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周礼键君:设“诺贝尔管理学奖”吧————希尔:但管理者的成就很容易随着时间消失。 休闲灌水 周礼键 2016-6-19 4 1979 周礼键 2023-1-1 13:18:06
Executive Guide to Artificial Intelligence LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2017-2-20 14 2013 derek_sniper 2017-3-16 09:26:12
Executive Compensation: Where we are and how we got there attachment 金融学(理论版) 薇沁似漾 2017-2-20 2 903 nathan9800 2017-2-21 17:52:25
悬赏 Executive Compensation: Where We Are, and How We Got There - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 fxq2327 2017-2-15 3 1113 auirzxp 2017-2-16 00:13:53
悬赏 Does executive compensation incentivize managers to create effective internal co - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ycbm132 2017-2-8 1 640 xinchuzu 2017-2-8 16:56:27
悬赏 Executive incentive plans, corporate control, and capital structure - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ycbm132 2017-2-7 2 869 mj2012 2017-2-7 17:26:08
悬赏 Executive compensation structure, ownership, and firm performance - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ycbm132 2017-2-7 1 756 mj2012 2017-2-7 17:23:16
悬赏 Is there a link between executive equity incentives and accoun - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ycbm132 2017-2-7 2 590 duanweiyu_2001 2017-2-7 17:13:28
悬赏 Coaching leaders in middle and executive management - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 bxmzone 2017-2-2 1 809 giresse 2017-2-2 22:49:41
悬赏 5 A Qualitative Investigation of Perceived Executive Ethical Leadership - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 deer11 2017-1-31 2 726 deer11 2017-2-1 10:42:11
教育部:EMBA明年全国统考 严禁“花钱买学位” attach_img MBA专版 星河远征 2016-4-5 3 899 shidong828 2017-1-15 09:27:40
董事长、CEO、总裁、总经理和创始人谁才是公司老板? 组织管理与领导力 yyj_1976 2016-12-20 0 9980 yyj_1976 2016-12-20 19:36:36
Why Hard-Nosed Executives Should Care About Management Theory attachment 金融学(理论版) cheeko 2016-10-18 0 692 cheeko 2016-10-18 01:40:22
英语学习的头等舱 学术道德监督 一口吃成大胖子 2016-10-8 0 808 一口吃成大胖子 2016-10-8 09:47:46
悬赏 Private Information and the Exercise of Executive Stock Options - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 fxq2327 2016-7-6 2 497 lyxxxz 2016-7-6 11:55:14
每日打卡究竟为了啥? 组织管理与领导力 yyj_1976 2016-7-3 0 565 yyj_1976 2016-7-3 22:01:30
【报告精选】FT Business Education-Executive education rankings 2016 attach_img 宏观经济学 william9225 2016-5-24 56 4547 chenlaomao88 2016-6-19 23:37:55
把你自己当成一个创业公司来运营和管理 组织管理与领导力 liwei190321 2016-5-19 2 1320 Rayn007 2016-6-1 00:20:25
时间常被下属占用?不要做“背着猴子”的管理者 组织管理与领导力 yyj_1976 2016-4-19 2 806 yyj_1976 2016-4-20 08:14:33
失败领袖的七个习惯 组织管理与领导力 yyj_1976 2016-4-8 2 726 yyj_1976 2016-4-11 13:16:27

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