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Multivariaye Analysis of Ecological Data 生态学多变量数据分析的书 attachment 量化投资 五毛等五毛 2017-6-18 3 4156 Amour小颜颜 2022-4-2 23:42:28
悬赏 求书!!ecological economics:an introduction by Gareth Edwards-Jones - [!reward_solved!] attachment 环境经济学 mingyao_yi 2017-9-16 6 4021 Amour小颜颜 2022-3-29 09:46:47
【程序软件系列】Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R 第二版 - [阅读权限 14]attach_img 环境经济学 wwqqer 2016-12-30 68 4618 Amour小颜颜 2022-3-26 11:20:19
私募通数据日报:“史上最严”私募新规7月15日实施 纳什空间获2亿B轮融资 行业分析报告 heatherfree 2016-7-12 3 1138 512661101 2021-1-17 20:14:59
Macroeconomics in Ecological Context attach_img 宏观经济学 igs816 2017-2-16 19 2130 pika44 2018-6-11 11:36:32
怎样寻找农经类经典的英文文献? 农林经济学 he--xi 2017-7-21 10 8055 zhuosn 2017-12-28 08:12:13
悬赏 Ecological Networks and Neighborhood Social Organization - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yanhaiweilong 2017-5-31 1 485 giresse 2017-5-31 09:32:04
Optimized R functions for analysis of ecological community data using the R virt attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 一哇一嘛呆 2017-5-4 2 806 晓七 2017-5-5 04:52:27
悬赏 Ecological Modernization:Restructuring IndustrialEconomies - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 r9205009 2017-4-13 1 726 giresse 2017-4-13 23:14:48
悬赏 Sustainable development and ecological modernization–the limits to a hegemonic - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 duncan_zheng 2017-3-18 1 623 Terry950901 2017-3-18 23:57:40
签到签到,啦啦啦啦 坛友说 jiangyong2004 2017-3-15 0 143 jiangyong2004 2017-3-15 08:53:28
悬赏 Biogeography An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach 9th Edition - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 易若寒 2016-12-17 5 1007 giresse 2017-1-15 09:43:16
求ecological economics投稿指南 爱问频道 我是一粒糖 2017-1-6 1 2187 xddlovejiao1314 2017-1-6 13:32:41
悬赏 Towards a social-ecological understanding of sustainable venturing - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 宁静的城np 2017-1-4 4 536 auirzxp 2017-1-4 23:43:28
悬赏 Globalization and Environmental Reform: The Ecological Modernization of the Glob - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 r9205009 2016-11-28 1 587 giresse 2016-11-28 21:51:31
【独家发布】【朝花夕拾-时文警语】-同呼吸却难共命运!防污染也分阶级? 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) fumingxu 2016-11-1 0 539 fumingxu 2016-11-1 22:25:09
这样的论文够不够管理学部面上项目水平 基金与课题申请 新手上路ING 2016-9-20 2 3041 shirleylan12 2016-11-1 14:43:32
悬赏 Environmental Attitude and Ecological Behavior - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 r9205009 2016-7-30 2 677 Mengguren15 2016-7-30 17:34:07
Ecological Statistics - Fox, Gordon A. [SRG] attachment 经济社会统计专版 kexinkeqing 2016-5-28 1 1046 hyq2003 2016-5-29 15:42:30

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