期刊类型的论文,然后才能对应发表。
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分享 英文论文写作步骤
degulabj 2015-5-6 20:00
(一)选题 选题是写好 英文论文 综述的首要条件。选题要从实际出发,具有明确的目的性,在理论或实践上有一定意义。选题来源包括:1)与自己实际工作或科研工作有关 的、较为熟悉的问题;2)某护理问题的研究今年来发展较快,需要综合评价;3)从掌握的大量文献中选择反映本学科的新理论、新技术或新动向的题目。 文献综述的题目不宜过大,越具体越容易收集资料,从某一个侧面入手,容易深入。 (二)搜集资料 英文论文资料是撰写 论文综述的物质基础,选定综述的题材后要大量的搜集和阅读有关的中文和外文文献,文献越多,就越好些,综述的质量就越高。选择文献应先看近期的(近3-5 年),后看远期的,在广泛阅读资料的基础上,在深入复习几篇有代表性的文章,必须找到原文阅读,特别是有权威性的文章应细读。在阅读文献过程中应做好读书 卡片或笔记,为撰写综述准备资料。 (三)整理资料 综述不是众多论文资料的堆积,而是作者在阅读了一定量的资料的基础上,根据资料的重要程度进行细读,抓住其主要观点和结论,对掌握的资料进行分析、综合, 先列出提纲,写出各级的大小标题,然后将观点相同的资料分别归入有关问题,并排好顺序。综述要如实反映原作者的观点,不能任意改动,但对引用的资料也要加 以选择,不可能把搜集和阅读过的所有资料都写进去,应有所取舍。 (四)写作 根据写作提纲,逐项将内容展开,并注意观点与内容的一致。在写作过程中,可根据需要调整结构和补充内容。论述观点时,作者可有倾向性,但不同观点也应列 出。初稿写出后,要反复修改和补充,包括内容增减、结构统一、数据核对和文字润色,综述发表前,最好请有关专家和同行审阅,力求做到主题明确、层次清楚、 数据可靠、文字精练、表达准确。
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (14)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 06:01
800x600 1. Adjectives · Of fundamental importance (important); plays a very important role; Process quality may well be the overriding judge of quality; be of considerable/great importance; fundamental More fundamentally , it is unclear whether a manufacturer should design contracts to encourage forecasting in the first place. It is also clear that; It goes without saying that; Clearly; stochastics are obviously present; Obvious; The major drawbacks are rapidly evident. · substantial/significant/a variety of/ large/marked/highly/dramatic/exceptionally/ extremely/greatly/pronounced/salient/broad/drastically A substantial increase in xxx; a significant amount of time; The costs associated with out-of-stocks vary across product categories and can be substantial in some cases. Companies in a variety of industries often use last-minute sales to dispose of unsold capacity. The cost structure does not have a marked impact on the performance of the search strategies. Our model predicts a positive relationship between assortment depth and sales in highly differentiated product categories. In categories with more differentiated variants, assortment depth has a larger impact on category demand. A high level of utilization leads to a dramatic increase in wait times. After a duration of exceptionally high workload, employees are subject to the aftereffects of overwork. Thus, finding the optimal product line is extremely challenging. By using logic rules to develop and prune the search tree, we greatly decrease the number of variables on which we branch, thereby reducing the time required to solve the problems to verifiable optimality. We focus on two forms of contracts that are widely used in settings where demand uncertainty is pronounced and forecasting efforts are important in reducing such uncertainty. If the risk of expropriation is particularly salient , trade secrecy concerns may limit disclosure unless all development is maintained internally. We have compared a broad range of optimal product line design methods on both real and simulated data. A criticism of mechanism design theory is that the optimal mechanism designed for one environment can produce drastically different actions, outcomes, and payoffs in a second, even slightly different, environment. · lesser Results indicate that the expansion of the Panama Canal would have lesser impacts on container flows. particular/each/individual This representation enables us to reflect that ship routes may involve multi-port calls and draft limitations at individual ports. ad hoc; improvised; per capita; per head · better; favorable; suboptimal; preferable; dominate; favor; outperform; relative merit; advisable We find that fixed-fee contracts contingent on performance are preferred when *, that time-and-material contracts are optimal when *, and that performance-based contracts dominate when *. Highly differentiated product categories have wider retail margins than less differentiated categories, and this favors a deeper assortment because category sales rise with assortment depth. It is advisable to exploit the CB cuts within a modern branch-and-cut scheme which hopefully produces violated cuts at each node of the branching tree. The relative merits of this goal versus profit maximization are discussed in the next section. · different; opposing; As will be demonstrated, the best strategy for VRP can be quite different from the best strategy for VRPTW. different in the amount of background information given. Using opaque sales can have two opposing effects: By hiding *. another problem; solve a surrogate problem From stronger to weaker. It is certain/almost certain/very probable; highly likely/probable; likely/ possible/unlikely/ very unlikely; highly unlikely/ that; There is a definite/a strong/ a good/ a slight/ little possibility that; · to a large extent/largely Over the last decade, most hospitals have witnessed a substantial increase in fixed costs, largely reflecting growing expenses for new technologies and liability insurance. · suitably/proper/nicely/well In the deterministic case, the standard result is that under proper conditions , a cash flow stream is acceptable if its internal rate exceeds the interest rate. We show that a stochastic cash flow stream is acceptable if the ROR on mean investment has a suitably defined certainty equivalent exceeding the risk-free interest rate. In applications, constraints matrices of linear programs are typically sparse and well structured . · wide/broad/pervasive/by no means isolated Although the case of NC starkly illustrates the dark side of information sharing, it is by no means an isolated incidence . Information leakage is pervasive across a wide variety of industries. · current/ contemporary/nowadays We merge promising contemporary research works with more classical solution strategies to cover the whole integer programming column generation solution process. Ships are nowadays unloaded and loaded at large terminals. · similar/analog In analog to (9), the master problem reads: · does not necessarily/ need not be This cannot be generalized to the unbounded case, because there need not be a unique representation of x as a combinations of the lamda’s. · sum / overall/ total Consequently, the overall number of instances is 504, that is, 56*3(sizes)*3(capacities). Economically viable = cost effective From the customer’s point of view, sufficient capacity means being able to obtain service without an overly long wait at the facility. Not all livers can be matched within the region, irrespective of its size. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (13)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 06:00
