人大经济论坛 标签 Strategy 相关帖子

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“十四五”规划专题:成功战略规划的关键议题 attach_img 经管百科·管理学 qianlamei 2020-9-28 1 1283 lycdds 2023-6-9 08:54:59
Digital Marketing_ Strategy, Implementation and practice 6e Dave Chaffey attachment 市场营销 Fionaforest 2020-8-13 1 1294 三重虫 2021-8-28 17:56:40
Test Bank & Solution Manual for Crafting and Executing Strategy 22e Thompson attach_img 商学院 opacare 2020-10-1 2 1486 jiayouxuexixue 2021-4-19 10:37:59
Prentice Hall Exploring Corporate Strategy 8th Edition attachment 创新与战略管理 两只tiger2 2020-9-11 2 1145 13370323171 2021-3-21 14:14:04
Economics of Business Strategy 本科原版课堂PPT attachment 创新与战略管理 Yan_yidan 2020-10-8 1 956 三重虫 2021-3-8 11:50:24
Strategic Consulting_ Tools and methods for successful strategy missions attach_img 新手入门区 realAmanda 2020-10-7 0 951 realAmanda 2020-10-7 04:41:00
What is Strategy? 爱问频道 远去惊鸿 2020-9-26 0 563 远去惊鸿 2020-9-26 21:03:25
悬赏 Strategy and management of collaborative innovation - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 xiaodoudou2079 2020-9-15 5 504 xiaodoudou2079 2020-9-18 09:14:04
Strategy Analytics:2020年全球智能手机出货量12.6 亿部,同比下滑 11% attach_img 休闲灌水 ucom 2020-9-15 0 435 ucom 2020-9-15 10:13:20
混合云对AI驱动的未来企业的影响 数据分析与数据挖掘 时光永痕 2020-9-14 0 583 时光永痕 2020-9-14 18:12:29
悬赏 电子书:The strategy and tactics of pricing : a guide to profitable decision mak - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 李1翔 2020-9-8 2 709 范大爷 2020-9-9 10:54:40
决策信息风险什么?有哪些分类? attach_img 高顿财经 FRM考试 2020-8-19 0 840 FRM考试 2020-8-19 10:24:39
模拟统计是新的黑人 数据分析与数据挖掘 时光永痕 2020-8-6 0 796 时光永痕 2020-8-6 22:35:18
【经管下午茶】--蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy) attach_img 爱问频道 柳新~ 2020-8-4 0 1005 柳新~ 2020-8-4 17:42:31
悬赏 Key Strategy Tools: The 80+ Tools for Every Manager to Build a Winning Strategy - [悬赏 100 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 chunchunyenyen 2020-8-2 0 851 chunchunyenyen 2020-8-2 10:53:41

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