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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1【题 名】:Mapping technological capabilities into product markets and competitive advantage: the case of cholesterol drugs
【期刊】:Strategic Management Journal
【年, (), 起止页码】:Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2002, Pages: 171–179,
【作 者】:Allan Afuah

2【题 名】:A new operational paradigm for oil operations in sensitive environments: an analysis of social pressure, corporate capabilities and competitive advantage
【期刊】:Business Strategy and the Environment
【年, (), 起止页码】:Volume 8, Issue 5, September/October 1999, Pages: 267–280,
【作 者】:Marilu Hastings

3【题 名】:sustainable global supplier management: the role of dynamic capabilities in achieving competitive advantage
【期刊】:journal of supply chain management
【年, (), 起止页码】:volume 46, issue 2, april 2010, pages: 45–63,
【作 者】carsten reuter, kai foerstl, evi hartmann and constantin blome

4【题 名】ReferencesCapabilities, business processes, and competitive advantage: choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource-based view
【期刊】Strategic Management Journal
【年, (), 起止页码】:Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages: 23–37,
【作 者】: Gautam Ray, Jay B. Barney and Waleed A. Muhanna

5【题 名】:The dynamic interplay of capability strengths and weaknesses: investigating the bases of temporary competitive advantage
【期刊】:Strategic Management Journal
【年, (), 起止页码】:Volume 31, Issue 13, December 2010, Pages: 1386–1409,
David G. Sirmon, Michael A. Hitt, Jean-Luc Arregle and Joanna Tochman Campbell

6【题 名】:Southwest airlines: A case study linking employee needs satisfaction and organizational capabilities to competitive advantage
【期刊】:Human Resource Management
【年, (), 起止页码】:Volume 35, Issue 4, Winter 1996, Pages: 513–534,
【作 者】:Roger Hallowell
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