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Pedroni检验结果中的组内和组间统计量 爱问频道 无名之城 2023-4-8 3 1278 小企鹅鹅 2023-12-15 23:45:42
大卫·弗里德曼《统计学·第4版》David Freedman Statistics_4th Edition attach_img 金融实务版 nathan29 2023-4-20 7 915 就是个锤子 2023-12-8 14:30:48
悬赏 Targeted Optimal Treatment Regime Learning Using Summary Statistics - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 internet.hzx 2023-4-7 2 552 allen515 2023-11-14 09:48:53
基于SAS多水平统计模型(Multilevel Statistical Model)MLwiN attach_img 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023D 2023-4-11 0 483 2025TS 2023-6-13 11:37:56
统计套利策略综述:Statistical Arbitrage Pairs Trading Strategies attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 ctman 2023-4-13 2 816 hzhssg 2023-6-2 21:19:25
Making sense of statistical studies -英文版pdf attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 512002855 2023-4-21 3 656 uandi 2023-4-22 22:50:38
solution manual for Matrix Analysis For Statistics, 3rd, 统计矩阵分析 attachment 经管文库(原现金交易版) 2023Hua 2023-4-23 1 252 Luce2030 2023-4-23 20:19:01
Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R attachment R语言论坛 zhaohuanhu 2023-4-12 2 646 zhouxiangjun 2023-4-19 11:00:59
applied statistics and the sas programming language, 5th SAS应用统计分析罗纳德科 attachment SAS专版 wanglaoshi 2023-4-11 2 519 13719288149 2023-4-13 16:26:12
Bootstrapping Analysis, Inferential Statistics and EXCEL 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 sangbsdk 2023-4-5 0 1 wuya100 2023-4-5 11:12:27
【经典教材系列】Estimation and Inferential Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 wwqqer 2023-4-5 0 1 etoy 2023-4-5 11:11:54
Interpreting Economic and Social Data: A Foundation of Descriptive Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 damon2000 2023-4-5 0 1 Boy2010 2023-4-5 11:10:59
Interpreting Economic and Social Data: A Foundation of Descriptive Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 damon2000 2023-4-5 0 1 Boy2010 2023-4-5 11:09:19
【数据分析】DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS and EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS OF DATA with MATLAB 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 cmwei333 2023-4-5 0 1 robingame 2023-4-5 11:05:34
【2015】 Statistics with JMP: Graphs, Descriptive Statistics and Probability 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 kychan 2023-4-5 0 4 三江鸿 2023-4-5 11:05:03
[下载]Resampling The New Statistics (by Julian L. Simon ) 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 myworldzju 2023-4-5 0 0 xiyting 2023-4-5 11:03:56
[下载]Ebook.Resampling - The New Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 hanszhu 2023-4-5 0 0 wngbaq 2023-4-5 11:03:21
经典书籍: Sampling Statistics (最新一本wiley 之作!) 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 yweirt 2023-4-5 0 1 wh7064rg 2023-4-5 11:02:51
Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics: sampling 3rd 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 wpy7983 2023-4-5 0 0 babeerica 2023-4-5 11:02:10
【统计教材系列】样本统计 Contributions to Sampling Statistics 李旭光- 辽宁大学商学院 wwqqer 2023-4-5 0 0 三江鸿 2023-4-5 11:01:05

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