人大经济论坛 标签 ulation 相关帖子

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Population Space and Place attach_img 学术道德监督 李离黎 2021-4-4 8 3307 超超超错错 2024-5-21 10:35:34
STATA做数值模拟 attachment Stata专版 czysean 2021-8-16 6 1559 Bigeyes 2023-2-10 18:09:52
FRR,Financial Risk and regulation,金融风险与监管 attach_img 经管文库(原现金交易版) lily-2021 2021-3-28 1 880 Mama-2022 2023-1-11 11:34:57
STATA 做simulation出现很多小红叉是为什么 attach_img Stata专版 xiaoyinla 2021-7-5 2 820 fy21 2022-12-7 20:46:45
Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital Accumulation (2020) attachment 管理科学与工程 douer2016007 2021-8-28 2 698 三江鸿 2022-11-17 22:37:58
悬赏 Price discrimination product quality under opt-in privacy regulation - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 timesever 2021-8-10 1 206 giresse 2022-5-22 17:08:12
悬赏 A New Formulation for the Dial-a-Ride Problem - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2021-8-13 1 580 bkm006 2021-8-13 19:44:49
"a far cry" 不是 "远处传来的哭声" ! 外语学习 杨明凡 2021-8-5 0 1342 杨明凡 2021-8-5 21:11:25
Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research, Third Edition LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2021-8-2 0 844 oliyiyi 2021-8-2 09:56:18
悬赏 求文献:Environmental regulation, firm heterogeneity, and intra-industry realloc - [悬赏 2 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 tianyahero 2021-7-4 1 543 hope1966 2021-7-5 09:04:49
悬赏 Sample size calculation for an agreement study - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 nalan22 2021-6-22 2 561 三重虫 2021-6-22 10:07:39
如何批量给某一变量下所有观测值加后缀? Stata专版 gongjiahua1994 2021-6-9 4 931 蓝色 2021-6-14 18:53:20
求问怎么删掉重复值的第一个? Stata专版 gongjiahua1994 2021-6-8 6 832 梧桐煜 2021-6-9 08:57:57
怎么区分投资与投机? 金融学(理论版) 谭根林 2021-6-6 0 832 谭根林 2021-6-6 05:41:33
怎么区分投资与投机? 宏观经济学 谭根林 2021-6-6 0 1633 谭根林 2021-6-6 05:38:14
A NASDAQ Market Simulation 作者V Darley AV Outkin attachment 金融学(理论版) kobe24sean 2021-5-18 2 898 三重虫 2021-5-29 20:53:24
悬赏 The Development & Realization of the Fine Simulation for Mixed LNG Storage - [悬赏 60 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 真龙121 2021-5-23 8 626 真龙121 2021-5-25 15:57:26
R simulation R语言论坛 jcww918 2021-4-24 1 812 jcww918 2021-4-24 23:41:45
R simulation R语言论坛 jcww918 2021-4-11 3 1119 owenqi 2021-4-12 12:14:32

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GMT+8, 2024-6-14 11:50