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发布时间:2014-10-14 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 摘要I 1 绪论1 1.1 太阳能蓄电装置研制的回顾与展望1 1.2 国内外光伏发电的概况1 1.2.1世界光伏产业及应用特点2 1.2.2阻碍光伏产业发展的三大因素2 1.2.3国内光伏产业特点3 2 太阳能光伏发电的技术简介5 2.1 太阳能电池5 2.2 蓄电池6 2.3 控制器6 2.4 LED光源6 2.5 太阳能灯具的优、缺点7 2.6 太阳能LED灯的特点及应用8 3 基于单片机8031的太阳能LED交通警示板设计10 3.1系统硬件设计10 3.1.1系统的总体设计方案10 3.2系统硬件设计11 3.2.1红外线车流量检测电路的设计11 3.2.2太阳能LED主控电路设计12 3.2.3 LED驱动显示电路设计12 3.2.4太阳能光伏充电电源设计与实现13 3.3系统软件设计13 4 太阳能蓄电装置研制15 4.1系统硬件设计与实现15 4.1.1充放电模块15 4.1.2 限制过放电电路的设计16 4.1.3 LED闪烁延时控制及瞬时光照保护电路的设计17 4.2系统功能实现与测试结果18 4.2.1光伏板白天光照充电18 4.2.2蓄电池为电源的LED闪烁工作装置工作情况18 4.2.3光伏板控制LED白天关闭、夜间开启的实验19 5 结论20 总结21 致谢22 参考文献23 摘 要 随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,对能源的需求量不断增长 石化能源资源的有限性,以及他们在燃烧过程中对全球气候和环境所产生的影响日益为人们所关注。从资源、环境、社会发展的需求看,开发和利用新能源和再生能源是必然的趋势。随着我国经济的快速增长,能源需求大幅度增加,特别是用电紧张进一步加剧,寻求新能源和再生能源迫在眉捷。 太阳能是一种非常重要的可再生能源太阳能作为地球上真正取之不尽的清洁能源,将是2l世纪最理想的绿色新能源,其利用的有效途径便是利用光伏发电技术将太阳能转化为电能。 本文介绍的太阳能蓄电装置,由充放电模块、太阳能电池模块、光控电路、瞬时光照保护电路、LED闪烁电路等组成。该系统实现了阳能为能源,铅酸蓄电池为蓄能部件和电路工作电源,设置在夜间有事故隐患的路段,LED不间断地闪烁,白天可关闭。并且,该系统充分考虑了系统实际运行环境,提高了电路稳定性。例如,该系统中设计的充放电保护装置有效地防止了过充电和过放电,瞬时光照保护电路避免了夜间光源干扰。 关键词: 太阳能 蓄电池 LED Abstract Along with the socio-economic development and the improvement of living standards, the energy of the growing demand for petrochemical limited energy resources, and their combustion processes in the global climate and environmental impact of growing concern for people. From resources, environment, social development needs, the development and use of new and renewable sources of energy is an inevitable trend. As China's rapid economic growth, a substantial increase in demand for energy, particularly electricity is further exacerbated tensions and seeks new and renewable sources of energy to force in the eyebrow. Solar is a very important renewable energy sources as solar energy on the planet truly inexhaustible supply of clean energy, 21century will be the best new green energy, its use is an effective way to use solar photovoltaic power generation technology will transform Electricity. This paper describes the installation of solar Reserve Power, by charging and discharging modules, solar cell modules, optical control circuit, instantaneous light protection circuit, LED flashing circuit components. The system can be realized-to-energy, lead-acid battery for energy storage components and circuit power, set up in the evening section of a hidden causes of accidents, LED flashes uninterrupted during the day to close. In addition, the system fully considered the actual operation of the system environment and enhance the stability of the circuit. For example, the system design of the charge and discharge protection devices to effectively prevent the charge and have a discharge and transient protection circuit illumination at night to avoid the interference source. Keywords: Solar Battery LED
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