800x600 1. Verbs · is defined as/ is known as/ refer to as; A sole proprietorship is a business that ** · take into account/consider/account for/ take into consideration/incorporate/allow/introduce/In conjunction with (together with)/holistic/integrated/endogenously capture/allow for/accommodate/balance/trade off; in light of /cope with There is no previous research that considers the spot market in conjunction with routing or scheduling. Hence, the seller must formulate a joint dynamic pricing strategy while explicitly incorporating consumer behavior. The network design decisions must be considered when making daily transportation decisions and, conversely , adequate network design decisions cannot be made without anticipating the net revenue generated by daily sales and transportation decisions for a given distribution network during the network usage horizon T. We develop a structural demand model that endogenously captures the effect of out-of-stock on customer choice by simulating a time-varying set of available alternatives. Our model allows for flexible substitution patterns and can accommodate categorical and continuous product characteristics. We propose a statistical model that allows the median travel time and its coefficient of variation to vary with distance, and we account for skewness. E is a multiplicative term introduced to account for random errors and inconsistencies often observed in practice. When making decisions related to the inventory levels of a product category, store managers need to balance the costs of holding and replenishing inventory versus the costs of out-of-stocks. The model is a useful tool for assessing the trade-off between *. Although we interpret this evidence cautiously in light of the size of the data set, our results do suggest that assuming away contracting complementarity may be problematic in contexts where *. The model allows for heterogeneous customer choice behavior and can flexibly cope with different attraction choice models. · It should be noted that; we notice that; we also note that; It should be pointed out · In sum; To summarize; before concluding this section; · consider/think of ** as; presumably quite knowledgeable; suppose; conjecture Although one might conjecture that returns would be inferior because *, we show that returns are superior. equal/is equal to All the linehaul customers precede the backhaul customers, if any. · followed by Chicago is the largest interior container market, followed by Memphis, and Kansas City. · based on; given that; rely on; be reliant on; depend on;/ adj: contingent on We find that fixed-fee contracts contingent on performance are preferred in some cases. This heuristic procedure relies on both Monte Carlo sampling and on ideas borrowed from the local branching technique developed by Fischetti and Lodi (2003). · incorporate, include; consist of; comprise; encompass; For product categories that consist of relatively nondifferentiatied variants, a positive relationship arises between assortment depth and category sales. Conjoint analysis comprises a variety of mathematical and statistical techniques to estimate consumer utility functions. Furthermore, unlike the mathematical programs proposed in the first stream, our method encompasses both the design and selection aspects in a single model to ensure global optimality. · Make use of/take advantage of/ exploit We provide evidence for complimentarity in product development contracting by taking advantage of a detailed data set that includes *. We take advantage of recent advances in optimization methods and computer hardware to identify globally optimal solutions of product line design problems that are too large for complete enumeration. We exploit these properties to develop a polynomial-time, exact algorithm for determining the optimal prices and the profit. · account for There are 28 ports in the model which account for 97% of total inbound container volume. Electricity generation amounts to/constitutes roughly 60% of the retail price of electricity. Among the three tiers, transplants at the regional level represent more than 50% of total transplants in many parts of the country. · similar to; liken liner shipping to a bus; compare to; · Revise/amend/modify More specifically, at the iterations where SLAVE (x) ( amended by the bound inequality) is infeasible, we can generate one or more violated CB cuts. · some terminology concerning*; related to; have implications on; impact; affect; influence; cause; lead to ; be caused by; thus +ing; have an effect of; be associated with; pose; raise concern for; imply; Long periods of overwork have the effect of decreasing the service rate. Overwork is associated with a reduction in quality of care. It is important to understand how channel choice affects profitability, prices, and consumer segmentation. The cost structure does not have a marked impact on the performance of the search strategies. In retailing, inventory decisions have direct implications on product availability to customers. When making decisions related to the inventory levels of a product category, store managers need to balance the costs of holding and replenishing inventory versus the costs of out-of-stocks. We measure the length of stay for each patient and related it to a set of covariates. The costs associated with out-of-stocks vary across product categories and can be substantial in some cases. We also relate the optimal contract selection to the service characteristics, such as output sensitivity to the buyer’s inputs, output uncertainty, as well as the presence of multiple buyers. How does competition influence the inventory holdings of GM’s dealerships operating in isolated US markets? The problem that we consider poses significant new challenges for two reasons: (i) we consider multiple products, and (ii) we solve for the profit maximization problem (which includes the market-share problem as a special case). Low response rates raise concern for nonresponse error and imply smaller samples, and therefore larger sampling error. · Calculate/evaluate The cost of holding inventory can be calculated directly using financial measures available to store managers. In contrast, evaluating the cost of an out-of-stock requires