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Ajwain油全球及中国市场规模研究和预测2023-2029 attach_img 麦田创投 看报告找麦田创投 2023-8-31 0 61 看报告找麦田创投 2023-8-31 16:14:25
【(QYR咨询】中国防蝇化学品市场现状及未来发展趋势2021年 attachment 产业经济学 报告看QY 2021-10-27 1 685 三重虫 2021-10-27 15:56:43
悬赏 求下载文献一篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 mumutang 2021-8-24 3 599 Mengguren15 2021-8-25 13:04:29
Pesticides Health safety and the environment attachment 环境经济学 robit 2011-1-14 1 1219 三重虫 2021-7-23 15:47:43
做完岭回归后,选定了K值,然后如何对在这个K值下拟合的方程的系数进行显著性检验并输出结果呢? SAS专版 aeroant 2007-9-6 8 5744 chungangyi 2019-2-14 01:51:09
悬赏 英文文献Why farmers continue to use pesticides despite environmental, health and - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wangds 2015-11-28 1 600 jacquiline 2015-11-28 19:05:54
悬赏 【100金币求书】Impact of Pesticides on Farmer Health and the Rice Environment - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 georgeshe 2015-8-4 2 672 giresse 2015-8-4 17:27:34
自产蔬果新鲜健康好处多 休闲灌水 小粟林 2014-6-3 1 1451 viva_viva 2014-6-4 14:09:11
悬赏 Pesticides and Health in Highland Ecuadorian Potato Production - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 linzima 2013-5-1 2 624 linzima 2013-5-1 23:40:23
Pesticides to Grow Food attachment 商学院 MEI眼泪 2007-7-9 0 1505 MEI眼泪 2011-12-6 18:52:35
案例分析 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ichheissezhongy 2007-1-3 1 1564 frankly1020 2011-11-4 10:36:13
[感谢]文献一篇 文献求助专区 cskyeah 2010-3-23 1 1105 fategunner 2010-3-23 14:53:59

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