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求助 生成新变量时提示 too many variables specified attach_img Stata专版 冬日娃娃 2011-2-22 11 49271 大象的声音 2022-5-4 13:01:42
Bayesian无信息先验分布(non - informative prior) R语言论坛 bridog 2013-4-7 19 28041 小胖要学好计量 2022-4-11 19:25:39
求助: EVIEWS GMM "no coefficients specified" EViews专版 qrj87 2010-11-15 5 8228 学术奇才 2017-7-3 17:21:04
R中mgcv包中的gam模型中是不是只能有六个变量 R语言论坛 木颜夕 2013-3-10 7 7765 wangjiaming 2016-10-23 12:18:06
spss中操作遇到Warnings,,,,,,,求高手指点 SPSS论坛 冯京亚 2013-4-16 2 2905 matlab-007 2016-4-5 11:31:04
ADF检验user specified 是什么? EViews专版 ccyangyang 2010-10-17 2 9040 星梦缘6855 2016-2-26 08:59:31
跪求高手帮助!为什么打不开excel数据呢?显示invalid folder specified SAS专版 duanesummer 2013-2-14 7 5610 didamunaoke 2015-9-21 14:42:18
insheet命令出错 Stata专版 peyzf 2013-6-30 8 7496 peyzf 2014-11-12 17:03:52
悬赏 forvalues 编程出现问题 - [悬赏 15 个论坛币] Stata专版 loxi1982 2013-4-23 1 1849 ermutuxia 2014-9-30 09:42:16
各位大神,急急急,求助:SPSS 做岭回归出现以下命令,是怎么回事,有什么解决方法 SPSS论坛 丽洁 2013-8-21 10 2873 netcoffa 2013-9-23 00:54:11
需找解决方法 MATLAB等数学软件专版 1047013577 2013-9-6 0 918 1047013577 2013-9-6 16:15:38
用stata打开较大的excel文件 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 peyzf 2013-6-30 2 5046 peyzf 2013-7-1 02:05:54
各位大虾,请教这段话怎么翻译? 计量经济学与统计软件 yshl71 2013-6-25 0 691 yshl71 2013-6-25 16:44:31
ndgrid 和 meshgrid MATLAB等数学软件专版 xuning5176 2013-4-5 0 3257 xuning5176 2013-4-5 14:59:36
求助($100) 博弈论 superzzc 2013-2-20 1 1100 lyaochiminh 2013-2-23 10:18:17
xtcsd得出的结果是Method option not specified Stata专版 xinxi1654 2011-4-13 6 4368 hzb1969 2012-11-20 00:01:48
运行AMOS 时,出现错误提示,请求高手指点 LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件 jennywang8785 2011-11-29 2 4555 gF8PO4Q4 2011-12-10 06:19:21
全球网速韩国第一 中国香港快过内地10倍 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) 思念江南 2011-11-12 0 801 思念江南 2011-11-12 22:38:46
【homemade】期权知识整理【之一】(看多策略图解) 爱问频道 gamex 2011-10-2 3 2808 gamex 2011-10-2 10:03:58


分享 【转载】可以在%sysfunc中使用的函数
dream9876 2015-4-10 10:13
ATTRC returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(ATTRC(data-set-id,attr-name)) ATTRN returns the value of a numeric attribute for specified SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(ATTRN(data-set_id,attr-name)) CEXIST verifies the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry. %SYSFUNC(CEXIST(entry , 'U')) CLOSE closes a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(CLOSE(data-set-id)) CUROBS returns the number of the current observation. %SYSFUNC(CUROBS(data-set-id)) DCLOSE closes a directory. %SYSFUNC(DCLOSE(directory-id)) DINFO returns a specified information item for a directory. %SYSFUNC(DINFO(directory-id,info-items)) DNUM returns the number of members in a directory. %SYSFUNC(DNUM(directory-id)) DOPEN opens a directory. %SYSFUNC(DOPEN(fileref)) DOPTNAME returns a specified directory attribute. %SYSFUNC(DOPTNAME(directory-id,nval)) DOPTNUM returns the number of information items available for a directory. %SYSFUNC(DOPTNUM(directory-id)) DREAD returns the name of a directory member. %SYSFUNC(DREAD(directory-id,nval)) DROPNOTE deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file. %SYSFUNC(DROPNOTE(data-set-id|file-id,note-id)) DSNAME returns the data set name associated with a data set identifier. %SYSFUNC(DSNAME(dsid)) EXIST verifies the existence of a SAS data library member. %SYSFUNC(EXIST(member-name,member-type)) FAPPEND appends a record to the end of an external file. %SYSFUNC(FAPPEND(file-id,cc)) FCLOSE closes an external file, directory, or directory member. %SYSFUNC(FCLOSE(file-id)) FCOL returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB) %SYSFUNC(FCOL(file-id)) FDELETE deletes an external file. %SYSFUNC(FDELETE(fileref)) FETCH reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS data set into Data Set Data Vector (DDV). %SYSFUNC(FETCH(data-set-id,'NOSET')) FETCHOBS reads a specified observation from a SAS data set into the DDV. %SYSFUNC(FETCHOBS(data-set-id,obs-number,options)) FEXIST verifies the existence of an external file associated with a fileref. %SYSFUNC(FEXIST(fileref)) FGET copies data from the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FGET(file-id,cval,length)) FILEEXIST verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name. %SYSFUNC(FILEEXIST(file-name)) FILENAME assigns or deassigns a fileref for an