estimating its impact on customers’ buying behavior. · increase/rise/raise/deepen/escalate; decrease/fall/decline; We find an inverted U-shaped relationship between product differentiation and assortment depth, with the depth of assortment rising at first and then falling with the degree of product differentiation. When consumer switching costs increase in response to a decline in the number of retailers serving the market, we show that retailers respond by raising prices and deepening their assortments; however, when consumer switching costs increase in response to greater customer loyalty, we find that prices rise and product assortments become shallower. An increase in sales leads to an increase in inventory (albeit a less than proportionally increase). Contemporary supply chains operate in environments characterized by escalating levels of uncertainty due to globalization, outsourcing, and proliferation of products and categories. · (We Need to) is useful to To quantify the financial consequences of out-of-stocks, it is useful to analyze the choices that a customer facing an out-of-stock could make. · Arise/emerge/exist We analyze the contracting issues that arise in collaborative services. For product categories that consist of relatively nondifferentiatied variants, a positive relationship arises between assortment depth and category sales, whereas a negative relationship emerges between assortment depth and sales in categories with more differentiated variants. These issues arise in a variety of applications, ranging from location of public facilities to *. · try to/ seek to/ attempt to A large and growing literature on efficient assortment seeks to identify the relationship between assortment depth and sales in a product category. Because this optimization problem is NP-hard, previous research has developed heuristic methods that attempt to find optimal or near optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time. · obtain (get) We obtained data on inventory and sales for more than 200 dealerships. · use/employ/put to use/apply This technique was first put to actual use by Gilmore and Gomory (1961). The reported cost estimates range anywhere between $25 and $90 per tonne. The wide range of these forecasts is attributable to a number of factors. ** technologies offer considerable potential as a co2 abatement strategy. Among transportation induced emissions , about 65% is due to the consumption of gasoline by personal vehicle use. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (12)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:59
800x600 1. Do · question An active theoretical literature has recently emerged to explore this question. · problem The problem is formulated as a stochastic program with recourse We model this multiproduct dynamic pricing problem as a stochastic dynamic program . · Algorithm We develop a polynomial-time, exact algorithm for determining the optimal prices and the profit. · Method We devise a method to improve automated replenishment systems. · Model We develop a structural demand model that endogenously captures the effect of out-of-stock on customer choice by simulating a time-varying set of available alternatives. · Findings Our model yields the following major findings. · Employ/use/apply employ a variety of organizational patterns; use **; apply the analytic center cutting-plane method We illustrate how the model can be used to assist the decisions of a store manager in two ways. aggregate demand curves are constructed. analyze; We characterize conditions under which *; deal with very large problems; Develop, Highlight; The most efficient strategies are identified; introduce a model; investigate; initiate the study of ; illustrate; were oriented toward; propose, present, point out; provide; resolve the direction of the service-level effect; suggest; show; numerous simulations were undertaken; In undertaking this analysis; devoted to; argue; Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (11)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:58
800x600 1. Nouns thesis-theses In the course of the search process assumption; conjecture; under this assumption; · background; context; settings; framework; scheme; circumstance; We developed a methodology that can be applied in fairly general settings. Within this framework; under this scheme *. In such a setting , contracts play two roles: We evaluate the empirical evidence for contracting complementarity in the context of automobile product development governance choices. However, further Monte Carlo simulations suggest circumstances under which the model would outperform the greedy algorithm. In this context · Time Therefore, in practice, many retailers operate with a periodic review system, where inventory is observed precisely only at specific time epochs and cannot be perfectly inferred at other points in time . · Competition/pressure As a result of these two trends, hospitals have come under increasing pressure to operate at very high levels of utilization. · Drawback/pitfall/problematic The SOC goal has practical advantages and avoids certain pitfalls encountered when maximizing profit. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (10)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:56
800x600 1. Conclusions 1.1 Drawbacks However, the findings do not imply **; The results of this study cannot be taken as evidence for *; Unfortunately, we are unable to determine from this data**; The lack of ** means that we cannot be certain **; Being a preliminary study, this work; One limitation of *is ; This study did not consider/explore*; due to the lack of **data; is not applicable to; 1.2 Weak conclusion Based on the limited data available; in the view of some experts; according to this preliminary study; based on an informal survey of nine department managers, different employees react to the same situation differently. According to simulation studies, in some circumstances the use of seat belts may reduce certain types of physical injuries in car accidents. 