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Design of Embedded Control Systems attach_img 管理信息系统 Toyotomi 2013-1-20 4 2061 三江鸿 2022-11-16 14:58:23
我国汽车电子产业市场现状分析 行业分析报告 天拓咨询 2013-10-29 1 1449 柯南哥 2017-12-28 17:45:39
国际顶级期刊Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: attachment 世界经济与国际贸易 tqy395 2013-11-20 4 2489 阿袋 2015-4-6 21:43:55
悬赏 The effects of network embeddedness on service innovation performance - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 goodluck_2_you 2012-10-21 4 1234 LIYE322 2014-12-9 17:31:29
今天得到了《国际金融研究》外审意见,请大家帮忙分析一下 学术道德监督 internet.hzx 2011-10-31 41 14990 gssdzc 2014-7-20 20:14:39
悬赏 Integrating the Unfolding Model and Job Embeddedness Model to Better Understand - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 zhlzg 2013-9-24 1 655 xllbl 2013-9-24 18:07:18
Less is more: Validation of a short form of the job embeddedness measure and the 文献求助专区 zhlzg 2013-9-13 0 1096 zhlzg 2013-9-13 09:40:18
悬赏 When and how is job embeddedness predictive of turnover? A meta-analytic investi - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bxmzone 2013-6-15 2 855 bxmzone 2013-6-15 15:54:50
悬赏 The impact of psychological capital on job embeddedness and job performance amon - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuangda2010 2013-5-30 2 698 yingmickey 2013-5-30 19:25:19
悬赏 Purchasing Behavior in Embedded Markets - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 jyjkshuai 2012-12-14 1 897 Benzju 2012-12-14 16:55:23
悬赏 The social embeddedness of decision making: opportunities and challenges - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 求助成功区 hitsom 2012-12-4 2 683 huyifei 2012-12-4 17:06:17
悬赏 Embedded exploration: The role of inter-firm networks in channeling organization - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 lyh853 2012-11-8 4 874 lyh853 2012-11-8 02:15:47
悬赏 Purchasing behav ior in embedded markets - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wlw19881023 2012-10-28 1 789 jmb321 2012-10-28 21:02:17
悬赏 Resource Acquisition in the Emergence Phase: Considering the Effects of Embedded - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 goodluck_2_you 2012-10-17 1 780 jigesi 2012-10-17 17:54:46
悬赏 The role of knowledge embeddedness in the creation of synergies in strategic - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 goodluck_2_you 2012-10-17 1 816 dbzxdws 2012-10-17 17:40:07
最新出来的<<四大名捕>>--很赞啊 情感交友 xrym 2012-10-17 2 842 qoiqpwqr 2012-10-17 03:24:47
悬赏 Effects of relational embeddedness on technological innovation - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 chuouniv 2012-7-28 1 817 oliyiyi 2012-7-28 10:12:43
悬赏 Embeddedness, interdependence, and opportunism in organizational supplier-buyer - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 goodluck_2_you 2012-5-17 1 866 zhkim5858 2012-5-17 18:34:25
悬赏 The embeddedness of organizations: dialogue & directions - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 suretian 2012-2-4 2 816 alphalex 2012-2-4 13:13:04
求文献Employment Relationships With Social Exchange and Job Embeddedn 文献求助专区 beethoven1840 2011-12-11 5 947 beethoven1840 2011-12-11 14:06:40

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