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竞争模型比较时,不同指数的结果不一致 LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件 petrel0813 2012-11-1 8 5891 1246296167 2021-4-20 20:06:45
用stata计算两列变量相减结果有问题? attach_img Stata专版 taoqq 2012-11-13 7 15830 zhengbieguang 2021-4-8 20:31:18
悬赏 求科斯的"the firm, the market, and the law"这本书 - [!reward_solved!] 制度经济学 roach 2012-8-13 5 2839 zqqgood 2018-1-8 16:48:37
stata如何merge Stata专版 cjx0926 2012-5-29 4 13187 听雨廊桥 2017-6-5 21:04:13
Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm attachment 制度经济学 wpfhbu 2012-12-7 3 1870 我是谁7878 2013-11-29 16:31:37
悬赏 Wiley文献:Firm Size Distribution and Growth - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sinolong 2012-12-28 1 846 liuningzheng 2012-12-28 14:56:54
悬赏 2011 Theories of Heterogeneous Firms and Trade - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 sinolong 2012-12-18 2 957 liuningzheng 2012-12-18 20:03:42
悬赏 求Foreignness and exit over the life cycle of firms - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 moorefen 2012-12-17 1 944 liuningzheng 2012-12-17 15:44:05
有没有2月份的c,现在还没收到confirmtion的啊 金融类 900801 2012-12-15 6 1259 900801 2012-12-16 01:34:54
比较出众的企业地理国外论文:Organizing ‘the firm’ in industrial attachment 区域经济学 shibingzi 2012-11-22 1 880 suzhouxiaoxian 2012-11-23 11:19:00
confirmation number 金融类 lhc_00 2012-10-11 4 3305 snowhank 2012-10-13 18:04:50
经过AMOS出来的参数结果,可用吗? SPSS论坛 Jurkin 2012-8-16 5 1554 蜗居斗室 2012-8-16 18:05:13
拿着打折,可以去香港考试吗? 金融类 kirbm 2012-8-3 2 1090 kirbm 2012-8-3 16:10:28
判斷新變數 Stata专版 saudada 2012-7-19 0 833 saudada 2012-7-19 07:46:56
code 變數 Stata专版 saudada 2012-7-18 0 845 saudada 2012-7-18 16:56:07
滯后變數 Stata专版 saudada 2012-7-18 0 881 saudada 2012-7-18 10:40:00
【求助】有人收到8月MFE的order confirmation了吗? 金融类 xuyielaine 2012-5-16 4 1456 sunfangahu 2012-6-5 19:47:56
急求关于DEA2.1问题 爱问频道 敬言慎行 2012-5-27 2 1059 pony1031 2012-5-28 15:05:02
怎样使用循环 宏 生成500个小数据集,大侠相助啊!! SAS专版 jintianxiu 2012-5-17 12 3677 jintianxiu 2012-5-20 11:22:51
悬赏 中文一篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 semidefinite 2013-1-2 2 459 semidefinite 2011-1-3 18:59:25

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