《Analysis and Optimization of Aperture Design in Computational Imaging》
Adam Yedidia, Christos Thrampoulidis, Gregory Wornell
一级分类:Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 电气工程与系统科学
二级分类:Image and Video Processing 图像和视频处理
分类描述:Theory, algorithms, and architectures for the formation, capture, processing, communication, analysis, and display of images, video, and multidimensional signals in a wide variety of applications. Topics of interest include: mathematical, statistical, and perceptual image and video modeling and representation; linear and nonlinear filtering, de-blurring, enhancement, restoration, and reconstruction from degraded, low-resolution or tomographic data; lossless and lossy compression and coding; segmentation, alignment, and recognition; image rendering, visualization, and printing; computational imaging, including ultrasound, tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging; and image and video analysis, synthesis, storage, search and retrieval.
一级分类:Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 电气工程与系统科学
二级分类:Signal Processing 信号处理
分类描述:Theory, algorithms, performance analysis and applications of signal and data analysis, including physical modeling, processing, detection and parameter estimation, learning, mining, retrieval, and information extraction. The term "signal" includes speech, audio, sonar, radar, geophysical, physiological, (bio-) medical, image, video, and multimodal natural and man-made signals, including communication signals and data. Topics of interest include: statistical signal processing, spectral estimation and system identification; filter design, adaptive filtering / stochastic learning; (compressive) sampling, sensing, and transform-domain methods including fast algorithms; signal processing for machine learning and machine learning for signal processing applications; in-network and graph signal processing; convex and nonconvex optimization methods for signal processing applications; radar, sonar, and sensor array beamforming and direction finding; communications signal processing; low power, multi-core and system-on-chip signal processing; sensing, communication, analysis and optimization for cyber-physical systems such as power grids and the Internet of Things.
There is growing interest in the use of coded aperture imaging systems for a variety of applications. Using an analysis framework based on mutual information, we examine the fundamental limits of such systems---and the associated optimum aperture coding---under simple but meaningful propagation and sensor models. Among other results, we show that when thermal noise dominates, spectrally-flat masks, which have 50% transmissivity, are optimal, but that when shot noise dominates, randomly generated masks with lower transmissivity offer greater performance. We also provide comparisons to classical pinhole cameras.