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Stochastic Differential Games attachment 博弈论 好大一颗雷 2015-3-31 3 1247 三江鸿 2023-1-19 10:01:04
Applied Bayesian Modeling and Causal Inference from Incomplete-Data Perspectives attachment 经济金融数学专区 wh7064rg 2015-1-28 21 4021 zhaoyuanying 2022-8-20 22:03:30
聚类分析和潜在类别分析有什么区别呢? 新手入门区 紫色的小水母 2015-5-5 2 11743 江东跳跳虎 2020-12-2 11:21:51
MV_META: A SAS® Macro for Multivariate Meta-Analysis attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-1-25 8 2032 宽客老丁 2019-9-2 23:55:05
Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Scalachen 2015-4-13 3 1458 eileen666 2018-12-9 13:36:14
MATLAB Lecture Notes winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-3-18 1 698 accumulation 2016-2-23 07:45:17
Big Random Forests: Classification and Regression Forests for Large Data Sets winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-3-22 4 1610 fjrong 2016-1-1 06:58:42
[Case Study]Commodities Trading with MATLAB - Importing and Cleaning Data attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-3-23 2 1377 mike68097 2016-1-1 06:58:42
今年的股市可能快要崩盘了?【学术讨论】 学术道德监督 量子奥秘 2015-4-19 65 11771 蝈正 2015-12-13 23:19:27
MATLAB Symbolic Algebra and Calculus Tools attach_img MATLAB等数学软件专版 igs816 2015-2-19 5 2178 jjxm20060807 2015-10-31 10:46:21
[SQL SERVER书籍]Pro SQL Server Internals attach_img SQL及关系型数据库数据分析 jerker 2015-4-22 11 2832 aeoluseros 2015-7-8 11:36:07
[DB2书籍]Database Partitioning, Table Partitioning, and Mdc for DB2 9 attach_img 量化投资 jerker 2015-4-16 8 1432 Elena3 2015-5-9 19:32:39
请教DW检验结果 Stata专版 muyiqing 2015-4-10 0 4704 muyiqing 2015-4-10 09:41:53
meta analysis:多个研究的线性回归 Stata专版 PRRS 2015-3-16 1 1297 猎户星云 2015-3-16 09:21:21
Tinn-R的使用 R语言论坛 harlon1976 2015-2-15 3 3964 carnivoreyy 2015-3-4 15:22:23
[学习大数据第五卷] Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making attach_img 数据分析与数据挖掘 大臉貓|BFcat 2015-3-3 0 1251 大臉貓|BFcat 2015-3-3 08:59:31
[Case Study]Classification Analysis using Python winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-1-28 2 1108 accumulation 2015-1-28 22:46:52
请教一个by statement在data step里面的应用 SAS专版 michaelxiagang 2015-1-24 1 1027 mingfeng07 2015-1-24 19:31:43
Capitalism's Last Stand?: Deglobalization in the Age of Austerity - [阅读权限 14]attachment 商学院 tigerwolf 2015-1-3 50 889 cunxws 2015-1-23 08:33:25
多元相关平方值 数据求助 ailsagyl 2014-12-19 1 2513 崔洪弟 2014-12-21 15:03:07

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