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[转帖]How to write a literature review. 文献综述四步走。 休闲灌水 annie_t1001 2008-12-26 8 10088 中国人民学生 2024-3-10 20:57:53
求助运行stata时的一个错误 Stata专版 caiwh 2013-6-17 1 2503 ermutuxia 2015-1-8 12:45:53
AMOS运行问题 attach_img LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件 枫叶羽 2014-5-10 3 2045 任亚军 2014-5-11 13:48:27
HOW TO WRITE EMAIL attachment 商学院 12楼 2007-11-22 4 1944 Susanshi83 2013-12-5 18:06:31
How to speak and write correctly attachment 学术道德监督 dahaitun 2013-3-19 6 2132 btwxh 2013-4-22 20:22:14
How to write effectively 创新与战略管理 muddling 2013-2-23 2 1122 黑眼圈啊黑眼圈 2013-2-23 08:09:19
how to write literature attachment 商学院 winds_2009 2013-1-25 1 1103 cl1024 2013-1-25 10:17:13
写英文论文write Paper inEnglish attachment 论文版 MonicaHJ 2008-8-27 4 2918 gssdzc 2011-11-3 18:41:28
how to speak and write corrctly. 英文论文写作的好帮手 attachment 金融学(理论版) 湘楚大地 2006-8-1 0 2184 湘楚大地 2011-10-23 22:00:26
Mckinsey - How to Write a Biz Plan attachment 金融学(理论版) parsleyliu 2006-6-6 1 2645 Gentry 2011-10-22 00:58:58
HOW TO WRITE RESUME attachment 金融学(理论版) sushi123 2009-10-11 7 1666 leo56813 2009-11-22 13:50:21
How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper attachment 外语学习 蓝色闪电 2008-1-6 2 4923 洛神水仙 2009-9-25 15:06:43
How to write and edit a paper attachment 论文版 amoytommy 2009-8-11 6 1858 fengzhan 2009-8-23 18:07:48
Some guides to you to write well of papers attachment 文献求助专区 dlovea 2009-7-28 2 1458 dlovea 2009-7-28 14:32:45
麦肯锡how to write a business plan attachment 市场营销 flakeinfire 2008-7-30 2 2174 lingxiao297 2009-6-19 16:06:48
麦肯锡:How_to_write_a_business_plan attachment 版权审核区(不对外开放) jimmyliu 2009-6-7 1 393 liujian02 2009-6-19 15:35:53
[下载]How to Write a Good (no, Great) PhD Dissertation attachment 市场营销 ws_200 2009-1-17 3 2167 huanghe2008 2009-1-18 10:03:00
McKinsey: How to Write a business plan attachment 商学院 scjp2000 2008-10-6 1 2891 moreruozyy 2008-10-6 16:52:00
[下载]Write to the Point attachment 金融学(理论版) dickens163 2008-2-20 1 1620 wesker1999 2008-2-20 18:52:00
How To Write Business Plan 商学院 scjp2000 2007-7-16 0 1098 scjp2000 2007-7-16 03:36:00


分享 How to write a cover letter people will actually read
alloon 2016-10-26 08:08
You're probably not the only one applying for that job. That might seem obvious, but too many cover letters are written in a robotic style that leave little impression on hiring managers who are sifting through vast piles of applications, according to career counselors. The cover letter is your chance — most likely your only one — to stand out from many other candidates who have similar résumés. Don't botch it. Despite the high stakes, a lot of job-seekers treat the cover letter like a formality, putting little thought and few personal flourishes into it. More from The New York Times: Why it's fine to job-hop for a few years after college The incalculable value of finding a job you love Looking for a new job? These free apps can help "A cover letter can make the difference between two equally qualified candidates," said John O'Neill, the assistant dean of career education for Stanford University. While every industry and hiring manager is different, here are some tricks to increase your chances of scoring an interview. Don't stick to a template You could easily Google "cover letter template" to get some ideas on how to write it. Don't. "You need to think