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请问中介效应系数太低了有影响吗? SPSS论坛 mort-mo 2020-3-6 10 10905 Misanthrope0106 2024-1-7 09:56:30
悬赏 Propensity score adjustment of a treatment effect with missing data in psychiatr - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 andy162639 2020-1-8 2 427 Mengguren15 2021-8-8 17:26:06
Short‐Run and Long‐Run Effects attachment 宏观经济学 shenjiedream 2020-3-21 1 832 edmcheng 2020-3-21 18:05:57
悬赏 Try It On! Contingency Effects of Virtual Fitting Rooms - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 timesever 2020-3-20 1 325 soledadchao 2020-3-20 13:52:58
悬赏 1977年的Some Effects of Proportions on Group Life: Skewed Sex Ratios and Respons - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 983585458 2020-3-18 2 532 jonathan821 2020-3-18 22:48:07
悬赏 Is Social Television the "Anti-Laugh Track?" Testing the Effect of - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 kkxpy 2020-3-17 0 345 kkxpy 2020-3-17 20:44:30
悬赏 Copula-Based Random Effects Models for Clustered Data - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 internet.hzx 2020-3-15 1 533 bkm006 2020-3-15 13:42:01
【学习笔记】The Crowding-out Effect attach_img 学道会 雨笑风 2020-3-8 1 496 DearElizabeth 2020-3-8 19:34:23
悬赏 AOM: Beyond Direct and Symmetrical Effects: The Influence of Demographic - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yinhezhiwang 2020-3-6 3 347 giresse 2020-3-6 10:19:22
悬赏 The Real Effect of Smoking Bans: Evidence from Corporate Innovation - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 1013741824 2020-3-5 3 378 文件袋 2020-3-5 21:01:57
【学习笔记】helo effect 简单说 不论是明星企业还是个人魅力的光芒掩盖了各种 ... attach_img 学道会 shark13 2020-3-5 0 426 shark13 2020-3-5 07:37:13
【学习笔记】The Fisher Effect attach_img 学道会 雨笑风 2020-3-1 2 293 512661101 2020-3-1 14:46:24
悬赏 Regulatory Focus and Fit Effects in Organizations - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 yuan.ying 2020-2-29 9 447 yuan.ying 2020-3-1 10:12:55
悬赏 The bonding effect of money in the workplace - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 aronson 2020-2-20 1 415 bkm006 2020-2-21 10:26:11
悬赏 Social media effects? - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 任建超 2020-2-18 2 500 tianwk 2020-2-19 00:45:31
悬赏 Effects of the open policy on the dependence between the Chinese ‘A’ stock mar - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 internet.hzx 2020-2-17 1 247 bkm006 2020-2-17 14:34:07
悬赏 The "On-the-Hour Effect": How Do Users Allocate Time - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 杨枝甘露 2020-2-17 1 339 huwuzi4 2020-2-17 09:35:33
Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect 坛友说 starabbit 2020-1-27 0 245 starabbit 2020-1-27 09:45:26
悬赏 寻找文献 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 shirleyteng 2020-1-25 1 597 py0043 2020-1-25 17:06:52
求 Leverage effect in high-frequency data with market microstructure[ 文献求助专区 地下爆菊 2020-1-11 0 408 地下爆菊 2020-1-11 21:26:33

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