1.3 Strong conclusion Notwithstanding its limitations, this study does suggest**; We believe that the approach as it stands is sufficiently evolved to solve most practical cases efficiently and effectively. Some room is left, however, for additional research. Following are some future research avenues that could yield significant payoffs. In addition, we conduct numerical experiments to verify our analytical conclusions and numerically show that significant cost savings can usually be achieved if we consider supply disruptions during the supply chain design phase. We further discuss an extension in which we relax the deterministic demand assumption in the original model. Our numerical experiments show that the solutions to the extended model are identical to the solutions of the original model, which means the original model is robust to the violations of this deterministic demand assumption. This observation is consistent with the conclusions made by Larporte et al. (2009). Our approach throughout this research has been that given the considerable difficulty of the stochastic VRP, it is preferable to achieve concrete results on medium size instances under realistic hypotheses rather than hoping to solve the problem in its full generality. 1.4 Extension The model is appropriate not only for the motivating example of personal computers but also more broadly for products in the electronics, in which retail competition is intense. 1.5 Future work. To address/counter this problem, future studies should **; Future research should attempt to **; Another possible avenue of future work is**; A direct extension of this work is **; The research presented in this paper is subject to several limitations. The first is that *. Another concern is that *; Finally,*. Even if these results are very good compared to what can be found in the literature, there is room for improvement. At least two research directions can be pursued. Several directions are possible for further research within a column generation framework. *. We believe that the approach as it stands is sufficiently evolved to solve most practical cases efficiently and effectively. Some room is left, however, for additional research. Following are some future research avenues that could yield significant payoffs. A natural extension of this work would be *; There are several modelling and computational extensions. 2. Acknowledgement Support for this work was provided by **; This research was partially supported by a grant from **; This research was funded by Contract No. from **; We would like to thank A, B, and C for their help*; I wish to thank A for his encouragement and guidance throughout this project; We are indebted to B for **; We are also grateful to D for **. However, the opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the policy of ; The interpretations in this paper remain my own. None, however, is responsible for any remaining errors. However, any mistakes that remain are my own. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (09)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:55
800x600 1. Case Study 1.1 Objective To assess the performance of the proposed algorithm, *. To evaluate the profitability of a design, a number of approaches have been proposed in the last three decades-typically nonlinear integer optimization problems that can only be tackled heuristically for real-world instances. To help evaluate the generalizability of the results in Ch.3, we also test the performance of the methods using simulated data. To further demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm, we tested its performance on several synthetically generated test cases. 1.2 Solver solved with a general purpose MIP solver . The advantage of this approach is that it capitalizes on the advanced technology available in the state of the art MIP solvers . The model is sufficiently simple to be solved by commercial off-the-shelf mixed-integer software . Can be solved by using commercial or open source optimization packages . functions and subroutines 1.3 Case In some real-world applications; encountered in real-life contexts; practical applications; Using operational data from patient transport services, we show that*. The model was exercised with 2004 actual transportation costs, xxx. The proposed method is tested on instances inspired from real-world problems faced by a major energy company. We test our procedure on two sets of 88 problems. One group of test problems arises in routing containers. We assume individual part-worths obey iid uniform distributions. In our simulated problems, the focal firm designs a product line consisting of 3 or 4 products, each composed of 3,5, or 7 attributes that can take on 2,3,4 or 6 different levels. The demands follow a Poisson or a normal distribution. In the following, an identifier is used to designate each instance : for example, R104 for the fourth instance in the R1 class . First, we conducted experiments that consisted of solving, for each instance, the linear relaxation using the column generation method in 5.1. Table 2 presents results for ten trials of each optimization method. For each method, the table reports the average earnings, the best earnings reached over ten trials , computational intensity and the difficulty of implementing the different methods. Table 4 provides a summary of the results averaged across the different problem sizes . From these results, we make the following observations. Curiously, we were able to solve **. We have no explanation for this behavior. This might be explained by the larger gaps that we can clearly observe for the solved C1 instances. We conjecture that this is because *. We remark that, as expected, split deliveries are more frequent for the instances with small Q values. Their method requires 302s for solving the linear relaxation, whereas it took 12s with our method. For certain instances, the subtour generation algorithm can represent more than 50% of the total computational time. Although simulated annealing finds the optimal solution for all the 120 data sets, it also has a running time that is one or two orders of magnitude larger than the other methods. Thus, from the perspective of a computation time versus performance trade-off, it could be argued that SA is less efficient than one-opt coordinate ascent. The cost of ships is the same in all instances (cases). For reasons of space, the voluminous input data is only generally described herein. However, the interested reader may download all the input data from the CMS website, http://cms.nus.edu.sg/cvemq . By fixing the size of the neighbourhoods, one obtained a good balance between the solution quality obtained by the algorithm and the computational effort spent. Our results show that myopic optimal solutions only slightly outperform greedy solutions under relatively high levels of uncertainty. The computational results suggest that the proposed method provides a quite efficient way in obtaining near-optimal solutions with small computational efforts, especially for large-scale problems. This makes it interesting for practical applications. Almost exactly twice as many boys reported; A marginally smaller percentage of girls reported; slightly over twice as many boys reported; Close to three times as many boys reported; Boys exceed girls in the times they reported by a ratio of 2.5 to 1 . Seller profits obey iid uniform distributions. 