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发布时间:2014-10-25 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录摘 要I 1 绪论1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 数据采集系统的发展历史及研究现状和发展趋势1 1.3 研究内容5 2 主芯片及软件介绍3 2.1 单片机芯片AT89C52介绍3 2.1.1 概述3 2.1.2 主要功能特性3 2.2 AD0808芯片简介6 2.3 硬件开发环境Proteus简介7 2.3.1 界面简介8 2.3.2 操作简介10 3 多路电参数采集系统硬件设计11 3.1 总体设计方案11 3.2 电源电路电路设计13 3.3 复位及时钟电路设计13 3.4 AD0808与单片机接口电路设计14 3.5 74ls74分频器设计16 3.6 LED显示电路设计16 4 多路电参数采集系统软件设计18 4.1 主程序18 4.2 AD转换程序 19 4.3 数据处理程序 20 5 多路电参数采集系统软硬件调试23 5.1 测量系统硬件调试23 5.1.1 脱机调试23 5.1.2 仿真调试23 5.2 测量系统软件调试25 5.3 性能测试与分析26 6 总结27 致 谢28 参考文献29 附录a 多路电参数采集系统源程序30 摘 要 现代测量中,多路测量已成为日益重要的测量技术。国内现在已有不少数据测量和采集的系统,但很多系统存在功能单一、采集通道少、采集速率低、操作复杂并且对测试环境要求较高等问题。人们需要一种应用范围广、性价比高的数据采集系统。 分析了不同类型的单片机的特点及及外围芯片性能的基础上,设计了单片机控制的多路电采集系统,并给出了该系统硬件、软件实现的方法及该系统的性能测试及分析。基于单片机的多通道数据采集系统将采样信号通过处理,通过键盘控制所要选通采集的数据,输入AD转换为数字信号后由单片机采集,然后利用单片机进行数据的存储、后期处理通过四位LED数码管显示采集数据。该数据采集系统数据处理功能强大、显示直观、界面友好、性价比高,可广泛应用于工业控制、仪器、仪表、机电一体化、智能家居等诸多领域。 关键词:数据采集,多通道,单片机,AD转换 Abstract In modern measurement techniques, multi-channel measurement has become an increasingly important measurement technique . Now there are a lot of data measurements and acquisition systems.However, some of them lock of multifunction,enough collection, high sampling rate and simple operation and need specific test environment and so on.People need a wide range of applications, cost-effective data acquisition system. After analyzing the characteristics of different types of microcontroller and external chip performance, the system of multi-channel electrical acquisition system is designed。The design gives the system's hardware, software methods ,the system performance test and analysis. This paper analyzed the characteristics and performance of external chip with different types of microcontroller, designed multi-channel electrical parameters acquisition system based on the microprocessor technology, given the hardware and software method of system. The design of Multi-channel data acquisition system processed the sample signals, through the keyboard to control the collection of data and using AD converting into digital signals, then used single chip to store and process data, displayed collected data via four LED at last. The data acquisition system with a powerful data processing, intuitive display, user-friendly, and cost-effective, can be widely used in industrial control, instruments, meters, mechanical and electrical integration, intelligent home and many other fields. Key words: data acquisition, multi-channel, MCU, AD conversion
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