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有木有W.W.Cooper数据包络分析的中文版,跪求 计量经济学与统计软件 Becareful 2014-10-12 3 2651 csjlake 2020-6-8 22:05:26
Science and Human Experience: Values, Culture and the Mind by Leon N. Cooper - [阅读权限 16]attachment 跨学科讨论区 tigerwolf 2014-11-30 8 155 idiot99 2016-12-8 17:47:49
World Economic Development by cooper 世界经济史英文原版教材 attachment 经济史与经济思想史 乖乖要加油 2014-8-13 7 5556 Tjiahong 2016-8-10 13:04:45
悬赏 5金币求电子书Cooperation Without Trust? - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 jiushou1234 2014-10-28 1 885 cmwei333 2016-7-24 01:17:44
有钱就是任性 对冲基金大佬离婚金额创新高 金融实务版 yuwenjun720731 2014-11-30 0 1119 yuwenjun720731 2014-11-30 20:28:26
国泰君安:牛市归来 王者归来 CapitalVue版 CapitalVue 2014-11-26 0 45 CapitalVue 2014-11-26 20:23:25
建议中国页岩气打井的数量应该翻番 CapitalVue版 CapitalVue 2014-11-19 0 42 CapitalVue 2014-11-19 03:22:32
安邦保险收购华尔道夫或被调查 金融类 生命表大师 2014-11-17 3 2251 水底游鱼 2014-11-18 10:53:36
外盘早评:金价徘徊在4年低位附近 因油价走低且美元走强 CapitalVue版 CapitalVue 2014-11-10 0 35 CapitalVue 2014-11-10 02:48:53
成山集团将买断与固铂合资工厂股份 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) xujingjun 2014-10-9 0 913 xujingjun 2014-10-9 23:28:27
成山集团将买断与固铂合资工厂股份 金融实务版 acdgn 2014-10-9 0 565 acdgn 2014-10-9 14:01:25
悬赏 文献求助:Competition, cooperation, and innovation: - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ming4733733 2014-9-29 2 1080 violinangel 2014-9-29 13:27:28
悬赏 文献求助:R&D cooperation and innovation activities of firms - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ming4733733 2014-9-29 2 853 giresse 2014-9-29 13:24:46
悬赏 请能下载的朋友帮帮忙 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 catchstars 2014-9-26 19 1632 giresse 2014-9-27 12:54:26
cooperative game paper attachment 博弈论 lglovelhm 2014-9-19 0 806 lglovelhm 2014-9-19 11:10:23
A COOPERATIVE VALUE FOR BAYESIAN GAMES attachment 博弈论 lglovelhm 2014-9-19 0 887 lglovelhm 2014-9-19 11:08:28
悬赏 Interfirm Cooperation among Small Manufacturing Firms - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 jamiec 2014-9-12 1 853 auirzxp 2014-9-12 13:30:39
悬赏 Some tests of the economic theory of cooperatives - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 fwdd 2014-9-6 1 855 giresse 2014-9-6 13:03:41
悬赏 AOM: Collaborative HRM, Climate for Cooperation, and Employee - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 yinhezhiwang 2014-8-30 1 993 auirzxp 2014-8-30 19:15:20
悬赏 文献一篇On the mutually beneficial cooperative scheme - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 玄一无相 2014-8-14 2 1088 auirzxp 2014-8-14 20:48:17

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