1.4 Result analysis Our results show the impact of the handling aspects on the customer sequencing and indicate that the simplifying handling policies favorably compared with the optimal one. The results indicate, suggest, implies; Our results reveal that the optimal price of a product depends on higher quality product inventories only through their aggregate inventory rather than individual availabilities. This differs from the results obtained** These values are comparable to those *** The difference can be attributed to **; A possible reason is that **; This inconsistency may be due to **; Considering ** we speculate that **. We observe that, in the majority of the cases, the optimization procedures select the minimal number of facilities. As our computational results demonstrate, our BP approach offers a substantial improvement over an explicit region enumeration approach. Find optimal or near-optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time (with little computational burden). Table 2 represents results for ten trials of each optimization method. It also has a running time that is one or two orders of magnitude larger than the other methods. Under a large set of parameters, we find that demand-independent prices can capture more than 99% of the optimal revenue. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (08)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:54
800x600 1. Solution A multistage model would be very hard (if not impossible) to ; This is by no means trivial. The problem remains computational intractable and impossible to solve to optimality; inherently complex, to circumvent the difficulties they cause; complicating factor; is further complicated by the fact that; It is quite hard** and, even if this were feasible, it is questionable whether ** can be justified. Even modest-sized problems are extremely time-consuming to process; run in a reasonable time-frame; The time required for the simulation is prohibitive; Approach for VRP = resolution of VRP If the problem has more than one optimal solution = If the problem admits more than one optimal solution. 1.1 Optimum Dyckhoff was the first to propose an integer linear programming formulation for the problem of getting a guaranteed global optimum to cutting stock problems under the integrality requirement. We have described and tested a new procedure for finding guaranteed global optima to cutting stock problems with various industrial complications. They were able to solve 9900 of 20000 randomly generated problem instances to a proven optimum . Computational results demonstrate that the algorithm can identify provably optimal , robust solutions to realistically sized problems. By using logic rules to develop and prune the search tree, we greatly decrease the number of variables on which we branch, thereby reducing the time required to solve the problems to verifiable optimality . Our approach is motivated by We propose an efficient way to handle the dual problem and get a primal feasible solution with guaranteed precision . We are able to find an exactly feasible solution with a relative optimality gap less than 10-5 for all problems , including the larger ones. structured linear program. The subproblem is chosen to exploit special structure, rendering it easy to solve. A tailor-made solution approach is developed. These methods typically produce good quality solutions within modest computing times; sophisticated neighborhood search method computational results show significant improvements over current practice; This last strategy is used in the proposed algorithm. ** but this alternative was not implemented in our code. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (07)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:53
800x600 1. Model This Section is dedicated to the presentation of the VRP formulation. We first discuss ** and then introduce **. The last two subsections address the issues of *** We are not concerned with the fixed costs as they have no influence on the planning of optimal routes and schedules. Route r contains information about the time for start of service and the quantity to load or discharge at each harbor arrival on a route, two l variables, l1 and l2, may represent the same geographical route, but have different load quantities and starting times at some harbor arrivals. We study the network design decision for two types of global firms: a newsvendor with exogenous prices and a firm with the flexibility of pricing responsively after uncertainties are resolved , which, hereafter , we refer to as the newsvendor and the responsive-pricing firm, respectively. 1.1 Formulation Let aij be a binary coefficient that takes value 1 if and only if ** and takes value 0 otherwise. The VRP formulation may be then written as. The objective (2) is to maximize the number of *; Constraints (2) enforce conservation of flow for vehicles. Relations (8) are linking constraints. Equations (3)-(7) represent; impose that; require**; integrality constraint on the y variables; ensure; impose the resource availability restrictions; enforce the budgetary limitation. Constraints (3) guarantee that; Without loss of generality, we can set a=1 if b=1. Subscripts; Sets; Constants; Variables; The probability that the ith constraint is violated satisfies: 1.2 Analysis We may restate ** as**; have a cardinality of**; It is easy to show that LSFD has the “integrality property”. That is, the y-solution will obtain integral values even if the integrality constraints are removed. This property comes from the fact that* can be easily adopted to solve**; can be easily extended to account for**; to cover such situations; generalize the model to accommodate the various layouts, configurations and rules. Beyond people, our analysis is relevant for any data containing multiple observations