tag 标签: INCENTIVES经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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Political economy, information and incentives(Laffont) attachment 制度经济学 northernsnow 2007-12-23 4 2924 sht369 2022-12-8 19:27:00
[分享]拉丰的A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation attachment 国民经济管理 aipeng 2009-4-22 43 14052 三江鸿 2022-11-5 08:45:20
临床试验中的P-黑客行为及激励机制如何影响分布 各阶段的结果 外文文献专区 能者818 2022-3-8 0 230 能者818 2022-3-8 14:41:20
[感谢]《Incentives, Motivation and the Economics of Information 》 attachment 求助成功区 jiangzhongyu 2007-12-10 16 6168 Rachel59 2020-1-15 16:34:03
激励理论经典书籍 英文版 拉丰著 THE THEORY OF INCENTIVES:THE PRINCIPAL-AGENT MODEL attachment 微观经济学 蓝剑追风 2008-12-28 35 13055 kexinkeqing 2015-11-17 01:24:17
Can the Theory of Incentives Explain Decentralization? attachment 制度经济学 northernsnow 2007-12-24 0 2175 northernsnow 2012-1-5 17:16:33
Incentives in Markets, Firms and Governments attachment 宏观经济学 zhushiyou 2007-7-17 2 2329 巴山小雨 2011-12-12 12:16:29
Incentives in Markets, Firms and Governments attachment 国民经济管理 价格理论 2006-2-22 0 2233 价格理论 2011-10-14 18:40:03
求助:英文版An Introduction to the Economics of Information:Incentives and Contracts 制度经济学 liuhui8147 2007-6-10 6 6662 满分卷纸 2010-7-8 22:06:42
Unemployment Insurance Taxes and Cyclical Layoff Incentives attachment 劳动经济学 vanhongbin 2010-4-1 0 1017 vanhongbin 2010-4-1 09:57:59
Analysts' Incentives and the Dispersion Effect attachment 论文版 fushengbin 2009-12-15 1 1397 大大世界小小我 2009-12-15 22:53:38
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in China attachment 农林经济学 夸克之一 2009-10-24 0 1683 夸克之一 2009-10-24 00:04:30
Estimates of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives attachment 农林经济学 夸克之一 2009-10-23 0 2142 夸克之一 2009-10-23 20:54:09
Managerial incentives and firm efficiency attachment 论文版 flagship 2009-9-7 0 1254 flagship 2009-9-7 23:38:54
[求助]求“Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives“ 休闲灌水 WWW10457 2007-9-29 1 2193 hiderm 2009-4-23 22:07:00
求“Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives”论文 文献求助专区 lioan6560 2007-4-17 3 2264 hiderm 2009-4-23 22:06:00
Corporate Financial Structure and Managerial Incentives attachment 微观经济学 mirror989 2008-12-14 0 2384 mirror989 2008-12-14 02:20:00
Models of Capital Investments with Private Information and Incentives attachment 文献求助专区 noellxf 2008-10-18 0 1795 noellxf 2008-10-18 15:04:00
[求书]Enterprise Risk Management - From Incentives to Controls 原文书 文献求助专区 yawen0514 2008-2-1 4 4103 actubooks 2008-10-16 08:40:24
Returns to skills, incentives to study and optimal educational standards attachment 微观经济学 万寿宫出品 2008-3-4 0 1637 万寿宫出品 2008-3-4 20:45:00



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