about your audience," said Kristen Fitzpatrick, the managing director of career and professional development at Harvard Business School. "Who's reading it? How do you capture their attention enough so they move you from one pile to another?" This is your time to show your communication skills and your personality. You must make the case that the other 99 percent of applicants don't have what you have. Following a template, or otherwise putting little effort into making your letter stand out, suggests you're just another applicant. Don't rehash your résumé Focus on the organization you're writing to and the job description of the open position. If you nail your cover letter, the hiring manager will end up reading your résumé anyway, so don't waste precious space duplicating it by going down the list of where you've worked. "It's to complement your résumé, not repeat it," Mr. O'Neill said. "Cover letters where you're just rewriting the content of your résumé aren't effective." Instead, you could list some specific examples of projects you've worked on, and explain what you learned from them and how that knowledge would apply to the open position. Or you could offer some new ideas, showing from the start that you understand the company's goals and would bring creativity. Don't state the obvious Read your letter again, and zap any clichés or platitudes that don't say something meaningful about you, the position or the company. As an example: Don't say you're a "hard worker." Everyone says that, and it would be easy to lie about if you weren't, making it a meaningless sentiment to include. It merely takes up space that could be better spent on something that actually sets you apart from the other candidates. "It's not even worth saying," Ms. Fitzpatrick said. "You'll show you're a hard worker by going above and beyond in writing a letter." Do your research This requires going past the first page of Google results. You could go to a library to sift through professional databases that might have more information, or get coffee with someone who works at the company you're applying to. Show a familiarity with recent projects, acquisitions and public statements. It doesn't have to be a lot, but a few sentences to show you've put time into it could go a long way. If you're not preparing for something as crucial as a cover letter, why would they trust you would prepare for an important meeting? Focus on what you can offer them A lot of applicants spend too much time talking about why they love the company, Ms. Fitzpatrick said. "How many letters does Apple read that say, 'I couldn't live without my iPhone'? Probably a lot," she said. "So you want to show you are unique and you've done your research." Marcus Lemonis: 'I still have anxiety' and here's how I deal with it You do want to make it clear that you respect the company and explain why you're interested, but the focus should be on what you can do for them. "You want to avoid too many 'I' statements — 'I know this,' 'I did this,' 'I can do X, Y or Z' — because that's too much about what you're going to get out of this opportunity," Mr. O'Neill said. The company isn't posting a job for charity, or to improve your life; they're trying to fill a position they consider essential. Convince them that you're the one who would most help them, not that you'd benefit most from it.