for each unit of analysis. drop the condition that **/ remove the constraint that** strengthened by adding some families of valid inequalities; enriched by additional valid inequalities; We first show how to model the constraints in (2) as linear constraints. By strong duality, since Problem (5) is feasible and bounded for all Ti, then the dual problem (6) is also feasible and bounded and their objective values coincides. Although this fluid approximation could potentially distort the results of the algorithm, our simulation tests in Section 4 assume customers make more realistic all-or-nothing decisions. In these tests, our algorithm produces significant revenue improvement, which suggests the approximation is indeed a reasonable one. The pricing problem is computationally prohibitive. Because of the poor scalability of integer programming, solving multiple smaller-scale pricing problems may be computationally beneficial. To alleviate these shortcomings, we perform local search on the region configuration obtained by *. Transform the model to a MILP Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (06)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:52
800x600 1.1 assumptions The following simplifying assumptions are made. We assume from now on that all the routes are nondominated. 800x600 1.1 Problem description 1.2 Table/figure Table/figure shows; provides; gives; plots; suggests; presents; illustrates; demonstrates; contains; lists; reports; 1.3 Statement of Scope : The focus of the study is; is not central to this study; is discussed in less detail; is only discussed briefly; in excluded from this study; in not considered; is restricted to ; is beyond the scope of this study; assumes that; there is no intention to; It is not the task of this study to **; are outside of our scope; As shown in Figure 1; The results of this analysis are presented in Table 2. Discrete-event simulation (for brevity referred to henceforth just as “simulation”) (described as “simulation” for convenience) (hereafter referred to simply as “Lagrangian relaxation”) Hereafter, the system manager will be referred to with masculine pronouns and customers with feminine pronouns. We develop * to assist policy makers in redesigning *. The problem we consider poses significant new challenges for two reasons: (i) we consider multiple products, and (ii) *. In this simplified model, we consider a stationary demand process for the service firm and use an “adversarial” formulation to study the performance of *. Here, the adversary selects the parameters of * and the manager solves a corresponding optimization problem in anticipation. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";} Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (05)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:51
800x600 1. Problem statement, notations and assumptions 1.1 Notations Denote/represent/correspond to; we associate to each route a vector r in the model; Vm (where m stands for modified vessel) let * denote; * denotes; The * is S. Parameter P represents; We denote * by ; We define the binary variables x as follows. V stands for speed in km/h. Using the notation proposed by Laporte (2002), let us first define the two ordered sets S={v1,v2} and T={t,v}. The LSFDP is defined as follows. Let a be *. It will be convenient, and cause no confusion, to speak of sets of columns and sets of column indices interchangeably. We use the term ship and vessel interchangeably; To avoid proliferation of notation, here and for the remainder of this paper, we make the implicit assumption that the dimension of the generic variable x specified in the statement of an optimization problem is of appropriate dimension. / To simplify the notation, unless explicitly stated, in the following we assume that** To keep the notations simple, we write s as the short form of r,p,q. We establish important notation and terminology(Singular) that will be used throughout the remainder of the section. The notation used in this paper is as follows: Tk sailing time ( days ) A partial route h is specified by two ordered vertex sets S, T satisfying S^T={u}; For simplicity, we write (I,j) *S if I and j are consecutive in S. We replace the CG with a “CCG” version. By “CCG” we mean **; We denote the edge set by A when edges are indicated by means of their end points and by E when edges are indicated through a single index e. It can be described as Ax=b, b0 and Axc such that (subject to) bc. Without loss of generality, we assume that the indices are ordered in such that d1=d2=…=dn. We also define dn+1=0 for notational convenience. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (04)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:50
800x600 1.1 Objectives and Contributions 1.1.1 Objective 1.1.2 Contribution The key contributions of the framework provided in this paper to the body of literature on VRP are as follows: ** has not been described in the VRP literature. propose a formulation and algorithmic approach for the solution of a problem this study is the first to; has demonstrated for the first time that; has taken a major step towards; extends previous work on; The finding is of crucial importance in terms of; is important in the light of recent trends/developments in; provides a novel/feasible solution; provides a holistic/integrated approach; challenges the commonly held notion/commonly accepted explanation that ; provides an effective/innovative way to **; is novel in terms of **; has far-reaching/wide-ranging implications since ***; provided the important insight that***; is particularly promising because**; in noteworthy in that **; is a major milestone/breakthrough in the development of **; paved the way for**; provides a powerful tool for the study of **; **comprehensive examination/discussion of **; is highly advantageous in that **; has potential in that it possesses the advantage of **; a valuable/significant contribution to **; Statement of significance: important/significant for several reasons; may offer a clearer explanation for; may contribute to a better understanding of; may provide insights into; may shed light on; may provide guideline for; may lay the foundation of/for; may provide the basis for; No prior research has developed the necessary theory for constructing, selecting, and employing metrics, particularly for nonaveraging metrics.