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发布时间:2014-10-29 来源:人大经济论坛
高危早产三胞胎的护理体会_护理学论文 摘 要 早产儿是指孕龄在29周与37周之间出生的新生儿,此期新生儿体重偏小,由于各系统器官尚未发育成熟,功能相对不完善,如体温中枢发育不全,体温调节功能差导致体温不稳定,易并发硬肿症;呼吸中枢发育不够成熟,肺泡表面活性物质不足,易并发肺炎、肺不张等;早产儿胃容量小,且呈横位,容易溢乳,因此在喂养上有很大困难;早产儿的免疫功能不全,抵抗力低,容易感染;另外,其肝功能不成熟,毛细血管脆性高,易出现颅内出血、肺出血及黄疸;还由于其甲状腺功能低下,易致早产儿缺钙等,此时,早产儿任何一系统出现情况,都有可能是致命的。因此,我们医生和护士都应具备高度的责任感和持久的耐心和满腔的爱心来对待这脆弱的生命。这三胞胎通过我们医护人员的精心护理和娴熟的专业治疗,终于渡过难关,转危为安,得以顺利健康地成长。 关 键 词:早产儿;三胞胎;护理; 论文类型:.应用研究 The nursing feeling about triplets of prematureinfant in high danger ABSTRACT The premature infant are the newborn infants with gestational age between 29 weeks and 37 weeks.These newborns have low weight, and the functions are incomplete because all the systerm and organs have not grown mature. For example, the body heat is unstable as the heat centre is weak in regulating the body heat,so the premature infant are easy to get the scleredema.And the premature infant are sensible to pneumonia and pulmonary atelectasis due to the disability of breath centre and insufficient of alveolar surfactant. As the cabability of the stomach is small ,thus the galactorrhea is often happened, therefore, we have great difficulties in feeding the premature infant.Samely,the incomplete function of immuny system and the weak resistence to the stressors make the premature infant sensible to infections.Besides, the shortment of hepatic function and the increased capillary fragility lead to intracranial hemorrhage,pneumorrhagia and jaundice.In addition,the thyroid hypofunction often cause calcium deficiency.At this stage, ,it will be vital when any system has problem. In summary,both doctors and nursers should own high responsibility,great patience and full love towards the fragile life. Proper treatment and nursing were given to the triplets according to the characterization of every system. Finally these triplets overcame the difficulties and got recovered from the dangerous conditions through our careful nursing and skillfull treatment KEY WORDS: premature infant; nursing;triplets; TYPE OF THESIS: Application 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTIII 目 录V 1 绪论1 1.1 背景和意义1 1.2 本研究的目的和目标1 1.3 关键词及定义1 1.4 文献回顾1 2 研究设计3 2.1 研究对象3 2.2 临床资料3 2.3 研究方法及步骤3 3 研究结果7 4 讨论9 5 推论及建议11 致 谢13 参考文献15
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