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The Economy of Green Cities: A World Compendium on the Green Urban Economy attachment 环境经济学 behappie 2015-8-16 3 1208 三重虫 2021-7-19 15:08:35
MOTIVATION: THEORY, RESEARCH AND APPLICATION 6E attachment 管理科学与工程 shuiyaoziliao 2015-8-8 5 2538 cfayahoo 2019-7-3 10:46:15
strategic management: creating competitive advantages 7 edition 2014 高清 attachment 创新与战略管理 lilycat912 2015-8-27 5 3457 AlisonKwok 2017-1-19 00:43:33
【全球生产网络】 Global Production Networks (2nd Edition) by Ander Errasti attach_img 商学院 cmwei333 2016-12-7 8 1382 wl5f 2017-1-2 11:59:39
【税收简化的复杂性,国际经济学】 The Complexity of Tax Simplification (2016) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-11-27 11 2146 wl5f 2016-12-26 11:33:43
Microservices From Day One : Build robust and scalable software from the (2016) attach_img Scala及其他JVM语言 cmwei333 2016-12-10 1 1599 leon_9930754 2016-12-15 05:01:06
BIG DATA ANALYTICS with MATLAB (2016) attach_img MATLAB等数学软件专版 cmwei333 2016-10-29 55 4970 zhw199107 2016-11-30 13:41:41
【电子商务与虚拟经营】 E-Commerce and V-Business (2nd Edition) attach_img 商学院 cmwei333 2016-11-12 14 1191 wangshawn 2016-11-27 10:51:54
【发展中国家】 Industrial Districts in History and the Developing World (2016) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-11-22 2 692 weiming197813 2016-11-23 08:40:46
Process-based Strategic Planning (6th Edition) attach_img 商学院 cmwei333 2016-9-30 0 839 cmwei333 2016-9-30 12:09:45
Innovation in Business and Enterprise: Technologies and Frameworks attach_img 商学院 cmwei333 2016-9-16 1 854 jerry22880 2016-9-17 18:39:53
Programming Scala attachment Scala及其他JVM语言 Lisrelchen 2015-5-1 16 2096 Lisrelchen 2016-4-4 00:16:18
Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management attach_img 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) 大家开心 2015-7-23 17 2663 yiyoujian 2015-11-11 19:34:46
MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2015-7-17 10 2210 gainee 2015-8-13 12:45:31

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