*. We provide empirical evidence to support our theory. We proposed a new research topic Our paper provides the first thorough examination of the distribution of travel times in a way that can be easily incorporated into stochastic models for EMS planning. Some of our findings may apply broadly to other forms of retailing. Our paper contributes to three areas of research. First, and most importantly, we provide empirical support for assumptions widely used in theoretical models of online-offline channel substitution. Second, our paper contributes to a small empirical literature on consumer substitution between online and offline channels. Third, and more broadly, this paper advances the emerging empirical literature that studies how online retailing contributes to consumer welfare. The profit-oriented PLS problem has heretofore been solved heuristically for real-world instances, except for the case where customers are assumed to be homogeneous. Our study suggests that choice-based revenue management is both feasible to execute and economically significant in real-world airline environments. 1.1.3 Organization This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give formulation of *. Section 3 presents *. In Section 4, we define. Section 5 deals with *. Section 6 details *. Section 7 is devoted to the numerical experiments. Section 8 contains concluding remarks. was initially conducted to *, * was subsequently developed to*, furthermore, *, finally. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (03)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:49
800x600 1.1 Literature Review 1.1.1 General Over the past few decades, VRP modelling has been approached from a variety of perspectives (e.g. Laporte, 2009; Fagerholt, 2004) (see Laporte, 2009; Fagerholt, 2004 for reviews). has seen widespread application; This heuristic procedure relies on both Monte Carlo sampling and on ideas borrowed from the local branching technique developed by Fischetti and Lodi (2003). Numerous integer programming column generation applications are described in the literature, as can be seen in Table 1. Generic algorithms for solving programming by integer programming column generation were presented by Barnhart et al. (1998). Algorithmic efficacy is considered by Desaulniers (2001). Some dissertations (Ben Amor, 2002, Sol, 1994) are a rich source of computational testing. Previous general reviews include those by Desrosiers (1995) and Wilhelm (2001). In Edmond and Maggs (1978) queueing models are evaluated, which can be used in making this decision. 1.1.2 Quantity of Research These problems, which have received the greatest attention in the scientific literature , are examined in detail . Simulation optimization has long been of interest within the research community . A wide variety of methods exist. The relationship between * and * has been investigated by many researchers . Many recent studies have focused on **. Several efforts have been directed toward the formulation of VRP models. The development of ** is a classic problem in ** Recently, there has been growing interest in ** have seen relatively little research in comparison with **; The amount of research carried out on ** is still quite limited . 1.1.3 Time series The earliest model **. A subsequent study ***. The product line design problem has drawn attention from academia since Zufryden’s (1977) pioneering work and continues to be a priority in marketing science research. Dantzig and Wolfe (1960) pioneered this fundamental idea, developing a strategy to extend a linear program columnwise as needed in the solution process. CB cuts have their roots in the seminal work of Hooker (2002) on logic-based methods for optimization. one of the first deterministic model of VRP was posed by Peter, which was followed by a series of papers suggesting and solving ***. The best known of the earlier developments; Recent research has focused on **. This problem class ** In a recent contribution; Recently, Camm (2006) proposed an exact algorithm to solve the problem to provably global optimality. 1.1.4 Classification One line of research has sought to analyze***. Others have sought to develop explicit stochastic, dynamic models that incorporate both here-and-now information and some forecasts of future activities. Our method to address this difficulty is to **/ There are two possible ways of handling this problem. Several options are available to address this obstacle. However, the best one seems to be*; A radically different model is needed to overcome this limitation; Recently, researchers have made significant process in overcoming this difficulty by *** Zufryden (1977) pioneered research in *. In the years since, various objective functions have been suggested, including *. The resulting body of research follows one of two main streams. Stream one implements*. *. The second stream of research considers the problem of *. The algorithm we propose constructs product lines directly from *, and hence falls in the second stream of research. However, it differs from other work in this stream in that we obtain optimal solutions via an exact algorithm rather than heuristically. We compare nine product line optimization methods, which can be grouped into three broad categories: 1. Methods that *; Exceptions are the work of A (1999) and B (2000), who reported *. Work close to ours is that of C (2010), who proposed *. We group the product line optimization methods into three categories. 1.1.5 Other sequence Further to this, another study ***. There is also the problem that** 1.1.6 Drawback of current literature Although the literature of ** has shed some light on **, it ignores **. One drawback of this model is that **. In order to overcome this shortcoming, **. A serious or major drawback with/of this approach is **; The problem with this explanation/approach is **; is limited to **; is not consistent with **; does not adequately account for **; did not take into account **, did not consider; overlooked/neglected/ignored an important; overstated/underestimated **; failed to address the question of; failed to recognize; is questionable/flawed since*** However, in practice, one rarely has access to perfect information concerning the parameters of a problem. These approaches have , to a large degree, been modelled upon methods developed for passenger travel demand forecasting, even though there are fundamental differences between passenger travel and freight travel. It would thus be of interest to