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悬赏 stattransfer12(64bit)安装包 - [!reward_solved!] Stata专版 陆地上的热带鱼 2018-1-27 7 12608 Mujahida 2019-12-27 08:54:48
悬赏 Does Combining Transit Signal Priority with Dedicated Bus Lanes or Queue Jump - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-12-4 6 952 giresse 2019-11-10 17:44:48
科研必备|SCI全文翻译软件: SCI Translate 5 attachment 区域经济学 sanjin1227 2018-1-19 7 6752 ghl123456 2018-10-16 11:52:29
求stattransfer13或者14 计量经济学与统计软件 陆地上的热带鱼 2018-2-1 2 1567 陆地上的热带鱼 2018-2-2 10:31:09
Data mining of the transcriptome of Plasmodium falciparum: the pentose phos.. 人工智能论文版 论文库 2018-1-31 0 396 论文库 2018-1-31 21:29:59
Finite-state transducer cascades to extract named entities in texts 人工智能论文版 人工智能-AI 2018-1-25 0 395 人工智能-AI 2018-1-25 16:30:00
关于read.transactions()函数的一个问题 R语言论坛 lxy_yf 2018-1-24 0 1867 lxy_yf 2018-1-24 11:43:42
悬赏 Oversupply or undersupply in a public transport monopoly - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2018-1-10 1 364 钱学森64 2018-1-10 09:18:18
基于直推式方法的网络异常检测方法 人工智能论文版 DL-er 2018-1-7 0 544 DL-er 2018-1-7 22:00:00
机译的消歧策略 人工智能论文版 论文库 2017-12-30 0 338 论文库 2017-12-30 17:20:04
悬赏 High-Coverage Point-to-Point Transit Study of Path-Based - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-12-25 1 501 giresse 2017-12-25 09:51:27
悬赏 Optimal transit subsidy policy - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-12-23 1 587 high-templar 2017-12-23 11:08:01
悬赏 Transversality Conditions and:横截条件 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 日新少年 2017-12-15 3 1013 wangqu211 2017-12-15 22:54:59
麦肯锡长篇:Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained Workforce Transitions In A Time Of Automation attachment 版权审核区(不对外开放) zhou_yl 2017-12-5 2 948 tsangwm 2017-12-11 07:56:56
悬赏 Evidence-Based Transit and Land Use Sketch Planning - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-12-3 1 394 high-templar 2017-12-3 13:19:18
悬赏 Public Transit Corridor Assignment Assuming Congestion - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-11-30 1 379 wangqu211 2017-11-30 19:26:22
悬赏 Placement of Rapid Transit Park-and-Ride Facilities - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 peterxu1969 2017-11-28 1 488 high-templar 2017-11-28 10:23:41

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