external file, directory, or output device. %SYSFUNC(FILENAME(fileref,filename,device,hostoptions,dir-ref)) FILEREF verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session. %SYSFUNC(FILEREF(fileref)) FINFO returns a specified information item for a file. %SYSFUNC(FINFO(file-id,info-item)) FNOTE identifies the last record that was read. %SYSFUNC(FNOTE(file-id)) FOPEN opens an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPEN(fileref,open-mode,record-length,record-format)) FOPTNAME returns the name of an information item for an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPTNAME(file-id,nval)) FOPTNUM returns the number of information items available for an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPTNUM(file-id)) FPOINT positions the read pointer on the next record to be read. %SYSFUNC(FPOINT(file-id,note-id)) FPOS sets the position of the column pointer in the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FPOS(file-id,nval)) FPUT moves data to the FDB of an external file starting at the current column position. %SYSFUNC(FPUT(file-id,cval)) FREAD reads a record from an external file into the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FREAD(file-id)) FREWIND positions the file pointer at the first record. %SYSFUNC(FREWIND(file-id)) FRLEN returns the size of the last record read, or the current record size for a file opened for output. %SYSFUNC(FRLEN(file-id)) FSEP sets the token delimiters for the FGET function. %SYSFUNC(FSEP(file-id,cval)) FWRITE writes a record to an external file. %SYSFUNC(FWRITE(file-id,cc)) GETOPTION returns the value of a SAS system or graphics option. %SYSFUNC(GETOPTION(option-name,reporting-options,...)) GETVARC assigns the value of a SAS data set variable to a character DATA step or macro variable. %SYSFUNC(GETVARC(data-set-id,var-num)) GETVARN assigns the value of a SAS data set variable to a numeric DATA step or macro variable. %SYSFUNC(GETVARN(data-set-id,var-num)) LIBNAME assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS data library. %SYSFUNC(LIBNAME(libref,SAS-data-library,engine,options)) LIBREF verifies that a libref has been assigned. %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(libref)) MOPEN opens a directory member file. %SYSFUNC(MOPEN(directory-id,member-nameopen-mode,record-length,record-format)) NOTE returns an observation ID for current observation of a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(NOTE(data-set-id)) OPEN opens a SAS data file. %SYSFUNC(OPEN(data-file-name,mode)) PATHNAME returns the physical name of a SAS data library or an external file. %SYSFUNC(PATHNAME(fileref)) POINT locates an observation identified by the NOTE function. %SYSFUNC(POINT(data-set-id,note-id)) REWIND positions the data set pointer to beginning of a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(REWIND(data-set-id)) SPEDIS returns a number for the operation required to change an incorrect keyword in a WHERE clause to a correct keyword. %SYSFUNC(SPEDIS(query,keyword)) SYSGET returns the value of the specified host environment variable. %SYSFUNC(sysget(host-variable)) SYSMSG returns the error or warning message produced by the last function that attempted to access a data set or external file. %SYSFUNC(SYSMSG()) SYSRC returns the system error number or exit status of the entry most recently called. %SYSFUNC(SYSRC()) VARFMT returns the format assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARFMT(data-set-id,var-num)) VARINFMT returns the informat assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARINFMT(data-set-id,var-num)) VARLABEL returns the label assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARLABEL(data-set-id,var-num)) VARLEN returns the length of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARLEN(datasetid,var-num)) VARNAME returns the name of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARNAME(data-set-id,var-num)) VARNUM returns the number of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARNUM(data-set-id,var-name)) VARTYPE returns the data type of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARTYPE(data-set-id,var-num)) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6e0a03730100nc1x.html
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