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[好书首发]More Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner attach_img python论坛 狂热的爱好者 2014-7-22 35 6187 illdownload 2023-7-9 10:57:05
Python Data Visualization Cookbook(o'reilly丛书)及源代码 attachment python论坛 aplace 2014-7-21 29 7723 yunnandlg 2020-6-18 08:02:18
Learning Python 5th Edition attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-21 58 8562 wangyong8935 2019-10-27 21:55:51
《a byte of python》 attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-22 11 3819 liweiwei0812 2019-8-25 15:55:32
《Python源码剖析》 attach_img 版权审核区(不对外开放) tzj110 2014-7-22 8 1860 eeabcde 2019-2-2 17:12:02
Python性能鸡汤 attachment python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-22 7 2002 jiaminZ 2018-12-23 00:45:35
Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-22 29 5473 芸月樱 2017-11-18 22:54:39
几个Python相关博客 python论坛 bndnsuy 2014-7-19 5 1852 残阳_等待 2017-8-4 23:32:48
新书首发---.Python Network Programming Cookbook--2014 attach_img python论坛 zxcv_bnm 2014-7-22 7 2962 franky_sas 2016-12-16 14:49:28
小白求教,Python和R语言的区别 python论坛 tiantanshu 2014-7-22 30 38399 Сердце_в 2016-11-17 18:19:11
python 2.7 tutorial 中英对照版 attachment python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-21 3 1570 joesrd 2016-8-5 07:44:02
《Python参考手册第4版》 attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-22 10 2526 joesrd 2016-8-5 07:36:38
[好书首发]Learning Python Design Patterns attach_img python论坛 狂热的爱好者 2014-7-22 28 3797 little007 2016-2-26 11:01:25
图:Python for big data winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2014-7-20 0 1194 Nicolle 2016-1-19 07:36:15
Python Data Visualization Cookbook.pdf免费下载 python论坛 注册吧 2014-7-21 5 2684 灬改变自己 2016-1-3 23:01:07
《Python开发技术详解》 + 源代码 attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-22 6 2427 tzj110 2014-9-2 00:12:50
Python 3.4.1 docs官方文档打包 attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-21 4 2104 tzj110 2014-9-2 00:11:57
Programming Python(o'reilly丛书)源代码 attachment python论坛 aplace 2014-7-21 4 3305 huangfanchang 2014-7-26 23:33:22
Introduction to Python for Social Scientists attachment python论坛 bndnsuy 2014-7-20 3 1186 西交共享 2014-7-24 11:32:17
python 2.7.8 docs官方文档打包,包含tutorial,library等等 attach_img python论坛 tzj110 2014-7-21 2 1480 西交共享 2014-7-24 11:19:21

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