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Discrete Dynamical Models attachment 量化投资 lasgpope 2015-6-17 12 2366 三江鸿 2023-1-26 15:58:05
Theories of Sustainable Development attach_img 发展经济学 大家开心 2015-2-27 11 2638 啸傲江弧 2017-4-6 13:45:47
Hong Kong Anti-Mainlander Protest Highlights Frustration With Visitor Influx 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) dq19871223 2014-3-3 51 7230 myidman 2016-4-23 09:54:02
[經典] Choices - An Introduction To Decision Theory attach_img 金融学(理论版) raymondso 2014-7-29 3 2024 Enthuse 2015-12-2 07:53:25
Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades: Derivatives Analysis attachment 金融学(理论版) 大家开心 2014-4-11 7 4131 linuxl4 2015-7-26 13:45:31
For PHD students:BEHAVIORAL FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT attachment 量化投资 leosong 2015-6-11 10 2600 张弘磊 2015-7-4 15:42:26
Private Equity: Opportunities and Risks - [阅读权限 16]attachment 商学院 99rabbit 2015-6-1 13 325 solow1 2015-6-29 10:40:22
Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis attachment 区域经济学 lz502 2015-5-19 2 1126 oliyiyi 2015-5-21 08:15:32
【2015新书】Sustainability of External Imbalances: A Critical Appraisal attach_img 世界经济与国际贸易 牛尾巴 2014-11-18 12 2008 hantaoah 2015-5-16 13:19:44
为什么第二产业的价格会被高估? 爱问频道 peyzf 2015-3-19 0 588 peyzf 2015-3-19 00:14:18
【论坛首发】Developing Students' Statistical Reasoning attachment 经济金融数学专区 wh7064rg 2015-2-22 11 1669 bailihongchen 2015-2-28 17:11:32
INVESTORS IGNORE BIG INTERNET M&A, EYE ALIBABA BANK 金融实务版 yuwenjun720731 2015-2-1 0 825 yuwenjun720731 2015-2-1 14:23:43
【论坛首发】Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 wh7064rg 2014-12-20 0 1424 wh7064rg 2014-12-20 14:18:03
Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil - [阅读权限 16]attachment 行业分析报告 tigerwolf 2014-12-4 9 218 藏龙岛主老徐 2014-12-20 12:39:59
剑桥IELTS词汇wordlist20 外语学习 xmguoh 2014-12-19 1 1210 legolasorlando 2014-12-19 22:02:06
The Triple Crisis of Western Capitalism - by attachment 制度经济学 tigerwolf 2014-11-10 13 2471 scenty 2014-11-23 19:07:11
美国中产家庭财富大缩水 - [阅读权限 5] 外语学习 reduce_fat 2014-8-2 3 138 sunnywu72 2014-8-8 06:25:37
VaR Methodology for Non-Gaussian Finance attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 miragew 2014-6-30 0 1495 miragew 2014-6-30 22:25:11
悬赏 求一片文献 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 aronson 2014-5-3 2 750 a2152409217 2014-5-3 15:36:29

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