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关键词:Databook Energy ENERG EXCEL Taboo China EXCEL

hdjglijing 发表于 2011-9-26 23:18:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


hdjglijing 发表于 2011-9-26 23:22:14 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
[外国] China Energy Databook v.6 (Excel 版)
数据系列时间跨度: 1949-2003


Chapter 1, Energy Reserves and Resources

Table 1B.1. Energy Resources for Selected Countries, 1999

Table 1B.2. Energy Reserves for Selected Countries, 1999

Table 1B.3. Coal Resources by Type of Coal, End of 1995

Table 1B.4. Estimated Coal Resources by Province and Type, 1995

Table 1B.5. Sulfur Content and Distribution of Coal by Type and Region, 1995

Table 1B.6. Oil Resources and Proved Reserves by Basin, 1999

Table 1B.7. Natural Gas Resources and Proved Reserves by Basin, 1999

Table 1B.8. Exploitable Hydropower Resources by Province, 1980

Chapter 2, Energy Production

Table 2A.1.1 Primary Energy Production

Table 2A.1.2 Primary Energy Production

Table 2A.1.3 Primary Energy Production

Table 2A.1.4 Primary Energy Production

Table 2A.1.5 Primary Energy Production

Table 2A.2.1 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.2 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.3 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.4 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.5 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.6 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.2.7 Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source

Table 2A.3.1 Net Coal Production by Province

Table 2A.4.1 Gross Electricity Generation

Table 2A.4.2 Gross Electricity Generation

Table 2B.1. Raw Coal Production by Producer

Table 2B.2. Raw Coal Production by Type of Coal

Table 2B.3. Sulfur Content of China's Commodity Coal by Region

Table 2B.4. Characteristics of Chinese Steam Coal

Table 2B.5. Major Coal Mining Enterprises

Table 2B.6. Coal Mine Safety: Mining Deaths

Table 2B.7. Coal Mine Safety: Fatal Mining Accidents

Table 2B.8. Coke Production

Table 2B.9. Coking Coal Used in Coke Production

Table 2B.10. Production of Washed Coal

Table 2B.11. China's Crude Oil Production by Oilfield

Table 2B.12. Selected Technical Indicators of Crude Oil Production

Table 2B.13. Petroleum Products

Table 2B.14. Natural Gas Production by Source

Table 2B.15. Electricity Generation and Consumption

Table 2B.16. Electricity Generation Capacity

Table 2B.17. Installed Thermal Generation Capacity

Table 2B.18. Installed Generation Capacity by Region and Type of Turbine

Table 2B.19. National Average Capacity Factors for Electric Power Generation

Table 2B.20. Installed Capacity and Performance of Large Power Networks

Table 2B.21. Thermal Power Generation and Capacity by Plant Size

Table 2B.22 Principal Thermal Power Plants 600 MW and Over

Table 2B.23. Generation by Self-Producers

Table 2B.24. Hydropower Generation and Capacity by Plant Size

Table 2B.25. Principal Hydropower Plants 250 MW and over

Table 2B.26. Location of Large Hydropower Stations (>1GW) in Operation and Under Construction

Table 2B.27. Small Hydropower Plant Capacity by Size and Province

Table 2B.28. Coverage of Rural Electric Grids by Region

Table 2B.29. Coverage of Rural Electric Grids

Table 2B.30. Transportation of Coal and Oil

Table 2B.31. Interprovincial Coal Transfers via Railway

Table 2B.32. Indices of Five Major Pipelines

Table 2B.33. Indices of Crude Oil Pipelines

Table 2B.34. Indices of Oil Product Pipelines

Table 2B.35. Indices of Gas Pipelines

Table 2B.36. Renewable Energy Production

Table 2B.37. Wind Farms: Units and Capacity

Chapter 3, Energy Industry Investment

Table 3B.1. Total Investment by Ownership of Enterprise

Table 3B.2. Total Energy Industry Investment by Ownership and by Subsector

Table 3B.3. Investment in State-Owned Units: Total and Capital Construction Compared to Energy Industry Investment

Table 3B.4. Total Energy Industry Investment in State-Owned Units by Subsector

Table 3B.5. Energy Industry Capital Construction Investment in State-Owned Units by Subsector

Table 3B.6. Energy Industry Technical Updating & Transformation Investment by Subsector and Purpose

Table 3B.7. Total Technical Updating and Transformation Investment by Investment Category

Table 3B.8. Capital Construction Investment in Energy Conservation

Table 3B.9. Energy Conservation Investments

Table 3B.10. Completed Energy Conservation Capital Construction Projects

Table 3B.11. Investments in Energy Conservation Technical Updating and Transformation Demonstration Projects

Table 3B.12. Newly Increased Production Capacity of State-Owned Enterprises

Table 3B.13. Investment Goods Deflators

Chapter 4, Energy Consumption

Table 4A.1.1. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.1.2. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.1.3. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.1.4. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.1.5. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.1.6. Primary Energy Consumption   

Table 4A.2.1. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source, 1999  

Table 4A.2.1a. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source, 2002

Table 4A.2.2. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source

Table 4A.3.1. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Type, 2002      

Table 4A.3.2. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Type, 2002      

Table 4A.4.1. End-Use Energy Consumption by Sector     

Table 4A.4.2. End-Use Energy Consumption by Sector     

Table 4A.5.1. Industrial End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type   

Table 4A.5.2. Industrial End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type  

Table 4A.6.1. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1995   

Table 4A.6.2. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1996   

Table 4A.6.3. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1997   


hdjglijing 发表于 2011-9-26 23:23:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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