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Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics中文版:高级宏观经济学导论,中国人大出版 attach_img 宏观经济学 Daze21 2014-9-15 19 10526 三江鸿 2022-3-12 23:53:43
R语言扩展包dplyr笔记 (转载) R语言论坛 李会超 2014-12-30 9 47954 14313121 2018-9-6 10:42:25
《introducing chaos》 by Ziauddin Sardar 混沌学简介 齐亚乌丁 萨达尔 attach_img 经济金融数学专区 jamessun1996 2014-12-24 2 1843 biubiupa~ 2018-3-8 11:21:51
[Python书籍]Introducing Python:Modern Computing in Simple Packages attach_img 量化投资 igs816 2015-3-18 97 11689 80years 2016-12-22 00:06:13
悬赏 求:Introducing Multilevel Modeling - [悬赏 150 个论坛币] attachment 悬赏大厅 唐宋元清 2014-4-12 3 1876 日月日月11 2016-8-10 09:24:22
Solutions to Odd-Numbered Exercises - Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R attachment R语言论坛 に氺橸ジ楓柃 2014-8-26 5 4483 lonestone 2016-5-27 12:57:12
悬赏 Introducing Python:Modern Computing in Simple Packages - [!reward_solved!] winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-2-26 7 2769 Nicolle 2015-9-27 12:20:49
The Scrum Culture: Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations attach_img 企业文化 大家开心 2015-2-20 3 1537 xiangyu71 2015-2-23 08:24:59
Introducing Microsoft Azure HDInsight Technical Overview attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-1-31 0 837 Nicolle 2015-1-31 12:11:00
悬赏 Consumer welfare effects of introducing and labeling genetically modified food - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuailemyt 2015-1-9 1 652 giresse 2015-1-9 19:29:46
超级英雄电影成好莱坞的赚钱机器 - [阅读权限 5] 外语学习 reduce_fat 2014-11-10 1 116 fjrong 2014-11-10 03:48:34
悬赏 Of hype and hyperbolas:introducing the new economic geography. - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 三世相思2013 2014-11-3 1 817 giresse 2014-11-3 12:56:22
一本教辅书,《Reintroducing Macroeconomics A Critical Approach》 attach_img 宏观经济学 wangjunkrc 2014-6-6 6 2252 wangjunkrc 2014-10-27 14:18:12
Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 li_mao 2014-10-23 2 1541 Enthuse 2014-10-24 06:16:54
悬赏 Building engagement for MOOC students: introducing support for time management o - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 24578901 2014-10-22 1 566 auirzxp 2014-10-22 22:16:51
Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics中文版:高级宏观经济学导论 贺卫-东华管院-宏观经济学 Daze21 2014-9-15 0 0 Daze21 2014-9-15 12:57:28
Introducing Management: A Practical Guide by David Price - [阅读权限 18]attachment 商学院 tigerwolf 2014-8-20 10 222 浪淘沙/_LB 2014-8-24 22:47:42
悬赏 跪求图书一本:Introducing Monte Carlo methods with R - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 晨熹村人 2014-8-2 5 1602 giresse 2014-8-3 10:23:06
中国科学家即将战胜厕所臭气 - [阅读权限 5] 外语学习 reduce_fat 2014-7-18 2 218 Danbloom 2014-7-23 07:35:36
悬赏 求外文文献,10个币 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 meilige12321 2014-5-3 1 457 刀刀豆 2014-5-3 11:50:32

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