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tag 标签: Industrial经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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Modern Industrial Organization attachment 博弈论 xzguan 2007-9-30 64 22535 三江鸿 2022-11-15 00:24:55
[下载]MIT2007industrial organization1资料(超值) attachment 博弈论 patrickcj 2007-11-19 7 2812 小瓶九阳丹 2019-11-23 11:24:30
工业工程——概念和内容、历史与未来 attachment 商学院 12楼 2007-11-11 2 2227 oxb1984 2018-7-6 18:14:48
求电子书Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance 博弈论 landson001 2007-12-15 8 5833 Brdic 2016-12-21 10:10:29
[转帖]兴业证券2008校园招聘(01.31截止) 经管类求职与招聘 轩轩 2007-11-24 2 2720 轩轩 2012-12-28 16:34:55
必买经典:Industrial Organization-A Strategic Approach(2000, Church & Ware) attachment 微观经济学 neowarp 2007-12-17 14 4901 2003201202 2012-1-4 11:06:03
[感谢]英文文献一篇 attachment 求助成功区 坚决抗争 2007-11-28 5 1344 lai2009 2012-1-2 18:18:30
《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol03(非正式版本) attachment 微观经济学 amimadoka 2007-11-15 3 2388 fuhao168 2011-12-31 06:45:36
Coming Together:The Industrial Organization of Federalism attachment 制度经济学 fengmaliu 2007-11-14 3 2414 tx_han 2011-12-30 23:12:46
GS 高盛:每日中国报告 09.28 attachment 金融学(理论版) vbbill 2007-9-28 0 1407 vbbill 2011-12-22 03:04:47
IE技巧与应用 attachment 商学院 MEI眼泪 2007-9-28 0 1145 MEI眼泪 2011-12-21 21:25:55
知识经济5--An Inter-acting Model of Knowledge Flow and Industrial Structure Evolutio 创业论坛 ono006 2007-12-20 2 3634 jxufe_thxing 2011-5-29 11:36:32
[原创]企业史大师:钱德勒 创业论坛 jooker 2007-12-3 3 3076 dongyoude 2010-11-24 14:48:45
论企业核心能力的识别 企业文化 saviour 2007-12-22 3 2299 menghuan1018 2009-9-16 09:38:04
[下载]Industrial Organization: Strategic Approach 博弈论 lovetif 2007-11-28 2 2414 chiwengk 2009-3-6 07:35:00
[感谢]感谢lm1000提供了英文文献 文献求助专区 kittymou 2007-12-23 7 1960 yanliping0627 2007-12-31 17:22:00
11月28日兼职信息 经管类求职与招聘 whappy 2007-11-28 0 1581 whappy 2007-11-28 17:11:00
[原创]Industrial Relations - Advice Wanted! 商学院 Tony1982 2007-11-5 2 1613 Tony1982 2007-11-5 05:04:00
Industrial Relations - Advice Wanted! 休闲灌水 Tony1982 2007-11-4 0 1335 Tony1982 2007-11-4 17:14:00
[分享]美欧银行股价大跌 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) samoyed 2007-11-4 0 1099 samoyed 2007-11-4 13:13:00

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