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QCA分析论文6篇 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 lucas197775 2008-1-31 4 4420 HHHWWWW 2020-5-21 21:40:49
[降价了!]Maddala, 1983, Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ljx2000119 2007-5-28 40 15117 tianwk 2020-4-5 17:24:26
研究方法-扎根理论(原作者-陈向明) 市场营销 xjaint 2008-9-15 7 8418 趣多多发论文多多 2018-4-18 10:46:56
Contingency table-A two-way Bridge Between Qualitative and Quantitative Metohds attachment 商学院 ctimu0525 2007-1-19 3 2283 jeffyangsir 2018-1-2 21:07:30
Qualitative Research Methods attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ctx5518 2008-7-18 9 4617 realstone30 2017-9-27 21:12:07
[推荐]Qualitative Analysis attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 SPSSCHEN 2006-3-24 47 10140 vivian7days 2015-1-14 01:11:50
[下载]Maddala, 1983, Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 wqs204 2008-8-30 9 7728 niling2002 2014-7-25 22:46:09
[求助]Using NVIVO in Qualitative Research 计量经济学与统计软件 Trevor 2006-9-23 9 5268 Lisrelchen 2014-7-14 11:15:12
Econometrics of Qualitative dependent Variables attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ccpoo 2007-5-7 5 3930 kantdisciple 2012-1-29 20:15:11
Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics attachment 文献求助专区 jianchuanxy 2008-8-11 2 4155 sophiagao 2012-1-11 14:04:26
Qualitative research to inform attachment 商学院 12楼 2007-11-8 1 1418 jjoohhnn 2011-12-29 19:43:41
Qualitative Risk Analysis attachment 商学院 12楼 2007-10-30 0 1352 12楼 2011-12-27 20:23:20
[Gourieroux, Christian] Econometrics of qualitative dependent variables attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 xwh1 2005-7-4 3 3508 woodhaven 2011-10-7 06:44:15
经典:Qualitative Choice Analysis Theory, Econometrics, and an Application to Autom attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 hjh 2005-1-14 13 3424 dyshappy 2011-10-2 04:32:11
Qualitative Research Methods_A Data Collectors Field Guide attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ctx5518 2008-7-18 4 2668 xiyting 2009-11-3 23:05:54
[求助]急需Maddala写的limited dependent and qualitative variables in eco我她的intro to eco 计量经济学与统计软件 shewenhao 2008-8-14 3 2111 蓝色 2008-8-14 08:25:00
[原创]中国人为什么拒绝“商品中包含的劳动的量”这个概念? 马克思主义经济学 confuse 2007-8-18 8 2985 confuse 2007-8-20 15:39:00
[原创]谈中、英文两种版本的《资本论》在一句话的翻译上的重大分歧 马克思主义经济学 confuse 2007-1-13 6 4776 confuse 2007-6-19 10:15:00
[分享]我也来分享在英国读博经验 经管在职研 alexzhang06 2006-12-31 2 4528 george_shi2001 2007-2-24 00:32:00
評孫善豪對《資本論》的翻譯(转) 马克思主义经济学 ccggqq 2005-4-13 0 2074 ccggqq 2005-4-13 18:29:00

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