tag 标签: reasonable经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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Nonlinear Optimization (Princeton University Press) attachment 金融学(理论版) nelsoncwlee 2015-7-4 5 4709 三江鸿 2023-1-15 14:51:39
分享Garber "Famous First Bubbles" attach_img 金融学(理论版) jeshuanghe 2015-11-6 4 2400 浑噩没晕 2022-10-21 09:19:12
【谁还需要美联储:为什么我们应该废除美国的中央银行】 Who Needs the Fed? (2016) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-11-20 27 3166 saplow 2022-10-2 11:56:52
一个外企财务总监对想要从事财务工作人的一点建议 爱问频道 chenyi112982 2015-3-13 79 31513 findingallen 2018-1-14 23:04:42
2017年6月cfa考点已公布(附CFA考点修改流程) 高顿财经 allentao2016 2016-12-28 0 620 allentao2016 2016-12-28 18:12:02
【投保人的合理预期】Policyholder's Reasonable Expectations (2016) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-10-17 0 1272 cmwei333 2016-10-17 14:45:57
Top 5 Deep Learning Resources LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-7-5 1 1496 h2h2 2016-7-6 04:26:46
Room Sharing for ICML (and COLT, and ACL, and IJCAI) LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-6-17 1 1031 albertwishedu 2016-6-17 19:36:13
On “Towards MathJax 3.0” LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-2-7 0 796 oliyiyi 2016-2-7 09:45:21
On “Towards MathJax 3.0” LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-1-10 0 906 oliyiyi 2016-1-10 15:55:46
求助!内部资源:管理PhD实验设计,ADVERSE CAUSALITY 经管在职博 shanmingliu444 2015-5-8 3 1137 RDJJLTXMJ 2015-8-25 08:32:38
内部资源:管理PhD实验设计,ADVERSE CAUSALITY Stata专版 shanmingliu444 2015-5-4 2 1116 shanmingliu444 2015-5-6 18:24:14
Data Mashups in R 2011年5月第一版 attachment R语言论坛 isaacdavid 2011-11-30 7 1499 wh7064rg 2014-12-20 13:11:18
悬赏 McGraw-hill's Taxation of business entities 的Tax return 问题答案 - [悬赏 200 个论坛币] attachment 悬赏大厅 olinda007 2014-9-18 3 3768 ReiIy 2014-10-21 22:19:13
Testing mediation effect using observational data? SPSS论坛 ReneeBK 2014-5-15 0 1487 ReneeBK 2014-5-15 20:59:43
Lots of Data != Big Data R语言论坛 ltx5151 2013-3-30 5 1560 Hamlet邵e 2013-4-2 09:52:40
悬赏 Are optimal search rules reasonable? and vice versa? - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wangmingyu1983 2013-2-26 2 998 It's 2013-2-26 10:51:13



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