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2023年美国大学生数学竞赛试题及解答(英文版) attachment yuhuifeng09 2024-3-3 19 886 junyun0315 2024-3-5 16:31:23
An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques-MLMandSEMapproachesusingMPLUS attachment hekun123 2024-3-3 15 695 babylaugh 2024-3-5 11:06:09
JPMorgan-Commodity Market Positioning Flows Crude leads first weekl.. attachment 商业新知 2024-3-2 4 446 Little_dog 2024-3-4 10:19:08
Day trade Secrets + Python Advanced, Advanced Techniques for Finance Pro attachment Xaah 2024-1-18 16 897 zoomivy 2024-1-19 21:43:51
纽约客杂志分享,The New Yorker,2024年1月的三期 attachment kkiittyy555 2024-1-17 27 1838 yiyoujian 2024-5-25 00:16:56
Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SAS and R attachment digest yaawuu 2023-10-22 81 23944 军旗飞扬 2024-5-20 12:24:10
《华尔街日报》The Wall Street Journal - 2023-09-22 attachment juju_zju 2023-9-23 13 964 cdad2022 2023-9-25 10:19:52
华尔街日报 The Wall Street Journal 09.22.2023.pdf attachment 商业新知 2023-9-23 12 617 marytwj 2023-9-25 20:09:07
How market pressures and organizational readiness drive digital marketing adopti attachment 蹦蹦123456 2023-9-22 1 425 晏几道 2023-10-19 19:34:03
Handbook of Statistics Vol.48 Deeping Learning attach_img ccpoo 2023-9-10 22 2185 MouJack007 2023-9-15 11:28:54
Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes (2nd Edition) attach_img ccpoo 2023-9-10 15 1917 MouJack007 2023-9-15 11:29:13
Machine Learning: A Constraint-Based Approach (2nd Edition) attach_img ccpoo 2023-9-10 12 1724 MouJack007 2023-9-15 11:30:09
Investment Science, 2nd Edition 投资科学 第二版 David G. Luenberger attachment yechunyi 2023-9-6 19 2147 冰族王子 2023-10-13 02:33:04
分享2本外国人在中国投资亏钱的书,《中国通》(Mr. China)和Chinese Rules attachment funnyme 2023-9-4 32 2637 悟空322 2023-9-6 20:40:08
A ProblemText in Advanced Calculus-John M. Erdman attachment wxwpxh 2023-9-2 12 771 baiyantao 2023-9-4 10:55:57
9月1日(周五)英国主要报纸+misc attachment Xaah 2023-9-2 17 1143 实不相瞒今晚想你 2023-10-10 15:29:42
9月1日(周五)美加各地主要报纸选 attachment Xaah 2023-9-2 15 953 Xaah 2023-9-7 03:15:50
《金融时报·亚洲版》Financial Times_Asia_2023-0901 attachment nathan29 2023-9-1 13 750 laomm002 2023-9-3 10:55:01
《纽约时报》The New York Times_2023-0901 attachment nathan29 2023-9-1 15 848 hangye 2023-9-3 08:43:33
08-28-2023 美国各地日报选载 attachment Xaah 2023-8-29 15 1072 龙侠99 2023-8-31 20:20:25
《华尔街日报》The Wall Street Journal - 2023-08-28 attachment juju_zju 2023-8-29 14 1030 caodaming 2023-8-31 17:53:32
经典公司金融教材最新版 attachment nickyxfgsm 2023-8-28 35 3545 wml388 2024-6-28 11:25:36
周末(08-26/27-2023)的报纸杂志 attachment Xaah 2023-8-28 15 1029 sofree 2023-9-13 17:27:40
Advances in Financial Machine Learning by MARCOS LOPEZ DE PRADO attachment smellfishfxx 2023-8-28 19 1336 Bertha-7 2023-11-27 10:40:49
Probability Theory The Logic of Science attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-27 17 1237 3880_1573703599 2023-8-30 06:54:47
Probability Theory attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-26 23 1971 465076 2024-7-18 05:53:15
今天(08-24-2023)的几份英国报纸 attachment Xaah 2023-8-25 14 857 baoji777 2023-8-27 09:49:28
《华尔街日报》The Wall Street Journal - 2023-08-24 attachment juju_zju 2023-8-25 14 909 bluelily 2023-8-29 14:28:46








gideshi1974 2021-4-17:

mmmmom 2021-3-11:

connieee 2020-12-30:

qwerty2221 2020-12-7:

iamxintong 2020-10-29:

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