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文库关键词:Springer  施普林格 


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Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability(1975-2014) attach_img liucg9999 2017-7-31 3 1932 rwrew 2022-6-18 11:10:02
悬赏 Image Analysis, Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2016-6-13 9 2240 wangfasheng 2019-11-3 22:19:15
悬赏 Information-Spectrum Methods in Information Theory - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2016-6-13 6 1313 violinangel 2016-6-14 21:53:44
Stochastic Integration and Stochastic Differential Equations attachment kexinkeqing 2016-1-12 11 2314 yangwag 2017-7-26 18:30:08
Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications attachment nelsoncwlee 2015-6-26 1 2099 bailihongchen 2015-6-27 15:36:03
Stochastic Models in Reliability attachment lasgpope 2015-4-20 4 1423 三江鸿 2023-1-26 18:09:42
Cycle Representations of Markov Processes attachment lasgpope 2015-4-19 9 1578 三江鸿 2023-1-26 18:27:17
[随机微分方程]Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations attachment lasgpope 2015-4-19 10 4360 三江鸿 2022-5-22 23:43:28
Large Deviations Techniques and Applications 2nd Edition attachment SleepyTom 2015-3-1 2 1953 xinchuzu 2015-3-1 14:22:13
悬赏 Heavy Traffic Analysis of Controlled Queueing and Communication Networks - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2015-1-25 1 853 giresse 2015-1-25 11:20:42
悬赏 Two-Scale Stochastic Systems: Asymptotic Analysis and Control - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2015-1-25 2 1095 giresse 2022-4-27 20:27:48
悬赏 Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes: Basic Optimality Criteria - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2014-12-13 2 1117 giresse 2014-12-13 16:13:52
悬赏 Stochastic Networks and Queues - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2014-11-22 2 916 giresse 2014-11-22 09:35:09
悬赏 Elements of Queueing Theory 2nd Edition - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2014-10-1 1 1247 lambert0205 2014-10-1 09:19:53
悬赏 Numerical Methods for Stochastic Control Problems in Continuous Time - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2014-9-28 6 1932 shuxue_ch 2017-6-11 20:23:23
悬赏 Fundamentals of Queueing Networks - [已解决] attachment violinangel 2014-9-21 11 1853 lizhenru5 2022-11-13 14:52:04
Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations attachment mathmli 2014-7-4 0 1675 mathmli 2014-7-4 16:51:48
Stochastic Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods attachment longstreet 2013-10-19 3 1896 LeRoiLion 2014-7-4 03:23:34
2013新书-Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications attachment rmatrix 2013-5-2 10 2705 三江鸿 2023-1-20 23:29:39
Stochastic Simulation Algorithms and Analysis书籍下载 attachment baitrc 2013-4-25 0 1837 baitrc 2013-4-25 16:14:21
免費 Stochastic Portfolio Theory attachment martinnyj 2012-8-27 9 4186 Donnie2009 2018-10-2 09:17:57
Discrete time markov chains two time scale methods and applications attachment xiaofeng87816 2012-5-11 0 975 xiaofeng87816 2012-5-11 09:14:14
Jean Jacod, Philip Protter大牛力作 Discretization of Processes attachment yiweidon 2012-2-8 25 10156 yglsy 2023-6-11 15:03:43
Applied Probability and Queues (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability) attachment wangbisong 2011-8-2 4 2455 happymathscu 2023-3-21 14:34:16
Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps in Finance attachment terrytong 2010-11-9 18 5283 三江鸿 2023-1-18 10:34:05
Statistics of Random Processes I: General Theory (by R. Lipster and A. Shiryaev) attachment slw8d 2010-10-3 26 10670 三江鸿 2022-5-2 11:51:08
shiryaev optimal stopping rules attachment cyberlink2009 2010-9-6 1 4111 三江鸿 2022-4-24 19:23:44
09Springer新书-Fundamentals of Stochastic Filtering-Alan Bain attachment ningshisan 2010-7-12 4 3113 atwoodcloyd 2019-6-27 21:15:15
Hybrid Switching Diffusions:Properties and Applications attachment liumartin 2010-3-14 2 2476 blueswind 2010-10-30 16:54:07
Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes - Theory and Applications attachment mathmli 2009-11-24 5 2541 三江鸿 2023-1-20 23:05:01








lenore2005 2022-7-7:

stwamy 2021-12-1:

HeliumHe 2020-3-24:

Luzhaoyang 2019-10-11:

kl00195 2019-7-9:

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