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[Python]Learning Scrapy attach_img 量化投资 igs816 2016-2-18 112 12355 ybzou 2021-1-2 19:14:05
Think Bayes Bayesian Statistics in Python attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 SleepyTom 2016-2-21 3 1689 acedownload 2017-9-27 20:23:55
2016-6-27通过sas base考试 复习约15天 attachment SAS专版 谢舫 2016-6-29 11 7088 ztm0411 2017-5-15 11:26:50
SAS 2016.10.31 Base 机经 零零零基础4天突击95% attachment SAS专版 tjh。 2016-11-2 3 1319 victoriazhao828 2016-11-4 01:42:59
A Visual Explanation of the Back Propagation Algorithm for Neural Networks LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-6-27 1 914 20115326 2016-10-28 10:14:05
SAS ADV 93% PASS SAS专版 astroplaner 2016-9-22 3 1094 lynnwaters86 2016-10-17 11:21:15
求书籍推荐! attachment SAS专版 孙子6 2016-9-19 1 800 优秀的逗比 2016-9-19 15:23:44
MP3#Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-9-8 0 1379 cmwei333 2016-9-8 04:04:24
SAS base programing EXAM SAS专版 rwhysong 2016-8-30 0 1008 rwhysong 2016-8-30 15:41:27
求助,infile语句出现了错误,具体问题正文解释!!谢谢各位! attach_img SAS专版 民歌大联唱1 2016-8-18 2 1465 橙@nju 2016-8-18 23:25:08
【独家发布】【2016新书】Everydata: The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consum attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 牛尾巴 2016-7-19 14 1419 liufina 2016-8-13 01:01:56
刚开始学SAS,有个INPUT的问题 SAS专版 StartoVer2 2016-7-28 4 3128 StartoVer2 2016-7-29 11:10:27
A Visual Explanation of the Back Propagation Algorithm for Neural Networks LATEX论坛 oliyiyi 2016-6-26 0 734 oliyiyi 2016-6-26 18:01:01
SAS BASE 北美06/11/2016 98%通过 回馈坛友 SAS专版 stevensugar 2016-6-12 4 2017 zhonghuanbu 2016-6-14 22:02:26
求助:The little SAS book中文版 SAS专版 xiaoxiao845 2016-5-16 2 1473 琴帝灬梦醒 2016-5-17 09:32:33
The Theory of Entrepreneurship: Creating and Sustaining Entrepreneurial Value attach_img 企业文化 newever 2016-5-9 1 863 newever 2016-5-9 11:06:39
The Theory of Entrepreneurship Creating and Sustaining Entrepreneurial Value attach_img 金融学(理论版) cheeko 2016-5-8 2 1052 sofree 2016-5-8 21:49:22
2016.4.14 北美 SAS BASE 一周复习PASS SAS专版 wzdmnjcc 2016-4-15 3 2709 357787847lxl 2016-4-20 21:26:24
【Lecture Notes】Practical Machine Learning,University of Maryland winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2016-1-31 11 2203 hjtoh 2016-1-31 08:59:46
[每日一句] 外语学习 LIXUANHANK 2015-12-12 2 810 晓七 2015-12-14 01:17:02

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