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中印关系history of sino india relations attachment 世界经济与国际贸易 0720 2010-2-8 1 2110 kuailemyt 2016-12-10 19:49:16
求助 计量经济学与统计软件 zhaoxudong1986 2010-3-30 1 1281 crystal8832 2015-1-8 23:34:47
完整版外贸函电 attachment 世界经济与国际贸易 xiaoguapitou 2010-3-10 18 4102 dangerboy 2011-12-2 15:55:23
Relationship Economics 关系经济学英文版 attachment 创新与战略管理 HYC0817 2010-2-12 7 1447 nankai123 2011-4-16 12:37:15
Monetary Regimes and Inflation: History, Economic and Political Relationships attach_img 金融学(理论版) zhaohailei 2010-2-3 4 2120 daniu08 2010-7-10 15:30:21
悬赏 找书,谢谢。public relations and organizational identity - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 kiding918 2010-4-1 1 1472 sjily211 2010-4-1 19:04:00
Compliance and Enforcement Decisions under the National Labor Relations Act attachment 劳动经济学 vanhongbin 2010-4-1 0 1285 vanhongbin 2010-4-1 11:16:09
悬赏 [求助]Human Relations杂志1998年论文一篇(5个论坛币) - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 lawry 2010-3-31 4 1462 lawry 2010-3-31 11:30:55
Repeated Games and reputation: Long-run relationships attachment 微观经济学 mollyenjoy 2010-3-26 0 1849 mollyenjoy 2010-3-26 11:14:11
经济指标解读 attachment 金融实务版 wilsonax 2010-3-8 4 1458 e_lian2000 2010-3-9 08:42:07
感谢stephen421的无私帮助 !求助几篇英文文献 谢谢! attachment 文献求助专区 zhutx 2010-2-20 3 1538 zhutx 2010-2-20 19:11:37
Repairing Relationships and Restoring Trust attachment 金融学(理论版) hexilie 2010-2-12 0 1188 hexilie 2010-2-12 00:40:30
5“R”结合,完美激励 人力资源管理 fgq5910 2010-2-5 6 1256 无花无酒 2010-2-9 10:44:27
Opening the black box of the relationship between HRM practices attachment 文献求助专区 dggltt 2010-2-4 0 1788 dggltt 2010-2-4 04:59:41
[300币] 求 Ma, Jun 的一本书 文献求助专区 sam_ben 2010-1-25 3 1133 sam_ben 2010-1-27 12:27:56
【感谢】英文文献已找到 attachment 文献求助专区 tsubasa1980728 2010-1-24 2 1560 tsubasa1980728 2010-1-25 20:42:01
完美版本的_09风险管理力作Anticipating Correlations: A New Paradigm for Risk Mgmt attachment 金融学(理论版) laneboss 2010-1-20 0 2433 laneboss 2010-1-20 04:08:44
【求助】Empirical relationship between the dividend and investment decision attachment 文献求助专区 wszgr159 2010-1-17 1 1485 leidenuniv 2010-1-17 09:54:52
说人闲话要三思而后行 休闲灌水 cici林 2010-1-14 1 987 biewentf 2010-1-14 21:22:51

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