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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 摘要1 Abstract1 绪论3 一、关于农村社区3 二、农村社区建设的地位和作用4 三、当前社区建设存在的一些问题5 四、农村社区建设的思路7 结 论9 致 谢10 参考文献:10 摘要:十六届五中全会《建议》提出,建设“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村。“十一五”期间,既是城镇化快速发展的重要时期,也是新农村建设的关键时刻。抓住机遇,推进农村社区建设,提高农村社区管理水平,增强服务功能,促进城乡社区建设协调发展、共同发展,是构建和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村的重要内容。本文从对社区的基本认识、社区建设中存在的一些问题和自己对社区建设的一些思路谈了自己的看法。认为社会主义新农村建设是我国现代化建设的重大历史任务,而其中社区建设将是建设社会主义新农村的新模式。通过政府扶持,加强与非政府组织的合作,开展农村社区建设,完善社区自治,推进社会主义新农村的发展。使中国7亿农民在这个开放的世界和无限竞争的市场中生存下来、富裕起来。 关键字:农村社区,社区建设,新农村 Abstract:《The Proposal》in the Fifth CCP of the Sixteenth session has provide us the blueprint of establishing the "developed productivity , comfortable life, civilized rural, neat surrounding and democratic management" countryside. The Eleventh Five Period is not only the important phase of urbanization, but also the critical time for rural construction. The author has known the main body of a book right away to the community basic , a little problem that the community there exists in construction middle and a few trains of thought that self builds to the community have talked about self view.The focus is on the strengthening of the country's service function and the harmonious and cooperation of the communities. The research regards the rural construction to be the significant historical task, while the community construction to be the establishing of new rural model. The process of the establishment of cooperative new countryside, demands the value of Chinese traditional and agricultural production as well as the belief of sincerity to reality, self-innovation, self-reliance and self-discipline, by the way of the support of government and the cooperation of non-governmental recognition. The autonomy of the rural community and the development of the countryside will make the billions of people in China survive and rich in the open and fiercely competitive world. Keywords: rural community, community construction,new countryside
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