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发布时间:2015-03-15 来源:人大经济论坛
应用物理学专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 目录iii 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 相关应用1 第二章 磁聚焦理论及相关研究 2 2.1 磁聚焦原理理论分析2 2.2 磁聚焦不确定因数相关研究3 2.2.1 螺旋线的起点位置不确定3 2.2.2 聚焦时励磁电流不确定3 第三章 实验测量4 3.1 实验设计4 3.2 实验具体步骤7 3.3 数据处理8 3.4 实验备用方案9 3.4.1 方案一 几何求值9 3.4.2 方案二 零场法10 第四章 其他测量地磁场方法介绍12 4.1 用集成霍尔传感器测量地磁场水平分量12 4.2 用自旋阀巨磁电阻传感器测量地磁场12 4.3 用正切电流计原理测量地磁场水平分量13 4.4 高斯法和其改进法13 第五章 结论14 致谢15 参考文献16 摘 要: 随着科技不断发展,地磁场的研究越来越受人们重视,而如何准确地测量地磁场显得十分重要。磁学是物理学中最为发展、内容最为丰富、理论最完备的学科之一。磁聚焦用来进行高精度的测量应用越来越广泛。本论文从理论和实验两方面对用磁聚焦法测量地磁场强进行了分析和验证。从地磁场的作用和研究背景、磁聚焦的原理和应用、以及不确定因素等几方面进行了专门讨论。并根据实验室现有仪器设备设计并进行对杭州地磁场的测量。测量方法包括偏转法和零场法。同时收集了一些其他测量地磁场的方法,得出了相对准确的相关数据。 关键词:地磁场 测量 磁聚焦 电子比荷 Abstract With the development of science and technology, the study of the magnetic field is more and more attention by the people, and it is very important that how to measure exact. Physics is in the physics most develops, the content to be richest, one of theory most complete disciplines. Magnetic focusing for high-precision measurement is used more and more widely. In this paper, the method how to measure the magnetic field by the magnetic focusing has been studied both theoretically and experimentally. It is discussed from the effect and background of the magnetic field, the principle, application, and the uncertain factors of magnetic focusing. According to the existing laboratory equipment to design, then it measures magnetic field in Hangzhou. Measurement methods include the deflection and zero-field method. The paper also describes some other method that how to measure magnetic field, and gets a relatively accurate data. Keywords: Geomagnetic field; Measure; Magnetic focusing method; Electron specific charge
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