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tag 标签: machine learning经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning attachment 外语学习 smilingfox 2011-2-19 8 6242 jameszhang12 2020-7-30 17:32:59
[Data Science]Machine Learning with Spark attach_img digest spark高速集群计算平台 hooli 2015-3-28 60 11362 hexadecimal 2019-11-10 17:24:40
机器学习 Stephen Marsland Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective attach_img 机器学习 amitacn 2013-6-2 12 10633 Fleischer 2019-6-10 16:42:30
Mastering Predictive Analytics with R attachment R语言论坛 neuroexplorer 2015-12-5 4 3557 robin_zheng 2018-4-19 11:29:42
奉献几本Data Mining的经典教材给大家 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 davids19802 2011-2-9 13 4809 xmhxw 2018-1-10 11:18:52
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning [with Matlab Codes] attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 kevinchen24 2012-3-20 15 8192 baiwei1637124 2017-12-9 19:38:51
Machine Learning applied to Algorithmic Trading in Financial Markets attachment 金融学(理论版) hyaps134 2011-1-25 11 4675 nisha 2017-4-20 09:53:19
Error Estimation for Pattern Recognition attach_img 休闲灌水 neuroexplorer 2016-3-5 1 1765 ClareJia 2016-8-14 23:11:52
Designing Machine Learning Systems with Python attachment python论坛 neuroexplorer 2016-4-20 6 2000 Bridgenc 2016-4-25 03:08:31
Machine Learning in Python, for Predictive Analysis attachment 经济社会统计专版 blackunique 2016-1-15 3 1444 jianqiaoc 2016-4-9 14:36:30
一本关于Bioinformatics和data mining的好书 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 davids19802 2011-2-9 3 2312 clb_polaris 2015-11-25 15:42:22
an introduction to machine learning with applications in R attachment R语言论坛 jonwei 2015-9-18 1 1256 jjxm20060807 2015-9-19 16:28:23
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop, PRML attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 ylqfp 2010-9-3 9 7046 xy062419 2015-8-21 15:58:42
[Data Science]Learning Spark attachment spark高速集群计算平台 hooli 2015-3-28 21 4245 pyqpinbo 2015-8-4 02:25:22
Swarm Intelligence_Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 bbslover 2014-12-9 1 1402 jgchen1966 2014-12-12 19:31:47
The Algorithm Design Manual 2ed_ Numerical Problems_ Graph Problems etc attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 bbslover 2014-12-9 2 1875 水天一色DIY 2014-12-11 10:27:07
免费分享Bishop的模式识别与机器学习 attachment R语言论坛 lmsmile 2009-9-8 8 11564 renyue89 2014-6-26 23:48:27
奉献几本Data Mining的经典教材给大家 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 davids19802 2011-2-9 1 1752 davids19802 2011-2-9 13:46:06
Information Theoretic Learning attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 haoxyz123 2011-1-5 0 2204 haoxyz123 2011-1-5 17:16:28
模式识别,机器学习经典著作(bishop--2006) attachment 机器学习 burstone 2009-8-10 1 3472 abaobao 2009-8-11 20:51:47



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