learn how **; They assume complete knowledge of relevant parameters for the entire duration of the planning horizon, i.e., the future period for which the plan is being built now (e.g., the next season). These parameters generally are fixed to estimations of average or most probable values computed either through various forecasting methods or based on historical data and operating rules. It would seem, therefore, that further investigations are needed in order to **. Most of the past research on * has used the average passenger demand ad input to produce the final timetable and schedule, which means that daily passenger variations that occur in actual operations are neglected. To consider such stochastic disturbance, we *. Passenger demand fluctuations arising from stochastic market demands and variable market share could affect the actual performance of the planned schedules. In practice, the performance of an optimal plan could be reduced when applied to actual operations where passenger demand fluctuations occur. In other words, stochastic disturbances arising from variations in daily passenger demand could affect the optimality of the *. Therefore, to set a good flight schedule, not only does * have to be considered, but passenger demand fluctuations arising from stochastic market demands and variable market share in actual operations also have to be taken into account. Almost all the work that focuses on the allocation policy evaluation and improvement uses simulation-based analysis. * Our paper extends their work in two significant aspects. First, we * to incorporate more realism. 1.1.7 Gap of current literature Despite this research, most models in practice are basically **. All of these papers were oriented toward **; We are unaware of any other research that has raised the issue of *** few studies; few investigations; few researchers; few attempts; little attention; little work; little research; There is little research to date on the nature of the incentives that underlie product assortment decisions. 1.1.8 Tense Jones (1997) investigated the cause of illiteracy; There have been several ** (Jones, 1997; Ferrara, 2000) Several researchers have studied ** (Jones, 1997; Ferrara, 2000). The causes of illiteracy are complex (Jones, 1997; Ferrara, 2000). 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分享 英文论文词句总结 (02)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:48
800x600 1. Introduction 1.1 First sentence The instances of the linear multicommodity flow problem that are encountered in real applications are often of such a large size that it is impossible to solve them as standard linear programming problems. To get around the challenge of dimension, one often resorts to *. Depot location decisions arise at the strategic planning level of distribution networks. Fundamentally, in a business context, location-allocation problems involve the determination of the number and location of the depots required to satisfy customer demand as well as the mission of these depots in terms of the subset of customers they must supply. In actual operations, stochastic bus travel times often occur, hampering the performance of the planned bus routes and schedules. A projected(yu ce) (or average) bus travel time, adopted in current practice, may not be in accordance with actual bus travel time. Metrics are widely used by both practitioners and academics (meaning: researchers). One of the primary tasks of risk management relates to the issue of minimizing the loss that might occur as a result of a series of hazardous events. A global firm’s sustained growth and profitability depends on the capability of its supply chain to address *. Making irreversible investment decisions on capital-intensive production facilities in the face of demand and exchange rate uncertainties is one of the most challenging tasks in designing a firm’s global facility network. 1.2 Problem feature make it possible to solve huge problems when few arcs are saturated at the optimum, as appears to be the case in many practical applications . compare the solutions in the presence of three forms of uncertainty: customer demands, travel times, and, of particular interest , user noncompliance. Therefore, a major concern is the efficient allocation of *. 1.3 General Phrases To keep this paper relatively self-contained, we briefly review ** 1.4 Statement of purpose The overall/main aim of **; more specifically, the aims of this study/thesis; ** by comparing/evaluating/analyzing**; using the framework/strategy of; a new approach/(theoretical) framework; a detailed analysis of ; a systematic/comprehensive investigation of; The solution of a VRP calls for the determination of **, such that/subject to the constraint that** Thus, a natural question arises: How valuable is it to change prices in response to the demand, or in other words, how bad can setting a single, demand-independent price be? Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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分享 英文论文词句总结 (01)
wsa2010 2014-11-12 05:47
800x600 1. Abstract Background; aim; method; results; conclusions (should include the main findings) This paper studies a VRP problem characterized by multiple transportation options, multiple demand periods, and a stochastic demand. We consider the determination of the number and location of the depots required to satisfy * as well as *. The problem is formulated as a stochastic program with recourse, and a * solution approach is proposed. In incorporates a tabu search procedure , an * formula , and a * procedure. Three neighbourhood exploitation strategies are proposed and compared with extensive experiments based on realistic problems . We outline and relate the approaches, and survey mainly recent contributions, not yet found in textbooks. We employ a network flow model, instead of the traditional shortest path formulation, to capture the multicommodity, multiple origin-destination nature of the problem. We propose a robust integer programming problem of moderately larger size that allows to control the degree of conservatism of the solutions in terms of probabilistic bounds on constraint violation. Normal 0 false false false EN-AU ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0mm 5.4pt 0mm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0mm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";}
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