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分享 Debug「固定搭配」的动词
热度 1 fin-qq 2015-5-26 09:51
接电话的「接」是 receive ?写日记的「写」是 write ?…英文里有些用语是有「固定搭配」的动词( collocation ),而这固定动词一旦与中文不同,就很容易弄错。以下五个例子,请试着更正。 Debug: 接电话的「接」是 receive ?写日记的「写」是 write ?…英文里有些用语是有「固定搭配」的动词( collocation ),而这固定动词一旦与中文不同,就很容易弄错。以下五个例子,请试着更正。 1.I ’ m busy now. Would you help me receive the phone? 我在忙,你可以帮我接电话吗? 2.The teacher asked us to write a diary every day. 老师要求我们每天写日记。 3.She won ’ t go out without applying perfume. 她没有擦香水就不会出门。 4.Allen drank a bowl of hot chicken soup. 艾伦喝了一碗热鸡汤。 5.Thank you for visiting us. Please allow me to send you out. 谢谢你来拜访我们,请容我送你出去。 Debug Answer: 1.I ’ m busy now. Would you help me answer the phone? 中文讲「接电话」,强调拿起电话筒的动作,但英文却是着重「响应」对方来电,因此记得要用 answer 而不是 receive 。 2.The teacher asked us to keep a diary every day. 「写日记」的「写」固定是用 keep ,有时也会用 write in a diary ,但 write a diary 就是受到中文干扰的错误用法。 3.She won ’ t go out without wearing perfume. 西方人把香水当成服饰一样在穿戴,因此动词固定用 wear ,而不是用有「涂、抹」意思的 apply 。 4.Allen ate a bowl of hot chicken soup. 中文说「喝」汤,英文却不能直译为 drink ,因为 drink 用在不需要汤匙、直接喝的情况,一般喝汤多会用到汤匙舀起汤里的食材,所以应该用 eat 。 5.Thank you for visiting us. Please allow me to walk you out. send 讲的是一种「传递」的动作,与「送客」的「送」含义不同,应该改用 walk 或 see ,表示「陪你走出去」或「看着你走」的意思。
37 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 Use CALL EXECUTE to submit SAS code or macro code in a DATA step
intheangel 2014-5-15 22:59
reference: "SAS® Code and Macros: How They Interact" write byBruce Gilsen, Federal Reserve Board from support.sas.com every time you get the step boundary, the code start compile and execute; %macro to %mend the macro finish the compile and stored in the catalog in a library, when then macro finish the execute, it can be treated as the code user has typed between the other code; The macro will be execute when you invokes it or in the step boundary; eg. %macro mac5; (1) %local j; (2) %do j = 1 %to 3; (3) xj = yj (4) %end; (5) %mend mac5; (6) data two; (7) set one; (8) rename (9) %mac5 (10) ; (11) run; (12) to (6) , then macro finish the compile, then to(12), it start execute, then (10) will become the text just like x1=y1 x2=y2 x3=y3; then execute the data step; then we talk about the call execute to submit SAS code or macro code in a DATA step; data one; input obs company $ audited; cards; 1 ibm 1 2 microsoft 0 3 ao1 1 ; run; %macro mac7(firm=); %put in mac7 firm= firm; %mend mac7; data two; set one; where audited = 1; call execute ( '%mac7(firm= '||company||')' ); put "at end of TWO " company=; run; when you execute this data step, when to the call execute, then execute the macro at once, then it can be a text between the code; %macro mac8(firm=, vars=); %put in mac8 firm= firm vars= vars; proc print data= firm; title firm; var vars; run; %mend mac8; data two; set one; if audited = 1 then call execute ( '%mac8(firm='||company||', vars=income tax)' ); else call execute ( '%mac8(firm='||company||', vars=income)' ); put "at end of TWO " company=; run; be caution that the proc print will be executed after the data step has finished; %macro mac9 ( state= ); (1) proc summary data = all_state_sales; (2) var sales; (3) where state1="state"; (4) output out = summary1 max=maxsale1; (5) run; (6) data _null_; (7) set summary1; (8) call symputx ( 'maxsale' , maxsale1 ); (9) run; (10) %if maxsale 200 %then %do; (11) title "Maximum Sale in state is maxsale"; (12) proc print data = all_state_sales; (13) where state1="state"; (14) run; (15) %end; (16) %mend mac9; (17) data _null_; (18) input state1 $2.; (19) call execute ( '%nrstr(%mac9(state=' || state1 ||'))' ); datalines; (21) CA NY ;run; when you just use statement like 'call execute ( '%mac9(state=' || state1 ||')' ), the sas will execute the macro and the first two data step will execute aftert the data step and then execute %if at first and then you will see syntax error, because the macro variable maxsale has no value yet, but 'call execute ( '%nrstr(%mac9(state=' || state1 ||'))' ) just like add %mac9(...) after this data step, and it will execute then macro directly and the problem can bu resolved. So, it is important to add %nrstr before the %macro(variable='||..||')
个人分类: macro|34 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 蒋跃医学考博英语写作讲座
OH_MY_LADY 2013-4-28 10:51
蒋跃医学考博英语写作讲座 一、医学考博写作中存在主要问题。 1 .词汇量有限 2 .不能摆脱原文束缚,翻译原文。 3 . 不取舍细节。 4. 不能写出像样的句子,上句不接下句。 5. 没有勇气写下去。 写作要求 简洁全面、准确、意思连贯、文字通顺、基本符合英语表达。 二、 How to write summary 1. summary 定义:摘其要而作。 2. 实质:对文章概括和提炼。 3. 效果:意思准确,连贯。 4. 特点:简明扼要。 5 .要旨:抓住重点,突出新观点,选择取舍。 写作口诀: 抓住要点 选择取舍 忍痛割爱 突出新点 论点清晰 三、医学考博作文摘要的结构 推荐结构:导言 + 正文 + 结论段 保守结构:按原文结构。 段落结构点睛: 1. 文章分成三大段 2. 充分利用标题 3. 段段都有主题句 4. 末段末句重复标题(首尾呼应) 结构分析及对策 写作内容三中类型 1. 关于如何做的原文, How to do? 2. 关于描写讨论的原文, What’s it and why is it so ? 3. 综合性原文, What’s it and How to do ? 提出问题回答问题。 ① “How to do” 原文结构 第一段,陈述问题,点出“ How to do ”。( thesis statement 全文中心句)首段末句。 第二段,讨论“ How to do ” first , second , etc. 第三段,结论信号,首尾呼应。 ② What /Why 描写型 第一段:陈述主题:现状(一般堪忧),点出 What /Why (全文中心句),首段末句 (This article/title discusses 引用标题 ) 。 第二段:描写现状,讨论原因( first 、 second 、 third )。 第三段:结论信号( conclusion 、 in sum up 等),重复主题句,提出呼吁或者建议(引用标题)。 ③ What+How 综合型 第一段:陈述主题:现状(一般堪忧),点出 What /Why (全文中心句),首段末句 (This article/title discusses 引用标题 ) 。 第二段:建议如何做(祈使句 + 科学理由)。 第三段:结论信号( conclusion 、 in sum up 等),重复主题句,提出呼吁或者建议(引用标题)。 常用首句点题句 如何进入主题(点题):开头句(说句废话)之后加转折词,用一个问题来点题: However/nevertheless/but 。 例: However, what did ( 主题词 )happen? However, what can we do (should be done ) ? This article is a discussion of ( 主题词 ) 。 或者 In this article, the author briefly discussion ( 主题词 ) 。 四、医学考博英语写作考试三个原则 原则 1 :安全第一,力保及格。 ①句子结构简单(主语 + 位于 + 宾语)。 ②语法、语义时态正确。 ③用此朴实准确,没有把握别卖弄 ④点缀一些修饰性的结构。 原则 2 :尽量多写(考试要求 200 字左右) ①写了比不写好。 ②多写比少写好。 原则 3 :尽量引用关键词或标题 ①引用关键词不跑题 ②写好主题句印象比较深。 五、医学考博英语现场写作技巧 ①划线,划出实质性,实词性句子。 ②串联,划出的词和句用动词、连词等连接成句。 ③三段式,导言 + 正文 + 结论 ④主题句,段段都有,复合句不宜太短。 ⑤翻译标题,有标题就译,充分引用标题(标题嵌入首段的末句),没有标题不能加。 ⑥规范主题句,结论有标志。 ⑦末尾重复标题,首尾呼应。 六、医学考博英语写作的具体步骤 1. 浏览全文,理解中心。找出主题词、中心词、中心句。 2. 划线:给要点划线,摘录。 3. 整理笔记,用完整的句子表达,按适当顺序排列。要点简洁,忽略次要细节、评论、例子和数字。 4. 起草摘要,切忌照抄或逐字翻译,要用自己的语言,摆脱原文束缚,达到摘要的目的。 5. 整理修改,使文章简练,同时使用连接词,使文章具有连贯性和统一性。 6 动笔写 ①忠实原文 ②用自己的语言表达或改写全文。 ③不用第一、第三人称,注意客观性。 ④注意时态,根据原文确定。 总之, 细看开头和结尾, 找出中心和主旨。 划出关键和实词, 连接重要词与句。 整理划线和连线, 串联起来出结构。 必写首尾点题句, 中心段落有秩序。 七、医学考博英语写作中几个禁忌 1. 逐字翻译 2. 引用过细,例子、数字、人名、地名等。 3. 引用故事,原话(除非故事占大部分内容) 4. 被原文牵着鼻子走。 5. 使用原文意以外的称呼 八、写完后检查 1. 找句号,数句子 ①根据标点,判断结构。 ②有无标点、大小写错误。 ③有无逗号连接并列句。 2. 先主句,后从句 3. 先主谓,后修饰 九、总结近三年出题规律 1. 段落结构清晰 2. 全文有大标题,分段有小标题。 3. 无起始段,五结论段 4. 医学专业属于给出英语翻译。 5. 阅卷更重视语言表达。 淘宝为期一个月(只售38元)的零利润链接: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13940202671 淘宝套餐特价一个月链接(真题+听力一本通88元包邮+赠医学全程班课程): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16858091828
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