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[下载]OPTIMAL CONTROL MODELS IN FINANCE : A New Computational Approach attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 hyperbola 2005-8-4 3 3255 三江鸿 2023-1-21 13:24:00
Optimal tariffs for trade in monopolistically competitive commodities attachment 求助成功区 mongk2000 2011-1-1 4 1309 gaoxinsynge 2013-4-26 00:33:42
[下载] Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control attachment 宏观经济学 tmdzhu 2009-8-7 16 4592 vic0111 2012-7-23 17:23:45
Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control pdf attachment 金融学(理论版) chinalin2002 2009-10-30 2 4072 cunxws 2012-7-13 20:14:17
[分享]Optimal Control Modes in Finance: A New Computational Approach attachment 金融学(理论版) yuepingintamu 2007-6-8 0 1924 yuepingintamu 2011-11-29 11:00:49
求文献Roger B. Myerson的Optimal coordination mechanisms in generalized principal–age attachment 微观经济学 azong1223 2007-5-30 2 2757 noteboo 2011-11-28 16:28:41
免费下载optimal risk managment using options attachment 金融学(理论版) floaten 2006-1-23 6 2329 cfa2005 2011-10-13 22:37:39
Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction(连续时间金融有关) attachment 金融学(理论版) lhq1982032 2005-5-11 0 1703 lhq1982032 2011-10-4 03:07:29
悬赏 为什么optimal scaling 过程出来的结果很多的缺失值? - [!reward_solved!] attach_img SPSS论坛 peijiamei 2009-8-3 7 2554 fengshucui 2010-5-21 14:05:07
求助文献optimal portfolio selection in a value-at-risk framework attachment 文献求助专区 lele09 2009-9-22 3 1671 sagassi 2010-4-6 15:59:33
An Introduction to Mathematical Optimal Control Theory attachment 经济金融数学专区 guof1984 2009-10-28 2 2140 zerana 2009-11-4 20:49:43
optimal statistical inference in financial engineering 2008 attachment 金融学(理论版) whiteheadsimo1 2009-10-22 1 1078 whiteheadsimo1 2009-10-22 08:40:58
Pathwise stochastic optimal control attachment 经济金融数学专区 shuyushu 2009-10-17 0 1469 shuyushu 2009-10-17 10:39:13
求optimal scaling与multidimensional scaling资料 SPSS论坛 sjg2645 2009-10-1 0 1738 sjg2645 2009-10-1 00:14:40
周兄进来下载吧:rules rather than discretion:the inconsistantce of optimal plans attachment 微观经济学 jangcho 2009-8-20 2 1613 jangcho 2009-8-20 18:34:11
[下载]Sethi: OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND INVESTMENT WITH BANKRUPTCY attachment 金融学(理论版) 081015042 2009-3-9 0 1771 081015042 2009-3-9 21:34:00
[求助]什么是the Optimal Current—Account 宏观经济学 xias000 2007-11-7 0 1705 xias000 2007-11-7 16:14:00
请教一关于求optimal risky portfolio的问题 金融学(理论版) vincent83829 2006-4-5 1 6709 stone_dl168 2006-4-5 12:27:00

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