人大经济论坛 标签 Interview 相关帖子

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SQL Interview Q&A (11 Pages) - [阅读权限 14]attachment SQL及关系型数据库数据分析 reduce_fat 2018-7-5 4 235 reduce_fat 2020-7-24 01:58:16
Programming Interviews Exposed, 4th Edition attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2018-4-19 9 963 tmacshamgod 2019-3-8 01:40:53
悬赏 100 论坛币求 Elements of Programming Interviews in Python - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] attachment 悬赏大厅 lizhicq 2018-4-26 8 3105 110706112 2018-12-27 14:02:05
动能交易大师如是说 pdf attachment 金融实务版 Xaah 2018-4-2 10 3208 amtw14 2018-12-22 21:11:05
A Practical Guide to Quantitative Finance Interviews清晰版 attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 YeahQQ 2018-1-20 7 10874 一夕风临 2018-9-18 22:24:53
MBB Case Material Interview attachment 经管类求职与招聘 lili1980 2018-3-11 1 1079 vivianinus 2018-8-17 11:07:33
Heard on The Street:Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews pdf attach_img 版权审核区(不对外开放) yoghurtOP 2018-7-2 0 230 yoghurtOP 2018-7-2 21:21:03
[GITHUB]Coding Interviews attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2018-6-9 5 691 manwho 2018-6-11 12:59:47
101 Successful Interviewing Strategies attach_img 人力资源管理 kawazhang 2018-5-27 1 950 jerry22880 2018-5-28 07:54:53
求The Consulting Interview Bible (Volume 1) PDF版 文献求助专区 EricWu76 2018-4-21 1 1075 EricWu76 2018-5-23 08:14:42
Hiring the Best A Manager’s Guide to Effective Interviewing and Recruiting Fift attach_img 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) kawazhang 2018-5-8 0 805 kawazhang 2018-5-8 21:08:17
量化面试必备经典书籍 attachment 版权审核区(不对外开放) rainman_forrest 2018-5-6 1 383 baoji777 2018-5-6 10:02:41
interview要好好的 坛友说 fp15088 2018-4-14 0 144 fp15088 2018-4-14 23:24:40
Good day on preparations for interview 坛友说 周周周周周天才 2018-4-14 0 145 周周周周周天才 2018-4-14 17:32:00
13個跡象顯示有人即將離職 休闲灌水 ucom 2018-4-2 0 396 ucom 2018-4-2 09:12:33
Vault Finance Interviews Practice Guide attachment 金融学(理论版) athena9373 2018-2-22 1 772 军旗飞扬 2018-2-22 08:43:12
悬赏 求What Score in WHODAS 2.0 12-Item Interviewer Version Corresponds to 40 % Psych - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 donnac_queen 2017-11-23 1 593 yiyi23ttt 2017-11-23 20:54:10
stata merge多对一显示出错 Stata专版 elmite 2017-11-22 5 5661 qiangli 2017-11-23 06:42:00

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